How To Install 0ad on Fedora 34
0ad is Cross-Platform RTS Game of Ancient Warfare
How to install application on Fedora 34
0ad is Cross-Platform RTS Game of Ancient Warfare
2ping is Bi-directional ping utility
3Depict is Valued 3D point cloud visualization and analysis
3mux is Terminal multiplexer inspired by i3
3proxy is Tiny but very powerful proxy
4Pane is Multi-pane, detailed-list file manager
4th is A Forth compiler A Forth compiler
4ti2 is Algebraic, geometric and combinatorial problems on linear spaces
5minute is Give me an instance of mine image on OpenStack. Hurry!
64tass is 6502 assembler
0xFFFF is The Open Free Fiasco Firmware Flasher
7kaa is Seven Kingdoms
8sync is Asynchronous programming library for GNU Guile
9pfs is Plan9 filesystem server
9wm is Emulation of the Plan 9 window manager 8 1/2
a2jmidid is Daemon for exposing ALSA sequencer applications in JACK MIDI system
a2ps is Converts text and other types of files to PostScript Converts text and other types of files to PostScript
a52dec is Small test program for liba52
aalib is ASCII art library
abc is Sequential logic synthesis and formal verification
abcde is A Better CD Encoder
abcm2ps is A program to typeset ABC tunes into Postscript
abcMIDI is ABC to/from MIDI conversion utilities
abduco is Session management in a clean and simple way
abe is Scrolling, platform-jumping, ancient pyramid exploring game
abiword is Word processing program
abook is Text-based addressbook program for mutt
abootimg is Tool for manipulating Android boot images
abrt is Automatic bug detection and reporting tool
accerciser is Interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop
accountsservice is D-Bus interfaces for querying and manipulating user account information
aces_container is ACES Container Reference ACES Container Reference
AcetoneISO is CD/DVD Image Manipulator
ack is Grep-like text finder
acl is Access control list utilities
acpi is Command-line ACPI client
acpid is ACPI Event Daemon
acpitool is Command line ACPI client
act is Automatic Component Toolkit
actdiag is Actdiag generates activity-diagram images from text
adanaxisgpl is Action game in four spatial dimensions
adcli is Active Directory enrollment
Add64 is An additive synthesizer using JACK
addrwatch is Monitoring IPv4/IPv6 and Ethernet address pairings
adime is Allegro Dialogs Made Easy Allegro Dialogs Made Easy
adjtimex is A utility for adjusting kernel time variables
admesh is Diagnose and/or repair problems with STereo Lithography files
admeshgui is STL viewer and manipulation tool
adns is Advanced, easy to use, asynchronous-capable DNS client library Advanced, easy to use, asynchronous-capable DNS client library
adplug is Software library for AdLib (OPL2/3) emulation Software library for AdLib (OPL2/3) emulation
advancecomp is Recompression utilities for png, mng, zip and gz files
aerc is Email client for your terminal
aeskeyfind is Locate 128-bit and 256-bit AES keys in a captured memory image
aespipe is AES-based encryption tool for tar/cpio and loop-aes imagemore
afflib is Library to support the Advanced Forensic Format Library to support the Advanced Forensic Format
afftools is Utilities for afflib
afterburn is Simple cloud provider agent
afuse is An automounter implemented with FUSE
Agda is A dependently typed functional programming language and proof assistant
age is Simple, modern and secure encryption tool
agedu is An utility for tracking down wasted disk space
agenda is A simple, slick, speedy and no-nonsense task manager
aggregate is IPv4 CIDR prefix aggregator
agistudio is AGI integrated development environment
AGReader is Console reader for viewing AmigaGuide files
agrep is Approximate grep utility
ags is Engine for creating and running videogames of adventure (quest) genre
aha is Convert terminal output to HTML
ahcpd is Ad-hoc network configuration daemon
ahven is A unit testing framework for Ada 95 A unit testing framework for Ada 95
aide is Intrusion detection environment
aiksaurus is An English-language thesaurus library An English-language thesaurus library
aime is An application embeddable programming language interpreter An application embeddable programming language interpreter
aiodnsbrute is DNS asynchronous brute force utility
airinv is C++ Simulated Airline Inventory Management System library C++ Simulated Airline Inventory Management System library
airnef is Wireless download from your Nikon/Canon Camera
airrac is C++ Simulated Revenue Accounting (RAC) System Library C++ Simulated Revenue Accounting (RAC) System Library
airspyone_host is AirSpy host tools and library AirSpy host tools and library
airtsp is C++ Simulated Airline Travel Solution Provider Library C++ Simulated Airline Travel Solution Provider Library
airtv is Qt GUI to start a RAOP server
aisleriot is A collection of card games
akmods is Automatic kmods build and install tool
akonadi is PIM Storage Service Libraries PIM Storage Service Libraries
akonadiconsole is Akonadi developer tool Akonadi developer tool
akregator is Feed Reader
alacarte is Menu editor for the GNOME desktop
alacritty is Fast, cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator
aldo is A morse tutor
alembic is Open framework for storing and sharing scene data Open framework for storing and sharing scene data
alevt is Teletext decoder/browser
alex is Tool for generating lexical analysers in Haskell
alex4 is Alex the Allegator 4 - Platform game
alexandria is Book collection manager
alfont is Font rendering library for the Allegro game library Font rendering library for the Allegro game library
alglib is A numerical analysis and data processing library A numerical analysis and data processing library
algobox is Algorithmic software
alien is Converter between the rpm, dpkg, stampede slp, and Slackware tgz file formats
alienarena is Multiplayer retro sci-fi deathmatch game
alienblaster is Action-loaded 2D arcade shooter game
alleggl is OpenGL support library for Allegro OpenGL support library for Allegro
allegro is A game programming library A game programming library
allegro5 is A game programming library A game programming library
AllegroOGG is Ogg library for use with the Allegro game library Ogg library for use with the Allegro game library
alleyoop is Graphical front-end to the Valgrind memory checker for x86
alliance is VLSI EDA System VLSI EDA System
alligator is Kirigami-based RSS reader
almanah is Application for keeping an encrypted diary
alot is Experimental terminal MUA based on notmuch mail
alpine is powerful, easy to use console email client
alsamixergui is GUI mixer for ALSA sound devices
altermime is Alter MIME-encoded mailpacks
alure is Audio Library Tools REloaded Audio Library Tools REloaded
amanda is A network-capable tape backup solution
amanith is Crossplatform framework for 2d/3d vector graphics Crossplatform framework for 2d/3d vector graphics
amarok is Media player
amavis is Email filter with virus scanner and spamassassin support
aml is Another Main Loop Another Main Loop
amoebax is Action-Puzzle Game
amor is Amusing misuse of resources
amora is A mobile remote assistant
ampache_browser is C++ and Qt based client library for Ampache access C++ and Qt based client library for Ampache access
amprd is An user-space IPIP encapsulation daemon for the ampr network
ampy is Command line tool to interact with a MicroPython board over a serial connection
ams is Alsa Modular Synth, a realtime modular synthesizer
amsynth is A classic synthesizer with dual oscillators
amtk is Actions, Menus and Toolbars Kit for GTK+ applications Actions, Menus and Toolbars Kit for GTK+ applications
amtterm is Serial-over-lan (sol) client for Intel AMT
anaconda is Graphical system installer
analitza is Library of mathematical features Library of mathematical features
andriller is Android Forensic Tools
androguard is Reverse engineering, mal- or goodware analysis of Android applications
androwarn is Static code analyzer for malicious Android applications
anet is Ada Networking Library Ada Networking Library
angelscript is Flexible cross-platform scripting library Flexible cross-platform scripting library
anjuta is GNOME IDE for various programming languages (including C/C++, Python, Vala and JavaScript) GNOME IDE for various programming languages (including C/C++, Python, Vala and JavaScript)
anki is Flashcard program for using space repetition learning
ann is Library for searching Approximate Nearest Neighbors
annobin is Annotate and examine compiled binary files
anope is IRC services designed for flexibility and ease of use
ansible is SSH-based configuration management, deployment, and task execution system
ansifilter is ANSI terminal escape code converter
ant is Java build tool
anthy is Japanese character set input library Japanese character set input library
antic is Algebraic Number Theory In C Algebraic Number Theory In C
antimicrox is Graphical program used to map keyboard buttons and mouse controls to a gamepad Graphical program used to map keyboard buttons and mouse controls to a gamepad
antiword is MS Word to ASCII/Postscript converter
antlr4 is Parser generator (ANother Tool for Language Recognition)
antlrworks is Grammar development environment for ANTLR v3 grammars
ants is Guide the insects safely home before they drop of the cliff
anyremote is Remote control through Wi-Fi or bluetooth connection
anyterm is A web-based terminal emulator
aoetools is ATA over Ethernet Tools
aom is Royalty-free next-generation video format
aopalliance is Java/J2EE AOP standards
apachetop is A top-like display of Apache logs
apbs is Adaptive Poisson Boltzmann Solver
apcupsd is APC UPS Power Control Daemon
apg is Automated Password Generator for random password generation
apiguardian is API Guardian Java annotation
apitrace is Tools for tracing OpenGL
apmd is Advanced Power Management (APM) BIOS utilities for laptops
apostrophe is Distraction free Markdown editor for GNU/Linux made with GTK+
appeditor is Edit application menu
appres is X11 utility to print application resources
apprise is Apprise CLI Tool
appstream is Utilities to generate, maintain and access the AppStream database Utilities to generate, maintain and access the AppStream database
apr is Apache Portable Runtime library Apache Portable Runtime library
apricots is 2D air combat game
apron is Numerical abstract domain library Numerical abstract domain library
aprsd is Internet gateway and client access to amateur radio APRS packet data
aprsdigi is AX.25 Automatic Position Reporting System
apt is Command-line package manager for Debian packages
apvlv is PDF viewer which behaves like Vim
apx is QIX clone, cut into and claim the square area
aqbanking is A library for online banking functions and financial data import/export A library for online banking functions and financial data import/export
aqemu is A QT graphical interface to QEMU and KVM
aqsis is Open source 3D rendering solution adhering to the RenderMan standard
aquatone is Tool for Domain Flyovers
ara is Records Ansible playbooks and makes them easier to understand and troubleshoot
arandr is Simple GTK+ XRandR GUI
arb is Arbitrary-precision floating point ball arithmetic Arbitrary-precision floating point ball arithmetic
arbor is Multi-compartment neural network simulation library Multi-compartment neural network simulation library
arc is Arc archiver
archivemount is FUSE based filesystem for mounting compressed archives
ardour6 is Digital Audio Workstation
arduino is An IDE for Arduino-compatible electronics prototyping platforms
argbash is Bash argument parsing code generator
argon2 is The password-hashing tools
args4j is Java command line arguments parser
argtable is Cross platform C library for parsing GNU style command line arguments Cross platform C library for parsing GNU style command line arguments
argus is Network transaction audit tool
argyllcms is ICC compatible color management system ICC compatible color management system
aria2 is High speed download utility with resuming and segmented downloading
arj is Archiver for .arj files
ark is Archive manager
armadillo is Fast C++ matrix library with syntax similar to MATLAB and Octave Fast C++ matrix library with syntax similar to MATLAB and Octave
aron is Tool to find hidden GET & POST parameters
arora is A cross platform web browser
arpack is Fortran 77 subroutines for solving large scale eigenvalue problems Fortran 77 subroutines for solving large scale eigenvalue problems
arpage is A JACK MIDI arpeggiator
ArpON is ARP handler inspection
arprec is Software package for performing arbitrary precision arithmetic Software package for performing arbitrary precision arithmetic
arpwatch is Network monitoring tools for tracking IP addresses on a network
arrows is Neat little maze game
artifacts is Collection of digital forensic artifacts
artikulate is Improve your pronunciation by listening to native speakers
arts is aRts (analog realtime synthesizer) - the KDE sound system aRts (analog realtime synthesizer) - the KDE sound system
asc is Advanced Strategic Command
ascii is Interactive ascii name and synonym chart
asciidoc is Text based document generation
asciinema is Terminal session recorder
asciio is Draw ascii art quickly and easily!
asciiquarium is ASCII art aquarium/sea animation
asdcplib is AS-DCP file access libraries
asl is Macro Assembler AS
asm6809 is Multiple pass 6809 & 6309 cross assembler
asn1c is An ASN.1 Compiler
asnip is ASN detail retriever
aspell is Spell checker Spell checker
assert_cli is Test CLI Applications
assetfinder is Find domains and subdomains related to a given domain
assimp is Library to import various 3D model formats into applications Library to import various 3D model formats into applications
ast is A Library for Handling World Coordinate Systems in Astronomy A Library for Handling World Coordinate Systems in Astronomy
asterisk is The Open Source PBX The Open Source PBX
astromenace is Hardcore 3D space shooter with spaceship upgrade possibilities
astrometry is Blind astrometric calibration of arbitrary astronomical images
astyle is Source code formatter for C-like programming languages Source code formatter for C-like programming languages
asunder is A graphical Audio CD ripper and encoder
asv is Airspeed Velocity
asylum is Game involving shooting anything that moves & collecting others
asymptote is Descriptive vector graphics language
at is Job spooling tools
atanks is Remake of a classic DOS game “Scorched Earth”
atari++ is Unix based emulator of the Atari eight bit computers
atari800 is An emulator of 8-bit Atari personal computers
atasm is 6502 cross-assembler
aterm is Afterstep XVT, VT102 emulator for the X Window system
atinject is Dependency injection specification for Java (JSR-330)
atinout is AT commands as input are sent to modem and responses given as output
atk is Interfaces for accessibility support Interfaces for accessibility support
atkmm is C++ interface for the ATK library C++ interface for the ATK library
atlas is Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software
AtomicParsley is Command-line program to read and set MPEG-4 tags compatible with iPod/iTunes
atomix is Puzzle game
atomorun is Jump & Run game where you have to flee an exploding nuclear bomb
atool is A perl script for managing file archives of various types
atop is An advanced interactive monitor to view the load on system and process level
atril is Document viewer
attica is Implementation of the Open Collaboration Services API Implementation of the Open Collaboration Services API
attr is Utilities for managing filesystem extended attributes
aubio is An audio labeling tool
audacious is Advanced audio player
audacity is Multitrack audio editor
audex is Audio ripper
audiofile is Library for accessing various audio file formats Library for accessing various audio file formats
audit is User space tools for kernel auditing
augeas is A library for changing configuration files
aunit is Unit test framework for Ada Unit test framework for Ada
auriferous is Game inspired by the classic Loderunner
AusweisApp2 is Online identification with German ID card (Personalausweis)
auter is Prepare and apply updates
authd is A RFC 1413 ident protocol daemon
authselect is Configures authentication and identity sources from supported profiles
auto is Collection of source code generators for Java
autoarchive is Simple backup tool that uses tar
autoconf is A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code
autoconf213 is A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code
autodocksuite is AutoDock is a suite of docking tools to study protein-ligand interaction
autodownloader is GUI-tool to automate the download of certain files
autofs is A tool for automatically mounting and unmounting filesystems
autogen is Automated text file generator
autojump is A fast way to navigate your filesystem from the command line
automake is A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles
automaton is A Java finite state automata/regular expression library
automoc is Automatic moc for Qt 4
autossh is Utility to autorestart SSH tunnels
autotrace is Utility for converting bitmaps to vector graphics Utility for converting bitmaps to vector graphics
avahi is Local network service discovery Local network service discovery
avarice is Program for interfacing the Atmel JTAG ICE to GDB
avgtime is Time a command and print average, standard deviation
avl is Aerodynamic and flight-dynamic analysis of rigid aircrafts
avogadro is An advanced molecular editor for chemical purposes
avogadro2 is Advanced molecular editor
avoision is Arcade style game of evade and capture
avra is Atmel AVR assembler
avrdude is Software for programming Atmel AVR Microcontroller
awake is A command to ‘wake on LAN’ a remote host
awesfx is Utility programs for the AWE32/Emu10k1 sound driver
awesome is Highly configurable, framework window manager for X. Fast, light and extensible
aws is Ada Web Server Ada Web Server
awscli is Universal Command Line Environment for AWS
awstats is Advanced Web Statistics
axel is Light command line download accelerator for Linux and Unix
axmail is UROnode addon - an SMTP mailbox
azote is Wallpaper and color manager for Sway, i3 and some other WMs
azove is Another Zero-One Vertex Enumeration tool
babel is Tools for internationalizing Python applications
babeld is Ad-hoc network routing daemon
babeltrace is Trace Viewer and Converter, mainly for the Common Trace Format
babeltrace2 is A trace manipulation toolkit
babl is A dynamic, any to any, pixel format conversion library A dynamic, any to any, pixel format conversion library
backupninja is Lightweight, extensible backup system
BackupPC is High-performance backup system
badchars is HEX bad char generator for different programming languages
badvpn is Peer-to-peer VPN solution
badwolf is Web Browser which aims at security and privacy over usability
bakefile is A cross-platform, cross-compiler native makefiles generator
balance is TCP load-balancing proxy server with round robin and failover mechanisms
ballbuster is Move the paddle to bounce the ball and break all the bricks
ballerburg is Two players, two castles, and a hill in between
ballz is B.A.L.L.Z. - platform/puzzle game where you control a rolling ball
balsa is Mail Client
bam is A build-system
bamf is Application matching framework Application matching framework
bandit is A framework for performing security analysis of Python source code
banner is Prints a short string to the console in very large letters
bannergrab is A banner grabbing tool
baobab is A graphical directory tree analyzer
barcode is Generates barcodes from text strings Generates barcodes from text strings
BareBonesBrowserLaunch is Simple library to launch a browser window from Java
bareftp is File transfer client supporting the FTP, FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS) and SSH
baresip is Modular SIP user-agent with audio and video support
barman is Backup and Recovery Manager for PostgreSQL
barrage is Kill and destroy as many targets as possible within 3 minutes
barrier is Use a single keyboard and mouse to control multiple computers
base100 is Encode your data into emoji
bashmount is A menu-driven bash script for mounting removable media
bastet is An evil falling bricks game
bat is cat(1) clone with wings
batctl is B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced control and management tool
batik is Scalable Vector Graphics for Java
bats is Bash Automated Testing System
battray is Tool for displaying a laptop’s battery status in the system traiy
bbkeys is Completely configurable key-combo grabber for blackbox
bc is GNU’s bc (a numeric processing language) and dc (a calculator)
bcal is Storage conversion and expression calculator
bcc is BPF Compiler Collection (BCC)
bcd is Bayesian Collaborative Denoiser for Monte-Carlo Rendering Bayesian Collaborative Denoiser for Monte-Carlo Rendering
bcel is Byte Code Engineering Library
bcftools is Tools for genomic variant calling and manipulating VCF/BCF files
bcg729 is Opensource implementation of the G.729 codec Opensource implementation of the G.729 codec
bchunk is CD image format converter from .bin/.cue to .iso/.cdr
bcrypt is File encryption utility
bdep is build2 project dependency manager
bdf2psf is Generate console fonts from BDF source fonts
bdftopcf is Font compiler for the X server and font server
bdii is The Berkeley Database Information Index (BDII)
bdsync is Remote sync for block devices
beakerlib is A shell-level integration testing library
beansbinding is Beans Binding (JSR 295) reference implementation
beanstalkd is A simple, fast work-queue service
bear is Tool that generates a compilation database for clang tooling
beecrypt is An open source cryptography library An open source cryptography library
beediff is Visual tool for comparing and merging files
beep is Beep the PC speaker any number of ways
beesu is Graphical wrapper for su
beets is Music library manager and MusicBrainz tagger
below is Interactive tool to view and record historical system data
bemenu is Dynamic menu library and client program inspired by dmenu Dynamic menu library and client program inspired by dmenu
bench is Command-line benchmark tool
berry is Modern and light image viewer
berusky is Sokoban clone
berusky2 is Sokoban clone
bes is Back-end server software framework for OPeNDAP Back-end server software framework for OPeNDAP
bettercap is Tool for 802.11, BLE and Ethernet reconnaissance and MITM attacks
bfast is Blat-like Fast Accurate Search Tool
bgpdump is MRT file reader for handling BGP related data
bgpq3 is Automate BGP filter generation based on routing database information
bgpq4 is Automate BGP filter generation based on routing database information
bib2html is Converting bibTeX file to HTML
biber is Command-line bibliographic manager, BibTeX replacement
biblesync is A Cross-platform library for sharing Bible navigation A Cross-platform library for sharing Bible navigation
bibletime is An easy to use Bible study tool
biboumi is An XMPP gateway that connects to IRC servers
bibtex2html is Collection of tools for translating from BibTeX to HTML
BibTool is A Tool for manipulating BibTeX data bases
bibutils is Bibliography conversion tools
bicon is Bidirectional Console Bidirectional Console
bidiv is Display logical Hebrew on unidirectional terminals
bigloo is A compiler for the Scheme programming language
bijiben is Simple Note Viewer
biloba is A tactical board game
binaryen is Compiler and toolchain infrastructure library for WebAssembly
binclock is Fullscreen console binary clock
bind is The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) DNS (Domain Name System) server
bindfs is Fuse filesystem to mirror a directory
bindgen is Automatically generates Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries
biniax is A unique arcade logic game
binutils is A GNU collection of binary utilities A GNU collection of binary utilities
binwalk is Firmware analysis tool
bio2jack is A library for porting blocked io(OSS/ALSA) applications to jack A library for porting blocked io(OSS/ALSA) applications to jack
bionetgen is Software for rule-based modeling of biochemical systems
biosdevname is Udev helper for naming devices per BIOS names
biosig4c++ is A software library for processing of biomedical signals A software library for processing of biomedical signals
bird is BIRD Internet Routing Daemon
bison is A GNU general-purpose parser generator
BitchX is IrcII chat client
bitlbee is IRC to other chat networks gateway IRC to other chat networks gateway
bitmap is Bitmaps editor and converter utilities for the X Window System
bkhive is Dump the syskey bootkey from a Windows system hive
black is The uncompromising code formatter
blackbox is Very small and fast Window Manager Very small and fast Window Manager
blas is The Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms library The Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms library
blas64 is The Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms library (64bit INTEGER)
blas64_ is The Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms library (64bit INTEGER)
bleachbit is Remove sensitive data and free up disk space
blender is 3D modeling, animation, rendering and post-production
bless is High quality, full featured hex editor
bletchmame is MAME emulator frontend
blinken is Memory Enhancement Game
blis is BLAS-like Library Instantiation Software Framework BLAS-like Library Instantiation Software Framework
bliss is Compute automorphism groups and canonical labelings of graphs
blitz is C++ class library for matrix scientific computing C++ class library for matrix scientific computing
blktrace is Utilities for performing block layer IO tracing in the Linux kernel
bloaty is A size profiler for binaries
blobwars is Mission and Objective based 2D Platform Game
blockdiag is Generate block-diagram images from text
BlockOutII is A free adaptation of the original BlockOut DOS game
blogilo is Blogging Client
blosc is High performance compressor optimized for binary data High performance compressor optimized for binary data
blsctl is Manages BLS entries and kernel cmdline options
blt is Widget extension to the Tcl/Tk scripting language
bltk is The BLTK measures notebook battery life under any workload
blueberry is Bluetooth configuration tool
bluedevil is Bluetooth stack for KDE Bluetooth stack for KDE
bluefish is Web development application for experienced users
blueman is GTK+ Bluetooth Manager
bluez is Bluetooth utilities
bmake is The NetBSD make(1) tool
bmon is Bandwidth monitor and rate estimator
bochs is Portable x86 PC emulator
bodr is Blue Obelisk Data Repository
bogl is A terminal program for displaying Unicode on the console A terminal program for displaying Unicode on the console
bogofilter is Fast anti-spam filtering by Bayesian statistical analysis
bolt is Thunderbolt device manager
boltdb is Embedded key/value database for Go
bolzplatz2006 is Slam Soccer 2006 is a funny football game in 3D-comic-style
bombardier is The GNU Bombing utility
bomber is Arcade bombing game
bonnie++ is Filesystem and disk benchmark & burn-in suite
bontmia is Backup over network to multiple incremental archives
booksorg is Books Organizer
bookworm is Simple, focused eBook reader
boomaga is A virtual printer for viewing a document before printing
boost is The free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries The free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
booth is Ticket Manager for Multi-site Clusters
bootupd is Bootloader updater
borgbackup is A deduplicating backup program with compression and authenticated encryption
borgmatic is Simple Python wrapper script for borgbackup
boswars is Bos Wars is a futuristic real-time strategy game
botan is Crypto library written in C++ Crypto library written in C++
botan2 is Crypto and TLS for C++11 Crypto and TLS for C++11
bottles is Easily manage Wine prefix in a new way
bouncycastle is Bouncy Castle Cryptography APIs for Java
bournal is Write personal, password-protected journal entries
bovo is Five in a row game
bowtie is An ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner
bowtie2 is An ultra fast and memory-efficient read aligner
Box2D is A 2D Physics Engine for Games A 2D Physics Engine for Games
boxes is Draw any kind of box around some given text
bpfmon is Traffic monitor for BPF expression/iptables rule
bpftool is Inspection and simple manipulation of eBPF programs and maps
bpftrace is High-level tracing language for Linux eBPF
bpkg is build2 package dependency manager
bpytop is Linux/OSX/FreeBSD resource monitor
brainfuck is Brainfuck interpreter
brasero is Gnome CD/DVD burning application
brazil is Extremely small footprint Java HTTP stack
brd is Scans directories and files for damage due to decay of storage medium
breezy is Friendly distributed version control system
brewtarget is An open source beer recipe creation tool
brial is Framework for Boolean Rings Framework for Boolean Rings
brightlight is CLI tool to change screen back-light brightness
brightnessctl is Read and control device brightness
brise is The official Rime schema repository
bristol is Synthesizer emulator Synthesizer emulator
brlapi is Application Programming Interface for BRLTTY Application Programming Interface for BRLTTY
brltty is Braille display driver for Linux/Unix
brotli is Lossless compression algorithm Lossless compression algorithm
brutalchess is Chess game with impressive 3D graphics
bsdcat is Expand files to standard output
bsdcpio is Copy files to and from archives
bsdiff is Binary diff/patch utility
bsdtar is Manipulate tape archives
bsf is Bean Scripting Framework
bsfilter is Bayesian spam filter
bsh is Lightweight Scripting for Java
bsp is The most popular node builder for Doom
bspwm is A tiling window manager based on binary space partitioning
btbuilder is Turn based role-playing game builder and engine
btest is A Simple Driver for Basic Unit Tests
bti is Bash Twitter Idiocy
btkbdd is Bluetooth keyboard service
btrbk is Tool for creating snapshots and remote backups of btrfs sub-volumes
btrfsmaintenance is Scripts for btrfs maintenance tasks
bubblemail is Extensible mail notification service
bubblemon is A system monitoring dockapp
bubblewrap is Core execution tool for unprivileged containers
bucardo is Postgres replication system for both multi-master and multi-slave operations
buffer is This program speeds up writing tapes on remote tape drives
bugzilla is Bug tracking system
bugzilla2fedmsg is Consume BZ messages over STOMP and republish to Fedora Messaging
build2 is Cross-platform build toolchain for developing and packaging C++ code
buildah is A command line tool used for creating OCI Images
buildbot is Build/test automation system
buildstream is Build/integrate software stacks
buku is Powerful command-line bookmark manager
bullet is 3D Collision Detection and Rigid Body Dynamics Library 3D Collision Detection and Rigid Body Dynamics Library
bumpversion is Version-bump your software with a single command
bustle is Draw sequence diagrams of D-Bus traffic
busybox is Statically linked binary providing simplified versions of system commands
butane is Butane config transpiler
butt is Broadcast using this tool
buttermanager is Tool for managing Btrfs snapshots, balancing filesystems and more
bvi is Display-oriented editor for binary files
bwa is Burrows-Wheeler Alignment tool
bwbar is Generate a readout of the current bandwidth use
bwidget is Extended widget set for Tk
byacc is Berkeley Yacc, a parser generator
byaccj is Parser Generator with Java Extension
byobu is Light-weight, configurable window manager built upon GNU screen
bytelist is A java library for lists of bytes
byteman is Java agent-based bytecode injection tool
byzanz is A desktop recorder
bzflag is 3D multi-player tank battle game
bzip2 is A file compression utility
c2esp is CUPS driver for Kodak AiO printers
cab is Maintenance command for Haskell cabal packages
cabextract is Utility for extracting cabinet (.cab) archives
cachefilesd is CacheFiles user-space management daemon
cacti is An rrd based graphing tool
cadaver is Command-line WebDAV client
caddy is Web server with automatic HTTPS
Cadence is A set of tools useful for audio production
cadical is Simplified SAT solver
cadvisor is Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers
caffeine is High performance, near optimal caching library based on Java 8
cage is A Wayland kiosk
cagibi is SSDP (UPnP discovery) cache/proxy daemon
cairo is A 2D graphics library A 2D graphics library
cairomm is C++ API for the cairo graphics library C++ API for the cairo graphics library
cairomm1 is
caja is File manager for MATE File manager for MATE
cal10n is Compiler assisted localization library (CAL10N)
calamares is Installer from a live CD/DVD/USB to disk
calamaris is Squid native log format (NLF) analyzer and report generator
calc is Arbitrary precision arithmetic system and calculator
calceph is Astronomical library to access planetary ephemeris files Astronomical library to access planetary ephemeris files
calcurse is Text-based personal organizer
calendar is Reminder utility
calf is Audio plugins pack
calibre is E-book converter and library manager
callaudiod is Daemon for dealing with audio routing during phone calls Daemon for dealing with audio routing during phone calls
callgit is A tool for Ham Radio Operators to look up call-signs on the web
calligra is An integrated office suite
calligraplan is A Project Planner
calls is A phone dialer and call handler
calypso is Free and open-source CalDAV calendar server
cambozola is A viewer for multipart jpeg streams
camorama is Gnome webcam viewer
cantata is Music Player Daemon (MPD) graphical client
cantoolz is Framework for Controller Area Network (CAN) bus analysis
cantor is KDE Frontend to Mathematical Software
capnproto is A data interchange format and capability-based RPC system
capstats is A command-line tool collecting packet statistics
capstone is A lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework A lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework
carat is Crystallographic AlgoRithms And Tables
CardManager is Java application to allows you to play any, especially collectible, card game
cardpeek is Tool to read the contents of smart cards
cargo is Rust’s package manager and build tool
caribou is A simplified in-place on-screen keyboard A simplified in-place on-screen keyboard
Carla is Audio plugin host Audio plugin host
castget is A command-line podcast downloader
castxml is C-family abstract syntax tree XML output tool
casync is Content Addressable Data Synchronizer
catatonit is A signal-forwarding process manager for containers
catdoc is A program which converts Microsoft office files to plain text
catfish is A handy file search tool
catimg is Print images in a terminal with 256 colors support
cAudio is 3D Audio Engine Based on Openal 3D Audio Engine Based on Openal
cava is Console-based Audio Visualizer for Alsa
cave9 is 3d game of cave exploration
cawbird is Fork of the Corebird GTK Twitter client that continues to work with Twitter
cbindgen is Tool for generating C bindings to Rust code
cbios is A third party BIOS compatible with the MSX BIOS
cbmc is Bounded Model Checker for ANSI-C and C++ programs
cbootimage is Tools to dump and generate boot config table on Tegra devices
cbrpager is Simple comic book pager for Linux
cc1541 is Tool for creating Commodore 1541 Floppy disk images in D64, G64, D71 or D81 format
cc65 is A free C compiler for 6502 based systems
ccache is C/C++ compiler cache
ccd2iso is CloneCD image to ISO image file converter
ccdciel is CCD capture software
CCfits is A C++ interface for cfitsio A C++ interface for cfitsio
ccgo is An IGS (Internet Go Server) client written in C++
cciss_vol_status is Show status of logical drives attached to HP SmartArray controllers
ccls is C/C++/ObjC language server
ccnet is A framework for writing networked applications in C A framework for writing networked applications in C
ccrtp is Common C++ class framework for RTP/RTCP Common C++ class framework for RTP/RTCP
ccrypt is Secure encryption and decryption of files and streams
ccsm is Plugin and configuration tool - Compiz Reloaded Project
cctz is Translating between absolute and civil times using time zone rules Translating between absolute and civil times using time zone rules
ccze is A robust log colorizer
cdargs is The shell cd with bookmarks and browser The shell cd with bookmarks and browser
cdbs is Common build system for Debian packages
cdcollect is Simple CD/DVD catalog for GNOME
cddlib is A library for generating all vertices in convex polyhedrons A library for generating all vertices in convex polyhedrons
cdist is Usable configuration management
cdk is Curses Development Kit Curses Development Kit
cdlabelgen is Generates frontcards and traycards for inserting in CD jewelcases
cdparanoia is Compact Disc Digital Audio (CDDA) extraction tool (or ripper)
cdrdao is Writes audio CD-Rs in disk-at-once (DAO) mode
cdrskin is Limited cdrecord compatibility wrapper to ease migration to libburn
cdsclient is Tools to query databases at CDS
cdw is Front-end for tools used for burning data CD/DVD
cegui is Free library providing windowing and widgets for graphics APIs / engines Free library providing windowing and widgets for graphics APIs / engines
cegui06 is CEGUI library 0.6 for apps which need this specific version
cekit is Container image creation tool
celestia is OpenGL real-time visual space simulation
cellwriter is Grid-entry natural handwriting input panel
celt051 is An audio codec for use in low-delay speech and audio communication An audio codec for use in low-delay speech and audio communication
centerim is Text mode menu- and window-driven IM
centpkg is CentOS utility for working with dist-git
ceph is User space components of the Ceph file system
cephadm is Utility to bootstrap Ceph clusters
certbot is A free, automated certificate authority client
certmonger is Certificate status monitor and PKI enrollment client
certwatch is SSL/TLS certificate expiry warning generator
cervisia is CVS frontend
cfdg is Context Free Design Grammar
cfitsio is Library for manipulating FITS data files Library for manipulating FITS data files
cflow is Analyzes C files charting control flow within the program
cgdb is CGDB is a curses-based interface to the GNU Debugger (GDB)
cgdcbxd is DCB network priority management daemon
cgit is A fast web interface for git
cglib is Code Generation Library for Java
cgnslib is Computational Fluid Dynamics General Notation System Computational Fluid Dynamics General Notation System
cgreen is Modern unit test and mocking framework for C and C++ Modern unit test and mocking framework for C and C++
chafa is Image-to-text converter for terminal
chan is Pure C implementation of Go channels Pure C implementation of Go channels
charliecloud is Lightweight user-defined software stacks for high-performance computing
CharLS is An optimized implementation of the JPEG-LS standard An optimized implementation of the JPEG-LS standard
chatterino2 is Chat client for
chavier is GUI application for exploring the pycha library
chck is Collection of C utilities Collection of C utilities
chealpix is HEALPix C Bindings Library HEALPix C Bindings Library
cheat is Help for various commands and their use cases
check is A unit test framework for C A unit test framework for C
check_postgres is PostgreSQL monitoring script
checkpolicy is SELinux policy compiler
checksec is Tool to check system for binary-hardening
cheese is Application for taking pictures and movies from a webcam
CheMPS2 is A spin-adapted implementation of DMRG for ab initio quantum chemistry A spin-adapted implementation of DMRG for ab initio quantum chemistry
chemtool is A program for 2D drawing organic molecules
chessx is Chess Database and PGN viewer
chezdav is A simple WebDAV server program
chicken is A practical and portable Scheme system
chipmunk is Physics engine for 2D games Physics engine for 2D games
chisel is TCP tunnel over HTTP
chkconfig is A system tool for maintaining the /etc/rc*.d hierarchy
chkrootkit is Tool to locally check for signs of a rootkit
chmlib is Library for dealing with ITSS/CHM format files Library for dealing with ITSS/CHM format files
chntpw is Change passwords in Windows SAM files
choosier is Choose your browser based on the URL given
choqok is KDE Micro-Blogging Client KDE Micro-Blogging Client
chordii is Print songbooks (lyrics + chords)
chordpro is Print songbooks (lyrics + chords)
chromedriver is WebDriver for Google Chrome/Chromium
chromium is A WebKit (Blink) powered web browser that Google doesn’t want you to use
chrony is An NTP client/server
chrpath is Modify rpath of compiled programs
chunkfs is FUSE based filesystem that allows you to mount an arbitrary file or block device
cinch is A tool for provisioning Jenkins components for CI
cinnamon is Window management and application launching for GNOME
ciphertest is An SSL cipher checker
cjdns is The privacy-friendly network without borders
cjose is C library implementing the Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) C library implementing the Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE)
cjs is Javascript Bindings for Cinnamon Javascript Bindings for Cinnamon
cjson is Ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C Ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C
ck is Library for high performance concurrent programming Library for high performance concurrent programming
ckeditor is WYSIWYG text editor to be used inside web pages
ckermit is The quintessential all-purpose communications program
cksfv is Utility to manipulate SFV files
clamav is End-user tools for the Clam Antivirus scanner
clamd is The Clam AntiVirus Daemon
clamsmtp is A SMTP virus scanning system
clamtk is Easy to use graphical user interface for Clam anti virus
clamz is Amazon Downloader
clanbomber is Lay bombs and Blast the other players of the field game using ClanLib
clang is A C language family front-end for LLVM A C language family front-end for LLVM
clang9 is
ClanLib is Cross platform C++ game library Cross platform C++ game library
ClanLib06 is Version 0.6 of this Cross platform C++ game library Version 0.6 of this Cross platform C++ game library
ClanLib1 is Cross platform C++ game library Cross platform C++ game library
clash is A rule-based tunnel in Go
clatd is CLAT / SIIT-DC Edge Relay implementation for Linux
clawsker is Dialog to edit Claws Mail’s hidden preferences
clazy is Qt oriented code checker based on clang framework
clblast is Tuned OpenCL BLAS routines Tuned OpenCL BLAS routines
clc is Command-line client for MUDs
cld2 is A library to detect the natural language of text A library to detect the natural language of text
cleanfeed is A spam filter for Usenet news servers
clearsilver is Fast and powerful HTML templating system
clementine is A music player and library organizer
clevis is Automated decryption framework
clide is Color and style highlighting program for text
clinfo is Enumerate OpenCL platforms and devices
clingo is A grounder and solver for logic programs A grounder and solver for logic programs
clipit is A lightweight, fully featured GTK+ clipboard manager
clipman is A simple clipboard manager for Wayland
clippy is Lints to catch common mistakes and improve your Rust code
clips is Language for developing expert systems
clipsmm is C++ interface to the CLIPS expert system C library C++ interface to the CLIPS expert system C library
cliquer is Find cliques in arbitrary weighted graphs
clisp is ANSI Common Lisp implementation ANSI Common Lisp implementation
clitest is Command Line Tester
cln is Class Library for Numbers Class Library for Numbers
cloc is Count lines of code
clojure is A dynamic programming language that targets the Java Virtual Machine
clonekeen is Commander Keen
cloog is The Chunky Loop Generator The Chunky Loop Generator
cloudcompare is 3D point cloud and mesh processing software
cloudy is Spectral synthesis code to simulate conditions in interstellar matter
clover2 is Yet another compiler language
clpeak is Find peak OpenCL capacities like bandwidth & compute
clthreads is POSIX threads C++ access library POSIX threads C++ access library
clustershell is Python framework for efficient cluster administration
clusterssh is Secure concurrent multiple server terminal control
clutter is Open Source software library for creating rich graphical user interfaces Open Source software library for creating rich graphical user interfaces
cluttermm is C++ interface for Clutter C++ interface for Clutter
clxclient is C++ X Windows Library C++ X Windows Library
cm_rgb is Utility to control RGB on AMD Wraith Prism
cmake is Cross-platform make system Cross-platform make system
cmark is CommonMark parsing and rendering
cmatrix is A scrolling ‘Matrix’-like screen
cmconvert is CacheMate import file converter
cmigemo is C interface of Ruby/Migemo Japanese incremental search tool C interface of Ruby/Migemo Japanese incremental search tool
cminpack is Solver for nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares problems Solver for nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares problems
cmirror is Daemon for device-mapper-based clustered mirrors
cmospwd is BIOS password cracker utility
cmpfit is A MINPACK-1 Least Squares Fitting Library in C A MINPACK-1 Least Squares Fitting Library in C
cmrt is C for Media Runtime C for Media Runtime
cmst is A Qt based GUI front end for the connman connection manager with systemtray icon
cntlm is Fast NTLM authentication proxy with tunneling
co2mon is CO2 monitor software CO2 monitor software
coan is A command line tool for simplifying the pre-processor conditionals in source code
coapthon3 is Command-line tools for python-coapthon3
cobbler is Boot server configurator
coccinelle is Semantic patching for Linux (spatch)
cockatrice is A cross-platform virtual tabletop software for multi-player card games
cockpit is Web Console for Linux servers
cocoalib is C++ library for computations in commutative algebra C++ library for computations in commutative algebra
cocot is COde COnverter on Tty
code2html is Convert source code to HTML
codeblocks is An open source, cross platform, free C++ IDE
codec2 is Next-Generation Digital Voice for Two-Way Radio Next-Generation Digital Voice for Two-Way Radio
codespell is Fix common misspellings in text files
cogl is A library for using 3D graphics hardware to draw pretty pictures A library for using 3D graphics hardware to draw pretty pictures
cohomCalg is Sheaf cohomologies for line bundles on toric varieties
coin is Track the virtual currencies in real world currency value
Coin2 is High-level 3D visualization library High-level 3D visualization library
Coin3 is High-level 3D visualization library High-level 3D visualization library
Coin4 is High-level 3D visualization library High-level 3D visualization library
coldet is 3D Collision Detection Library 3D Collision Detection Library
colin is Tool to check generic rules/best-practices for containers/images/dockerfiles.
collectd is Statistics collection daemon for filling RRD files
collectl is A utility to collect various Linux performance data
colm is Programming language designed for the analysis of computer languages Programming language designed for the analysis of computer languages
colobot is A video game that teaches programming in a fun way
colord is Color daemon
colordiff is Color terminal highlighter for diff files
colorful is Side-view shooter game
colorgcc is Script to colorize the compiler output
colorize is Perl script to colorize logs
colossus is Allows people to play Titan against each other or AIs
ColPack is Algorithms for specialized vertex coloring problems Algorithms for specialized vertex coloring problems
colrdx is DX-cluster client with curses color support
commoncpp2 is GNU Common C++ class framework GNU Common C++ class framework
compface is Library and tools for handling X-Face data Library and tools for handling X-Face data
compiz is OpenGL window and compositing manager OpenGL window and compositing manager
composer is Dependency Manager for PHP
compsize is Utility for measuring compression ratio of files on btrfs
compton is A compositor for X11
comrak is 100% CommonMark-compatible GitHub Flavored Markdown parser and formatter
concordance is Software to program the Logitech Harmony remote control
conda is Cross-platform, Python-agnostic binary package manager
condor is HTCondor
cone is CONE mail reader CONE mail reader
congruity is Applications to program Logitech Harmony universal remote controls
conky is A system monitor for X
conman is ConMan - The Console Manager
conmon is OCI container runtime monitor
conmux is ConMux - The Console Multiplexor
connman is An alternative daemon for managing internet connections on Linux An alternative daemon for managing internet connections on Linux
conserver is Serial console server daemon/client
consolation is Copy-paste for the Linux console
conspy is Remote control for text mode virtual consoles
containerd is Open and reliable container runtime
contractor is Desktop-wide extension service
converseen is A batch image conversion tool written in C++ with Qt5 and Magick++
convmv is Convert filename encodings
coolreader is Cross platform open source e-book reader
COPASI is Biochemical network simulator
copydeps is Find and copy all the .so / .dll files needed by an executable
copyq is Advanced clipboard manager
coq is Proof management system
corectrl is Friendly hardware control Friendly hardware control
corkscrew is Tool for tunneling SSH through HTTP proxies
corosync is The Corosync Cluster Engine and Application Programming Interfaces
corosynclib is The Corosync Cluster Engine Libraries The Corosync Cluster Engine Libraries
corrida is Application for archivation of meteor observations
cortado is Java media framework
coturn is TURN/STUN & ICE Server
couchdb is A document database server, accessible via a RESTful JSON API
cowpatty is WPA password cracker
cowsay is Configurable speaking/thinking cow
coxeter is Combinatorial aspects of Coxeter group theory Combinatorial aspects of Coxeter group theory
cozy is Modern audiobook player
cp2k is Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics
cpanspec is RPM spec file generation utility
cpdup is Filesystem mirroring utility
cpio is A GNU archiving program
cpipe is Counting pipe
cpl is ESO library for automated astronomical data-reduction tasks ESO library for automated astronomical data-reduction tasks
cpmtools is Programs for accessing CP/M disks
cpp is The C Preprocessor
cppcheck is Tool for static C/C++ code analysis
cpphs is A liberalised C pre-processor for Haskell
cppi is C preprocessor directive indenter
cppmyth is Client interface for the MythTV backend Client interface for the MythTV backend
cpprest is C++ REST library C++ REST library
cpptest is A portable and powerful and simple unit testing framework for C++ A portable and powerful and simple unit testing framework for C++
cppunit is C++ unit testing framework C++ unit testing framework
cproto is Generates function prototypes and variable declarations from C code
cptutils is Utilities to manipulate and translate color gradients
cpufetch is Simple tool for determining CPU architecture
cpuid is Dumps information about the CPU(s)
cpulimit is CPU Usage Limiter for Linux
CQRlib is ANSI C API for quaternion arithmetic and rotation ANSI C API for quaternion arithmetic and rotation
cqrlog is An amateur radio contact logging program
crack is Password cracker
cracklib is A password-checking library A password-checking library
cranc is Pagure CLI for handling pull requests
crash is Kernel analysis utility for live systems, netdump, diskdump, kdump, LKCD or mcore dumpfiles
crawl is Roguelike dungeon exploration game
crcimg is Construct .crc files
createrepo_c is Creates a common metadata repository
creds is Simple encrypted credential management with GPG
credslayer is Extract credentials and other details from network captures
crest is Conformer-Rotamer Ensemble Sampling Tool
crit is CRIU image tool
CriticalMass is SDL/OpenGL space shoot’em up game also known as critter
criu is Tool for Checkpoint/Restore in User-space
crlfuzz is Tool to scan CRLF vulnerability
crm114 is Controllable Regex Mutilator
cronie is Cron daemon for executing programs at set times
cronolog is Web log rotation program for Apache
crontabs is Root crontab files used to schedule the execution of programs
crossfire is Server for hosting crossfire games
crossguid is Lightweight cross platform C++ GUID/UUID library Lightweight cross platform C++ GUID/UUID library
crossguid2 is Lightweight cross platform C++ GUID/UUID library Lightweight cross platform C++ GUID/UUID library
crrcsim is Model-Airplane Flight Simulation Program
crudini is A utility for manipulating ini files
crun is OCI runtime written in C
cryptlib is Security library and toolkit for encryption and authentication services Security library and toolkit for encryption and authentication services
cryptobone is Secure Communication Under Your Control
cryptominisat is SAT solver
cryptopp is C++ class library of cryptographic schemes C++ class library of cryptographic schemes
cryptsetup is Utility for setting up encrypted disks
csbuild is Tool for plugging static analyzers into the build process
csclng is A compiler wrapper that runs Clang in background
cscope is C source code tree search and browse tool
cscppc is A compiler wrapper that runs cppcheck in background
csdiff is Non-interactive tools for processing code scan results in plain-text
csdp is C library for SemiDefinite Programming C library for SemiDefinite Programming
csexec is Dynamic linker wrapper
csgcca is A compiler wrapper that runs ‘gcc -fanalyzer’ in background
csmatch is A compiler wrapper that runs smatch in background
csmith is Tool to generate random C programs for compiler testing Tool to generate random C programs for compiler testing
csmock is A mock wrapper for Static Analysis tools
csnappy is Snappy compression library ported to C Snappy compression library ported to C
csound is A sound synthesis language and library A sound synthesis language and library
csslint is Detecting potential problems in CSS code
cstream is General-purpose stream-handling tool
csv is A CSV command line Tool
cswrap is Generic compiler wrapper
ctags is A C programming language indexing and/or cross-reference tool
ctdb is A Clustered Database based on Samba’s Trivial Database (TDB)
ctemplate is A simple but powerful template language for C++ A simple but powerful template language for C++
ctk is The Commmon Toolkit for biomedical imaging The Commmon Toolkit for biomedical imaging
CTL is The Color Transformation Language The Color Transformation Language
ctorrent is Command line BitTorrent client for unix-like environments
ctpl is Template library and engine written in C
ctstream is Get URLs of Czech Television video streams
cu is call up another system
cube is CUBE Uniform Behavioral Encoding generic presentation component CUBE Uniform Behavioral Encoding generic presentation component
cube2font is Utility program for creating font bitmaps for Cube Engine games
cubeb is A cross platform audio library A cross platform audio library
CubicSDR is Cross-Platform Software-Defined Radio Panadapter
cuetools is Utilities to work with cue and TOC files Utilities to work with cue and TOC files
CUnit is Unit testing framework for C Unit testing framework for C
cups is CUPS printing system
cura is 3D printer / slicing GUI
CuraEngine is Engine for processing 3D models into G-code instructions for 3D printers
curblaster is Sidescrolling shooter, carry the pods through the gate
curl is A utility for getting files from remote servers (FTP, HTTP, and others) A utility for getting files from remote servers (FTP, HTTP, and others)
curlftpfs is CurlFtpFS is a filesystem for accessing FTP hosts based on FUSE and libcurl
curlpp is A C++ wrapper for libcURL A C++ wrapper for libcURL
custodia is A service to manage, retrieve and store secrets for other processes
cutecom is A graphical serial terminal, like minicom or Hyperterminal on Windows
cutecw is Morse Code (CW) Training Software
cutter is Unit Testing Framework for C/C++ Unit Testing Framework for C/C++
cvc4 is Automatic theorem prover for SMT problems
cvechecker is Tool for compare packages installed in your system with CVE database
CVector is ANSI C API for Dynamic Arrays ANSI C API for Dynamic Arrays
cvise is Super-parallel Python port of the C-Reduce
cvs is Concurrent Versions System
cvs2cl is Generate ChangeLogs from CVS working copies
cvsps is Patchset tool for CVS
cvsutils is CVS Utilities
cwdaemon is Morse daemon for the parallel or serial port
cwm is Calm Window Manager by OpenBSD project
cxsc is C++ library for Extended Scientific Computing C++ library for Extended Scientific Computing
cxxtest is A JUnit-like testing framework for C++
cxxtools is A collection of general-purpose C++ classes A collection of general-purpose C++ classes
cylindrix is A 3 degrees of freedom combat game
czmq is High-level C binding for 0MQ (ZeroMQ) High-level C binding for 0MQ (ZeroMQ)
d0_blind_id is Cryptographic library to perform identification Cryptographic library to perform identification
d52 is Disassemblers for 8051, 8048, and Z80 families
daa2iso is Program for converting DAA files to ISO
daemonize is Run a command as a Unix daemon
daggy is Data Aggregation Utility
dancer2 is Dancer2 command line interface
danmaq is A small client side Qt program to play danmaku on any screen
dapl is Library providing access to the DAT 2.0 API Library providing access to the DAT 2.0 API
daq is Data Acquisition Library Data Acquisition Library
dar is Software for making/restoring incremental CD/DVD backups
darcs is A distributed, interactive, smart revision control system
darkhttpd is Secure, lightweight, fast, single-threaded HTTP/1.1 server
darkplaces is Modified Quake engine
darkstat is Network traffic analyzer
darktable is Utility to organize and develop raw images
dash is Small and fast POSIX-compliant shell
dasher is A predictive text input system
datagrepper is A webapp to query fedmsg history
datalog is A Lightweight Deductive Database using Datalog A Lightweight Deductive Database using Datalog
datamash is A statistical, numerical and textual operations tool
datanommer is A storage consumer for the Fedora Message Bus (fedmsg)
dataquay is Simple RDF for C++ and Qt applications Simple RDF for C++ and Qt applications
dataurl is Data URL encoder/decoder
datefudge is Fake the system date
dateutils is Command-line date and time calculation, conversion, and comparison
datovka is A free graphical interface for Czech Databox (Datové schránky)
dav1d is AV1 cross-platform Decoder
davfs2 is A filesystem driver for WebDAV
davix is Toolkit for Http-based file management
daxctl is Manage Device-DAX instances
daxio is Perform I/O on Device DAX devices or zero a Device DAX device
dayjournal is Digital journal that uses plain text files
dayplanner is An easy and clean Day Planner
dbench is Filesystem load benchmarking tool
dbh is Disk based hash library Disk based hash library
dblatex is DocBook to LaTeX/ConTeXt Publishing
dbus is D-BUS message bus
dbxtool is Secure Boot DBX updater
dc3dd is Patched version of GNU dd for use in computer forensics
dcap is Client Tools for dCache
dcfldd is Improved dd, useful for forensics and security
dcm2niix is DICOM to NIfTI converter
dcmtk is Offis DICOM Toolkit (DCMTK) Offis DICOM Toolkit (DCMTK)
dconf is A configuration system A configuration system
dcraw is Tool for decoding raw image data from digital cameras
dcrpm is A tool to detect and correct common issues around RPM database corruption
dd_rescue is Fault tolerant dd utility for rescuing data from bad media
dd2 is Dodgin’ Diamond 2 - Shoot’em up arcade game
ddate is Convert Gregorian dates to Discordian dates
ddccontrol is Control your monitor by software using the DDC/CI protocol Control your monitor by software using the DDC/CI protocol
ddclient is Client to update dynamic DNS host entries
ddcutil is Query and update monitor settings
ddd is GUI for several command-line debuggers
ddgr is DuckDuckGo from the terminal
ddiskit is Tool for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Driver Update Disk creation
ddnet is DDraceNetwork, a cooperative racing mod of Teeworlds
ddpt is Variant of the dd utility for SCSI/storage devices
ddrescue is Data recovery tool trying hard to rescue data in case of read errors
ddupdate is Tool updating DNS data for dynamic IP addresses
debbuild is Build Debian-compatible .deb packages from RPM .spec files
debconf is Debian configuration management system
debhelper is Helper programs for debian/rules
debmirror is Debian partial mirror script, with ftp and package pool support
debootstrap is Debian GNU/Linux bootstrapper
decentxml is XML parser optimized for round-tripping and code reuse
deco is Extractor for various archive file formats
DecodeIR is Infrared remote controls decoding library Infrared remote controls decoding library
dee is Model to synchronize multiple instances over DBus Model to synchronize multiple instances over DBus
dehydrated is A client for signing certificates with an ACME server
dejagnu is A front end for testing other programs
deletemail is A non-interactive tool for deleting mails
deltaiso is Create deltas between isos containing rpms
deltarpm is Create deltas between rpms
deluge is A GTK+ BitTorrent client with support for DHT, UPnP, and PEX
demorse is Command line tool for decoding Morse code signals
denemo is Graphical music notation program
derrick is A Simple Network Stream Recorder
desed is Sed script debugger
desktopfolder is Bring your desktop back to life
detox is Utility to replace problematic characters in file names
deutex is DOOM wad file manipulator
dev86 is A real mode 80x86 assembler and linker
devhelp is API documentation browser API documentation browser
DevIL is A cross-platform image library A cross-platform image library
devilspie2 is A window-matching utility
devio is Read and write utility for block devices
devscripts is Scripts for Debian Package maintainers
devtodo is Manage a prioritised list of todo items organized by directory
dex is Dextrous text editor
dfuzzer is D-Bus fuzz testing tool
dgae is DG, a short AGI adventure game
dgit is Integration between git and Debian-style archives
dhall is A configuration language guaranteed to terminate
dhcpcd is A minimalistic network configuration daemon with DHCPv4, rdisc and DHCPv6 support
dhcping is DHCP daemon ping program
dhex is Ncurses based hexadecimal editor with a diff mode
dhtest is A DHCP client simulation on linux
dia is Diagram drawing program
dialect is A translation app for GNOME based on Google Translate
dialog is A utility for creating TTY dialog boxes A utility for creating TTY dialog boxes
dianara is application for the desktop
diaser is Geo-data replication long-term archive system (WAN vault)
diceware is Create passphrases which one can remember
dicomanonymizer is A multi-threaded anonymizer for DICOM files
dictd is DICT protocol (RFC 2229) server and command-line client
diction is Identifies diction and style errors
did is What did you do last week, month, year?
dieharder is Random number generator tester and timer Random number generator tester and timer
dietlibc is Small libc implementation
diffmark is XML diff and merge XML diff and merge
diffoscope is In-depth comparison of files, archives, and directories
diffpdf is PDF files comparator
diffstat is A utility which provides statistics based on the output of diff
diffuse is Graphical tool for merging and comparing text files
diffutils is GNU collection of diff utilities
digikam is A digital camera accessing & photo management application
digitemp is Dallas Semiconductor 1-wire device reading console application
dillo is Very small and fast GUI web browser
dingz is CLI tool to interact with dingz devices
dino is Modern XMPP “Jabber” Chat Client using GTK+/Vala
dionaea is Low interaction honeypot
dippi is Calculate display info like DPI and aspect ratio
direnv is Per-directory shell configuration tool
direwolf is Sound Card-based AX.25 TNC
dirsplit is Utility to split directories
dirvish is Fast, disk based, rotating network backup system
discount is A command-line utility for converting Markdown files into HTML
diskonaut is Terminal disk space visual navigator
disktype is Detect the content format of a disk or disk image
dislocker is Utility to access BitLocker encrypted volumes
disomaster is Library to manipulate DISC burning Library to manipulate DISC burning
disorderfs is FUSE filesystem that introduces non-determinism
disruptor is Concurrent Programming Framework
distcc is Distributed C/C++ compilation
distgen is Templating system/generator for distributions
ditaa is Diagrams Through ASCII Art
DivFix++ is Repair broken AVI file streams by rebuilding index part of file
djview4 is DjVu viewer
djvulibre is DjVu viewers, encoders, and utilities
dkms is Dynamic Kernel Module Support Framework
dl is Download Ticket Service
dlib is A modern C++ toolkit containing machine learning algorithms A modern C++ toolkit containing machine learning algorithms
dlm is Kernel Distributed Lock Manager control daemon and tool
dlrn is Build and maintain yum repositories following upstream commits
dmapd is A server that provides DAAP and DPAP shares A server that provides DAAP and DPAP shares
dmenu is Generic menu for X
dmg2img is Uncompress the Apple compressed disk image files
dmidecode is Tool to analyse BIOS DMI data
dmraid is Device-mapper RAID tool and library
dmtcp is Checkpoint/Restart functionality for Linux processes
dnfdaemon is DBus daemon for dnf package actions
dnfdragora is DNF package-manager based on libYui abstraction
dnsdist is Highly DNS-, DoS- and abuse-aware loadbalancer
dnsenum is A tool to enumerate DNS info about domains
dnsgen is Generates DNS names from existing domain names
dnsmap is Sub-domains bruteforcer
dnsmasq is A lightweight DHCP/caching DNS server
dnsperf is Benchmarking authorative and recursing DNS servers
dnsprobe is Tool to perform multiple DNS queries
dnstop is Displays information about DNS traffic on your network
dnstracer is Trace a DNS record to its start of authority
dnstwist is Domain name permutation engine
docbook2X is Convert docbook into man and Texinfo
doclifter is Translates documents written in troff macros to DocBook
docopt is Command line argument parsing
doge is MOTD script based on the doge meme
doh is Application for DNS-over-HTTPS name resolves and lookups
dokuwiki is Standards compliant simple to use wiki
dolfin is FEniCS computational backend and problem solving environment FEniCS computational backend and problem solving environment
dolphin is KDE File Manager
dom4j is Open Source XML framework for Java
domoticz is Open source Home Automation System
domtt is DOM Tooltip (aka domTT) is a Javascript widget
dontpanic is Very simple library and executable used in testing Alien Very simple library and executable used in testing Alien
dos2unix is Text file format converters
dosbox is x86/DOS emulator with sound and graphics
dosfstools is Utilities for making and checking MS-DOS FAT filesystems on Linux
dot2tex is A Graphviz to LaTeX converter
dotconf is Libraries to parse configuration files Libraries to parse configuration files
dotnet is .NET CLI tools and runtime
dotnet5 is
douceur is A simple CSS parser and inliner in Go
dovecot is Secure imap and pop3 server Secure imap and pop3 server
doxy2man is Create man pages from doxygen XML output
doxygen is A documentation system for C/C++
doxygen2man is Program to create nicely-formatted man pages from Doxygen XML files
doxytag2zealdb is Create a SQLite3 database from a Doxygen tag file
dpdk is Set of libraries and drivers for fast packet processing Set of libraries and drivers for fast packet processing
dpkg is Package maintenance system for Debian Linux
dpsearch is DataparkSearch Engine
dracut is Initramfs generator using udev
dragon is Media player Media player
drascula is The Vampire Strikes Back
drat2er is Proof transformer for propositional logic Proof transformer for propositional logic
drawing is Drawing application for the GNOME desktop
drbd is DRBD user-land tools and scripts
drbdlinks is Program for managing links into a DRBD shared partition
dreamchess is Portable chess game
drg is Command line tool to interact with a drogue-cloud instance
drgeo is Interactive educational geometry software
drgn is Scriptable debugger library
driverctl is Device driver control utility
dropbear is Lightweight SSH server and client
dropwatch is Kernel dropped packet monitor
drpm is A library for making, reading and applying deltarpm packages A library for making, reading and applying deltarpm packages
drpmsync is Sync a file tree with deltarpms
drraw is Web based presentation front-end for RRDtool
drumkv1 is An old-school drum-kit sampler
drumstick is C++/Qt5 wrapper around multiple MIDI interfaces C++/Qt5 wrapper around multiple MIDI interfaces
drumstick0 is C++/Qt4 wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interface C++/Qt4 wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interface
drupal7 is An open-source content-management platform
drupal8 is An open source content management platform
drush is Command line shell and scripting interface for Drupal
DSDP is Software for semidefinite programming Software for semidefinite programming
dselect is Debian package management front-end
dSFMT is Double precision SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister Double precision SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister
dsniff is Tools for network auditing and penetration testing
dsp is An audio processing program with an interactive mode
dssi is Disposable Soft Synth Interface
dssp is Protein secondary structure assignment
dt is Generic data test program
dtach is A simple program that emulates the detach feature of screen
dtc is Device Tree Compiler
dtkcore is Deepin tool kit core modules Deepin tool kit core modules
dtkgui is Deepin dtkgui Deepin dtkgui
dtkwidget is Deepin tool kit widget modules Deepin tool kit widget modules
dtkwm is Deepin graphical user interface library Deepin graphical user interface library
duckduckgo is Command line tool to use the DuckDuckGo API
duel3 is One on one spaceship duel in a 2D arena
duff is Quickly find duplicate files
duktape is Embeddable Javascript engine Embeddable Javascript engine
dumb is IT, XM, S3M and MOD player library IT, XM, S3M and MOD player library
dump is Programs for backing up and restoring ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystems
dumpasn1 is ASN.1 object dump utility
dumpet is A tool to dump and debug bootable CD images
dunst is Simple and configurable notification-daemon
duperemove is Tools for deduping file systems
duplicity is Encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup using rsync algorithm
duply is Wrapper for duplicity
dutree is Command line tool to analyze disk usage
dvblast is Simple and powerful streaming application
dvblinkremote is Tool for interacting with a DVBLink Connect! Server
dvdauthor is Command line DVD authoring tool
dvdbackup is Command line tool for ripping video DVDs
dvdisaster is Additional error protection for CD/DVD media
dvgrab is Utility to capture video from a DV camera
dvtm is Tiling window management for the console
dwarves is Debugging Information Manipulation Tools (pahole & friends)
dwgrep is A tool for querying Dwarf (debuginfo) graphs
dwlocstat is Tool for examining Dwarf location info coverage
dwz is DWARF optimization and duplicate removal tool
dx is Open source version of IBM’s Visualization Data Explorer
dxcc is Small utility which determines the ARRL DXCC entity of a ham radio callsign
dxf2gcode is 2D drawings to CNC machine compatible G-Code converter
dxpc is A Differential X Protocol Compressor
dynamite is Extract data compressed with PKWARE Data Compression Library Extract data compressed with PKWARE Data Compression Library
dyninst is An API for Run-time Code Generation An API for Run-time Code Generation
E is Equational Theorem Prover
e00compr is Library to compress and uncompress E00 files
e16 is The Enlightenment window manager, DR16
e2fsprogs is Utilities for managing ext2, ext3, and ext4 file systems
e2scrub is Online Ext4 metadata consistency checking tool and service
e2tools is Manipulate files in unmounted ext2/ext3 filesystems
e3 is Text editor with key bindings similar to WordStar, Emacs, pico, nedit, or vi
earlyoom is Early OOM Daemon for Linux
easymock is Easy mock objects
easystroke is Gesture-recognition application for X11
easytag is Tag editor for MP3, Ogg, FLAC and other music files
eb is Library for accessing Japanese CD-ROM electronic books Library for accessing Japanese CD-ROM electronic books
ebhttpd is HTTP server for accessing CD-ROM books
eblook is Command-line EB and EPWING dictionary search program
ebnetd is EBNET protocol server
ebtree is Elastic binary tree library Elastic binary tree library
ebumeter is Loudness measurement according to EBU-R128
ebview is EPWING CD-ROM dictionary viewer
eccodes is WMO data format decoding and encoding
ecdsautils is Tiny collection of programs used for ECDSA (keygen, sign, verify)
echolib is EchoLink communications library EchoLink communications library
echolinux is Linux echoLink client
ecj is Eclipse Compiler for Java
ecl is Embeddable Common-Lisp Embeddable Common-Lisp
eclib is Library for Computations on Elliptic Curves Library for Computations on Elliptic Curves
ed is The GNU line editor
ed2k_hash is Edonkey 2000 file hash calculator
edgar is A platform game
edit is Open a file in the default text editor
editline is A small compatible replacement for readline A small compatible replacement for readline
editorconfig is Parser for EditorConfig files written in C
editres is X11 utility to view and edit application resources
eegdev is Library to acquire data from various EEG recording devices Library to acquire data from various EEG recording devices
eegview is Small program to display/record EEG signals
EekBoek is Bookkeeping software for small and medium-size businesses
efax is A program for faxing using a Class 1, 2 or 2.0 fax modem
efibootmgr is EFI Boot Manager
efifs is Free software EFI/UEFI standalone file system drivers
efitools is Tools to manipulate EFI secure boot keys and signatures
efivar is Tools to manage UEFI variables
efl is Collection of Enlightenment libraries Collection of Enlightenment libraries
efpmd is A molecular simulation program based on LIBEFP
efs2tar is A tool to convert SGI efs filesystems to tarballs
eg is Git for mere mortals
egd is Entropy Gathering Daemon
eggdrop is World’s most popular Open Source IRC bot
eiciel is Graphical editor for ACLs and xattr
eiskaltdcpp is Direct Connect client Direct Connect client
ejabberd is A distributed, fault-tolerant Jabber/XMPP server
ElectricFence is A debugger which detects memory allocation violations A debugger which detects memory allocation violations
electrum is A lightweight Bitcoin Client
elements is A C++/Python build framework A C++/Python build framework
elfutils is A collection of utilities and DSOs to handle ELF files and DWARF data
elinks is A text-mode Web browser
elixir is A modern approach to programming for the Erlang VM
elk is An all-electron full-potential linearised augmented-plane wave code
elmon is Performance monitoring tool
elog is Logbook system to manage notes through a Web interface
elpa is High-performance library for parallel solution of eigenvalue problems High-performance library for parallel solution of eigenvalue problems
elph is Tool to find motifs in a set of DNA or protein sequences
emacs is GNU Emacs text editor
emacspeak is Emacs Speech interface
email2trac is Utilities for converting emails to trac tickets
EMBOSS is The European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite
embree is Collection of high-performance ray tracing kernels
emelfm2 is File manager that implements the popular two-pane design
emerald is Themeable window decorator and compositing manager for Compiz Themeable window decorator and compositing manager for Compiz
enblend is Image Blending with Multiresolution Splines
enca is Character set analyzer and detector Character set analyzer and detector
enchant is An Enchanting Spell Checking Library An Enchanting Spell Checking Library
enchant2 is An Enchanting Spell Checking Library An Enchanting Spell Checking Library
endlessh is SSH tarpit that slowly sends an endless banner
enet is Thin, simple and robust network layer on top of UDP Thin, simple and robust network layer on top of UDP
engrampa is MATE Desktop file archiver
engrid is Mesh generation tool Mesh generation tool
enigma is Game where you control a marble with the mouse
enjarify is Translate Dalvik bytecode to equivalent Java bytecode
enki is Text editor for programmers
enlightenment is Enlightenment window manager Enlightenment window manager
enscript is A plain ASCII to PostScript converter
entangle is Tethered shooting & control of digital cameras Tethered shooting & control of digital cameras
entr is Run arbitrary commands when files change
enum is Seq- and jot-like enumerator
envytools is Tools for people envious of nvidia’s blob driver
eog is Eye of GNOME image viewer Eye of GNOME image viewer
eom is Eye of MATE image viewer Eye of MATE image viewer
ephemeral is Private-by-default, always-incognito browser
epic is An ircII chat client
epiphany is Web browser for GNOME
epix is Utilities for mathematically accurate figures
epstool is A utility to create or extract preview images in EPS files
eqp is Automated theorem prover for first-order equational logic
equalx is A graphical editor for writing LaTeX equations
eralchemy is Entity Relation Diagrams generation tool
erfa is Essential Routines for Fundamental Astronomy Essential Routines for Fundamental Astronomy
ergo is A program for large-scale self-consistent field calculations
eric is Python IDE
erlang is General-purpose programming language and runtime environment
erlpmd is A drop-in replacement for epmd written in Erlang
esc is Enterprise Security Client Smart Card Client
esh is Simple templating engine based on shell
esmtp is User configurable send-only Mail Transfer Agent
esniper is A lightweight console application for sniping eBay auctions
esorex is Recipe Execution Tool of the European Southern Observatory
espeak is Software speech synthesizer (text-to-speech) Software speech synthesizer (text-to-speech)
esptool is A utility to communicate with the ROM bootloader in Espressif ESP8266
et is Remote shell that survives IP roaming and disconnect
etcd is Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system
etckeeper is Store /etc in a SCM system (git, mercurial, bzr or darcs)
eterm is Enlightened terminal emulator
etherape is Graphical network monitor for Unix
etherecho is Broadcast a message to all machines in the same network segment
ethstatus is Console-based ethernet statistics monitor
ethtool is Settings tool for Ethernet NICs
ettercap is Network traffic sniffer/analyser, NCURSES interface version Network traffic sniffer/analyser, NCURSES interface version
eureka is A cross-platform map editor for the classic DOOM games
eurephia is An advanced and flexible OpenVPN user authentication plug-in
evemu is Event Device Query and Emulation Program
eventlog is Syslog-ng v2/v3 support library Syslog-ng v2/v3 support library
evince is Document viewer
evolution is Mail and calendar client for GNOME
evtest is Event device test program
ewftools is Utilities for the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF)
exa is Modern replacement for ls
exabgp is The BGP swiss army knife of networking
exaile is Simple but powerful Amarok-style music player for GTK users
examiner is Utility to disassemble and comment foreign executable binaries
execstack is Utility to set/clear/query executable stack bit
exempi is Library for easy parsing of XMP metadata Library for easy parsing of XMP metadata
exercism is Exercism command-line interface
exfalso is Tag editor for various music files
exfatprogs is Userspace utilities for exFAT filesystems
exif is Utility to show EXIF information hidden in JPEG files
exim is The exim mail transfer agent
exiv2 is Exif and Iptc metadata manipulation library
exo is Application library for the Xfce desktop environment Application library for the Xfce desktop environment
exodusii is Library to store and retrieve transient finite element data Library to store and retrieve transient finite element data
expat is An XML parser library An XML parser library
expatpp is C++ layer for expat C++ layer for expat
expect is A program-script interaction and testing utility
expectk is A program-script interaction and testing utility
expliot is Internet of Things Security Testing and Exploitation framework
extractpdfmark is Extract page mode and named destinations as PDFmark from PDF
extrema is A powerful visualization and data analysis tool
extremetuxracer is High speed arctic racing game
extundelete is An ext3 and ext4 file system undeletion utility
ezstream is Command line source client for Icecast media streaming servers
f2c is A Fortran 77 to C/C++ conversion program
f3 is Utility to test for fake flash drives and cards
fabtests is Test suite for libfabric API
facter is Command and ruby library for gathering system information Command and ruby library for gathering system information
factory is C++ class library for multivariate polynomial data C++ class library for multivariate polynomial data
fail2ban is Daemon to ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors
fakechroot is Gives a fake chroot environment
fakeroot is Gives a fake root environment
Falcon is The Falcon Programming Language The Falcon Programming Language
falkon is Modern web browser Modern web browser
fann is A fast artificial neural network library A fast artificial neural network library
fantasdic is Dictionary application using Ruby
fapg is Fast Audio Playlist Generator
fapolicyd is Application Whitelisting Daemon
farstream02 is Libraries for videoconferencing Libraries for videoconferencing
fastback is File uploader, configureable file uploader
fastbit is An Efficient Compressed Bitmap Index Technology An Efficient Compressed Bitmap Index Technology
fastd is Fast and secure tunneling daemon
fastlz is Portable real-time compression library Portable real-time compression library
fasttext is Efficient learning of word representations and sentence classification
fastx_toolkit is Tools to process short-reads FASTA/FASTQ files
fatrace is Reports file access events from all running processes
fatresize is FAT16/FAT32 resizer
fatsort is FAT sorter for FAT16 and FAT32 filesystems
faust is Compiled language for real-time audio signal processing
fawkes is Robot Software Framework
fb303 is Base Thrift service and a common set of functionality Base Thrift service and a common set of functionality
fbb is Packet radio mailbox and utilities
fbg2 is A falling block stacking game
fbida is FrameBuffer Imageviewer
fbpanel is A lightweight X11 desktop panel
fbreader is E-book reader
fbrnch is Fedora packager tool to build package branches
fbterm is A frame-buffer terminal emulator
fbthrift is Facebook’s branch of Apache Thrift, including a new C++ server Facebook’s branch of Apache Thrift, including a new C++ server
fbzmq is Framework for writing services in C++ while leveraging libzmq Framework for writing services in C++ while leveraging libzmq
fbzx is A ZX Spectrum emulator for FrameBuffer
fcft is Simple library for font loading and glyph rasterization Simple library for font loading and glyph rasterization
fcgi is FastCGI development kit FastCGI development kit
fcgiwrap is Simple FastCGI wrapper for CGI scripts
fcitx is An input method framework
fcitx5 is Next generation of fcitx Next generation of fcitx
fcl is Flexible Collision Library Flexible Collision Library
fctxpd is Fibrechannel transport daemon
fdupes is Finds duplicate files in a given set of directories
featherpad is Lightweight Qt5 Plain-Text Editor
fedfind is Fedora compose and image finder
fedmod is Utilities for generating & maintaining modulemd files
fedmsg is Tools for Fedora Infrastructure real-time messaging
fedpkg is Fedora utility for working with dist-git
feedbackd is Feedback library for GNOME Feedback library for GNOME
feedreader is RSS desktop client
feh is Fast command line image viewer using Imlib2
fennel is A Lisp that compiles to Lua
fernflower is JIdea’s java decompiler
fes is Fast Exhaustive Search Fast Exhaustive Search
festival is Speech synthesis and text-to-speech system
fetchlog is Utility to display new messages of a logfile since last run
fetchmail is A remote mail retrieval and forwarding utility
fex is Field split/extraction like cut/awk
ffado is Free firewire audio driver library applications and utilities
ffcall is Libraries for foreign function call interfaces Libraries for foreign function call interfaces
ffsb is The Flexible Filesystem Benchmark
ffsend is Easily and securely share files from the command line
fftw is A Fast Fourier Transform library A Fast Fourier Transform library
fftw2 is Fast Fourier Transform library (version 2) Fast Fourier Transform library (version 2)
ffuf is Fast web fuzzer written in Go
fgrun is Graphical front-end for launching FlightGear flight simulator
fido is Multi-threaded file watch utility
Field3D is Library for storing voxel data Library for storing voxel data
fig2ps is Utility for converting xfig pictures to PS/PDF
figlet is A program for making large letters out of ordinary text
figtoipe is FIG to IPE conversion tool
file is Utility for determining file types
filebench is A model based file system workload generator
filedrop is Drag-and-drop support for Java
filelight is Graphical disk usage statistics
filezilla is FTP, FTPS and SFTP client
finch is A text-based user interface for Pidgin
findbugs is Find bugs in Java code
findutils is The GNU versions of find utilities (find and xargs)
finger is The finger client
fio is Multithreaded IO generation tool
fips is OpenGL-based FITS image viewer
firebird is SQL relational database management system
firefox is Mozilla Firefox Web browser
firejail is Linux namespaces sandbox program
firewalk is Active reconnaissance network security tool
firewalld is A firewall daemon with D-Bus interface providing a dynamic firewall
fish is Friendly interactive shell
fityk is Non-linear curve fitting and data analysis Non-linear curve fitting and data analysis
fizz is A C++14 implementation of the TLS-1.3 standard A C++14 implementation of the TLS-1.3 standard
flac is An encoder/decoder for the Free Lossless Audio Codec
flac123 is Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
flacon is Audio File Encoder
flam3 is Programs to generate and render cosmic recursive fractal flames Programs to generate and render cosmic recursive fractal flames
flamegraph is Stack trace visualizer
flamerobin is Graphical client for Firebird
flameshot is Powerful and simple to use screenshot software
flamethrower is A DNS performance and functional testing utility
flamp is Amateur Multicast Protocol - file transfer program
flang is a Fortran language front-end designed for integration with LLVM a Fortran language front-end designed for integration with LLVM
flann is Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors
flannel is Etcd address management agent for overlay networks
flare is A single player, 2D-isometric, action Role-Playing Game
flashrom is Simple program for reading/writing flash chips content Simple program for reading/writing flash chips content
flatbuffers is Memory efficient serialization library Memory efficient serialization library
flatcam is 2D Computer-Aided PCB Manufacturing
flatpak is Application deployment framework for desktop apps Application deployment framework for desktop apps
flaw is Free top-down wizard battle game
flawfinder is Examines C/C++ source code for security flaws
flcluster is A management tool for accessing dxcluster nodes
fldigi is Digital modem program for Linux
flent is FLExible Network Tester for bufferbloat testing and more
flex is A tool for generating scanners (text pattern recognizers)
flexiblas is A BLAS/LAPACK wrapper library with runtime exchangeable backends A BLAS/LAPACK wrapper library with runtime exchangeable backends
flexiport is Flexible communications library Flexible communications library
flickcurl is C library for the Flickr API C library for the Flickr API
FlightGear is The FlightGear Flight Simulator
flim is Basic library for handling email messages for Emacs
flint is Fast Library for Number Theory Fast Library for Number Theory
flite is Small, fast speech synthesis engine (text-to-speech) Small, fast speech synthesis engine (text-to-speech)
fllog is Amateur Radio Log Program
flmsg is Fast Light Message Amateur Radio Forms Manager
flnet is Amateur Radio Net Control Station
flobopuyo is 2-player falling bubbles game
flocq is Formalization of floating point numbers for Coq
flopgen is Tool for automatic creation of FAT-formatted floppy disk images
florence is Extensible scalable on-screen virtual keyboard for GNOME Extensible scalable on-screen virtual keyboard for GNOME
florist is Open Source implementation of the POSIX Ada Bindings Open Source implementation of the POSIX Ada Bindings
flowcanvas is Interactive widget for boxes and lines environments
flpsed is WYSIWYG pseudo PostScript editor
flrig is Transceiver control program
flterm is Firmware download program
fltk is C++ user interface toolkit C++ user interface toolkit
fluid is Library for fluid and dynamic applications development with QtQuick Library for fluid and dynamic applications development with QtQuick
fluidsynth is Real-time software synthesizer
flute is Java CSS parser using SAC
fluxbox is Window Manager based on Blackbox
flwkey is Modem program for the K1EL Winkeyer series
flxmlrpc is An xmlrpc library for the NBEMS suite of programs An xmlrpc library for the NBEMS suite of programs
flyingsaucersattack is Shoot down the attacking UFOs and to save the city
fmf is Flexible Metadata Format
fmit is Free Music Instrument Tuner
fmt is Small, safe and fast formatting library for C++ Small, safe and fast formatting library for C++
fmtools is Simple Video for Linux radio card programs
fntsample is A program for making font samples that show Unicode coverage of the font
focuswriter is A full screen, distraction-free writing program
foliate is Simple and modern GTK eBook reader
folks is GObject contact aggregation library GObject contact aggregation library
folly is An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook
foma is Xerox-compatible finite-state compiler
fondo is Find the most beautiful wallpapers
fontaine is Font file meta information utility
fontbox is Apache FontBox
fontconfig is Font configuration and customization library Font configuration and customization library
fontdump is Dump the CSS and different formats of fonts for Google Fonts
fontforge is Outline and bitmap font editor Outline and bitmap font editor
fontopia is The console font editor
fonttools is Tools to manipulate font files
fonttosfnt is Tool to wrap bdf or pcf bitmap fonts in an sfnt wrapper
foo2ddst is Linux printer driver for DDST protocol
foo2hbpl is Linux printer driver for HBPL protocol
foo2hiperc is Linux printer driver for HIPERC protocol (Oki C3400n etc.)
foo2hp is Linux printer driver for HP 1600, HP 2600n
foo2lava is Linux printer driver for Zenographics LAVAFLOW protocol
foo2oak is Linux printer driver for OAKT protocol (HPLJ1500 etc.)
foo2qpdl is Linux printer driver for Samsung CLP-300, CLP-600, CLP-3160
foo2slx is Linux printer driver for SLX protocol (Lexmark C500n etc.)
foo2xqx is Linux printer driver for HP LaserJet M1005 MFP
foo2zjs is Linux printer driver for ZjStream protocol
foobillard is OpenGL billard game
foomatic is Tools for using the foomatic database of printers and printer drivers
foot is Fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator
fop is XSL-driven print formatter
foremost is Recover files by “carving” them from a raw disk
fossil is A distributed SCM with bug tracking and wiki
fotoxx is Photo editor
fox is C++ based Toolkit for developing Graphical User Interfaces C++ based Toolkit for developing Graphical User Interfaces
FoXlibf is A Fortran XML Library A Fortran XML Library
foxtrotgps is GTK+ mapping and GPS application
fpack is FITS image compression and decompression utilities
fparser is Function parser library for C++ Function parser library for C++
fpart is a tool that sorts files and packs them into bags
fpaste is A simple tool for pasting info onto the Fedora community paste server
fpc is Free Pascal Compiler
fpdns is Fingerprint DNS servers
fping is Scriptable, parallelized ping-like utility
fpm2 is Password manager with GTK3 GUI
fprintd is D-Bus service for Fingerprint reader access
fragments is Easy to use BitTorrent client which follows the GNOME HIG
free42 is 42S Calculator Simulator
freealut is Implementation of OpenAL’s ALUT standard Implementation of OpenAL’s ALUT standard
freecad is A general purpose 3D CAD modeler
freeciv is A multi-player strategy game
freecol is Turn-based multi-player strategy game
freecolor is Display memory information graphically
freeDiameter is A Diameter protocol open implementation A Diameter protocol open implementation
freedink is Humorous top-down adventure and role-playing game
freedoom is Doom styled first person shooter game
freedoom2 is Doom2 styled first person shooter game
freedroid is Clone of the C64 game Paradroid
freedroidrpg is Role playing game with Freedroid theme and Tux as the hero
freedv is FreeDV Digital Voice
freefem++ is PDE solving tool
freeglut is A freely licensed alternative to the GLUT library A freely licensed alternative to the GLUT library
freeimage is Multi-format image decoder library Multi-format image decoder library
freeipmi is IPMI remote console and system management software IPMI remote console and system management software
freemarker is The Apache FreeMarker Template Engine
freeopcua is Open Source C++ OPC-UA Server and Client Library Open Source C++ OPC-UA Server and Client Library
freeradius is High-performance and highly configurable free RADIUS server
freerdp is Free implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
freerouting is Circuit Board Routing Tool
FreeSOLID is 3D collision detection C++ library 3D collision detection C++ library
freetds is Implementation of the TDS (Tabular DataStream) protocol
freetennis is Tennis simulation game
freetype is A free and portable font rendering engine A free and portable font rendering engine
freewrl is X3D / VRML visualization program X3D / VRML visualization program
freexl is Library to extract data from within an Excel spreadsheet Library to extract data from within an Excel spreadsheet
freeze is freeze/melt/fcat compression utilities
freqtweak is Realtime audio frequency spectral manipulation
frescobaldi is Edit LilyPond sheet music with ease!
fribidi is Library implementing the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm Library implementing the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
fritzing is Electronic Design Automation software; from prototype to product
frobby is Computations With Monomial Ideals
frogr is Flickr Remote Organizer for GNOME
fros is Universal screencasting frontend with pluggable support for various backends
frotz is Interactive fiction interpreter for Z-Machine (Infocom) games
frr is Routing daemon
frysk is Execution analysis and debugging tool-suite
fs_mark is Benchmark synchronous/async file creation
fsarchiver is Safe and flexible file-system backup/deployment tool
fspy is A filesystem activity monitoring utility
fstransform is Tool for in-place file-system conversion without backup
fstrcmp is Fuzzy string compare library Fuzzy string compare library
fstrm is Frame Streams implementation in C Frame Streams implementation in C
fswatch is A cross-platform file change monitor A cross-platform file change monitor
fswebcam is Tiny and flexible webcam program
ftgl is OpenGL frontend to Freetype 2 OpenGL frontend to Freetype 2
ftnchek is Static analyzer for Fortran 77 programs
ftop is Utility that shows shows progress of open files and file systems
ftp is The standard UNIX FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client
ftplib is Library of FTP routines Library of FTP routines
fuelmanager is Manage fuel mileage
funguloids is Space-Flying-Mushroom-Picking-Simulator game
funionfs is Union filesystem in userspace
fuse is File System in Userspace (FUSE) v2 utilities
fuse3 is File System in Userspace (FUSE) v3 utilities
fuse9p is Plan9 filesystem client for FUSE
fuzza is TCP fuzzing tool to test for remote buffer overflows
fuzzel is Application launcher for wlroots based Wayland compositors
fvsp is Convert Perl version string into RPM-compatible version string Convert Perl version string into RPM-compatible version string
fvwm is Highly configurable multiple virtual desktop window manager
fwknop is A Single Packet Authorization (SPA) implementation A Single Packet Authorization (SPA) implementation
fwsnort is Translates Snort rules into equivalent iptables rules
fwts is Firmware Test Suite
fwupd is Firmware update daemon Firmware update daemon
fx is Command-line JSON processing tool
fxload is A helper program to download firmware into FX and FX2 EZ-USB devices
fzf is A command-line fuzzy finder written in Go
gabedit is GUI for computational chemistry
gajim is Jabber client written in PyGTK
gala is Gala window manager
galculator is GTK 3 based scientific calculator
galera is Synchronous multi-master wsrep provider (replication engine)
gameconqueror is CheatEngline-alike interface for scanmem
gamehub is All your games in one place
gamemode is Optimize system performance for games on demand Optimize system performance for games on demand
gamescope is Micro-compositor for video games on Wayland
gammaray is A tool for examining internals of Qt applications A tool for examining internals of Qt applications
gammastep is Adjusts the color temperature of your screen according to time of day
gammu is Command Line utility to work with mobile phones
ganglia is Distributed Monitoring System Distributed Monitoring System
ganyremote is GTK frontend for anyRemote
gap is Computational discrete algebra Computational discrete algebra
GAPDoc is GAP documentation tool
gappa is Prove programs with floating-point or fixed-point arithmetic
garcon is Implementation of the menu specification Implementation of the menu specification
garden is An innovative old-school 2D vertical shoot-em-up
GarminPlugin is Garmin Communicator Plugin port for Linux
garmintools is Tools for Garmin GPS-devices Tools for Garmin GPS-devices
gau2grid is Fast computation of a gaussian function and its derivative on a grid Fast computation of a gaussian function and its derivative on a grid
gauche is Scheme script interpreter with multibyte character handling Scheme script interpreter with multibyte character handling
gaupol is Editor for text-based subtitle files
gavl is A library for handling uncompressed audio and video data A library for handling uncompressed audio and video data
gawk is The GNU version of the AWK text processing utility The GNU version of the AWK text processing utility
gawkextlib is Library providing common infrastructure for gawk extension libraries Library providing common infrastructure for gawk extension libraries
gazebo is 3D multi-robot simulator with dynamics 3D multi-robot simulator with dynamics
gball is The Console Ball and Racket Game
gbdfed is Bitmap Font Editor
gbrainy is A brain teaser game and trainer to keep your brain trained A brain teaser game and trainer to keep your brain trained
gc is A garbage collector for C and C++ A garbage collector for C and C++
gcab is Cabinet file library and tool
gcal is GNU Gregorian calendar program
gcc is Various compilers (C, C++, Objective-C, …)
gchem3d is 3D molecular structure viewer
gchemcalc is Chemical calculator
gchempaint is 2D chemical structure editor
gchemtable is Periodic table of the chemical elements
gcin is An input method focused on Chinese users An input method focused on Chinese users
gcl is GNU Common Lisp
gcolor2 is A simple color selector for GTK+2
gcolor3 is A simple color chooser written in GTK3 (like gcolor2)
GConf2 is A process-transparent configuration system A process-transparent configuration system
gconfmm26 is C++ wrapper for GConf2 C++ wrapper for GConf2
gcovr is A code coverage report generator using GNU gcov
gcr is A library for bits of crypto UI and parsing A library for bits of crypto UI and parsing
gcrystal is Crystalline structure editor
gcsf is Filesystem based on Google Drive
gcstar is Personal collections manager
gd is A graphics library for quick creation of PNG or JPEG images A graphics library for quick creation of PNG or JPEG images
gdal is GIS file format library
gdb is A stub package for GNU source-level debugger
gdbm is A GNU set of database routines which use extensible hashing A GNU set of database routines which use extensible hashing
gdcm is Grassroots DiCoM is a C++ library to parse DICOM medical files Grassroots DiCoM is a C++ library to parse DICOM medical files
gdeploy is Tool to deploy and manage GlusterFS cluster
gdigi is Utility to control DigiTech effect pedals
gdisk is An fdisk-like partitioning tool for GPT disks
gdl is GNU Data Language
gdlmm is C++ bindings for the gdl library C++ bindings for the gdl library
gdm is The GNOME Display Manager The GNOME Display Manager
geany is A fast and lightweight IDE using GTK3
gearbox is A collection of usable peer-reviewed robotics-related libraries A collection of usable peer-reviewed robotics-related libraries
gearhead1 is Roguelike mecha role-playing game
gearmand is A distributed job system
geary is A lightweight email program designed around conversations
gecode is Generic constraint development environment Generic constraint development environment
gedit is Text editor for the GNOME desktop Text editor for the GNOME desktop
geeqie is Image browser and viewer
gegl04 is Graph based image processing framework Graph based image processing framework
gemdropx is Falling blocks puzzlegame
genchemlab is A general chemistry lab experiment simulator
genders is Static cluster configuration database
gengetopt is Tool to write command line option parsing code for C programs
genisoimage is Creates an image of an ISO9660 file-system
genius is An arbitrary precision integer and multiple precision floatingpoint calculator
genromfs is Utility for creating romfs file systems
gentoo is Graphical file management program written in GTK+3
geoclue2 is Geolocation service Geolocation service
GeographicLib is Library for geographic coordinate transformations Library for geographic coordinate transformations
GeoIP is Library for country/city/organization to IP address or hostname mapping Library for country/city/organization to IP address or hostname mapping
geoipupdate is Update GeoIP2 binary databases from MaxMind
geomorph is A height field editor for Linux
geomview is Interactive 3D viewing program
geos is GEOS is a C++ port of the Java Topology Suite GEOS is a C++ port of the Java Topology Suite
gerbera is UPnP Media Server
gerbv is Gerber file viewer from the gEDA toolkit Gerber file viewer from the gEDA toolkit
gerrymander is The gerrit client tools
getdata is Library for reading and writing dirfile data Library for reading and writing dirfile data
getdns is Modern asynchronous API to the DNS Modern asynchronous API to the DNS
getdp is General Environment for the Treatment of Discrete Problems General Environment for the Treatment of Discrete Problems
geteltorito is El Torito boot image extractor
gettext is GNU libraries and utilities for producing multi-lingual messages
gf2x is Polynomial multiplication over the binary field Polynomial multiplication over the binary field
gfal2 is Grid file access library 2.0 Grid file access library 2.0
gfalFS is Filesystem client based on GFAL 2.0
gfan is Software for Computing Gröbner Fans and Tropical Varieties
gfbgraph is GLib/GObject wrapper for the Facebook Graph API GLib/GObject wrapper for the Facebook Graph API
gflags is Library for commandline flag processing Library for commandline flag processing
gfm is Texas Instruments handheld(s) file manipulation program
gforth is Fast and portable implementation of the ANS Forth language
gftp is A multi-threaded FTP client for the X Window System
ghasher is GUI hasher for GTK+ 2
ghc is Glasgow Haskell Compiler
ghcid is GHCi based bare bones IDE
ghdl is A VHDL simulator, using the GCC technology
ghemical is Molecular mechanics and quantum mechanics front end for GNOME
ghex is Binary editor for GNOME
ghostscript is Interpreter for PostScript language & PDF Interpreter for PostScript language & PDF
ghostwriter is Cross-platform, aesthetic, distraction-free Markdown editor
giac is Computer Algebra System, Symbolic calculus, Geometry Computer Algebra System, Symbolic calculus, Geometry
giada is Your hardcore loop machine
gif2png is A GIF to PNG converter
giflib is A library and utilities for processing GIFs A library and utilities for processing GIFs
gifsicle is Powerful program for manipulating GIF images and animations
gifticlib is IO library for the GIFTI cortical surface data format IO library for the GIFTI cortical surface data format
gifview is Lightweight animated-GIF viewer
gigolo is GIO/GVFS management application
gimp is GNU Image Manipulation Program
ginac is C++ library for symbolic calculations C++ library for symbolic calculations
ginga is Image Viewer and Toolkit
gip is Internet Protocol Calculator for Gnome
girara is Simple user interface library Simple user interface library
git is Fast Version Control System
git2cl is Converts git logs to GNU style ChangeLog format
gitg is GTK+ graphical interface for the git revision control system GTK+ graphical interface for the git revision control system
gitit is Wiki using happstack, git or darcs, and pandoc
gitjacker is Leak git repositories from misconfigured websites
gitk is Git repository browser
gitlint is Git commit message linting tool
gitolite3 is Highly flexible server for git directory version tracker
gitqlient is Multi-platform Git client
gitstats is Generates statistics based on GIT repository activity
gitui is Blazing fast terminal-ui for git
gitweb is Simple web interface to git repositories
givaro is C++ library for arithmetic and algebraic computations C++ library for arithmetic and algebraic computations
giver is A simple file sharing desktop application
gjots2 is A hierarchical note jotter - organize your ideas, notes, facts in a tree
gjs is Javascript Bindings for GNOME Javascript Bindings for GNOME
gkermit is A utility for transferring files using the Kermit protocol
gkrellm is Multiple stacked system monitors in one process
gkrellxmms2 is Gkrellm2 plugin client for XMMS2
gl2ps is An OpenGL to PostScript printing library An OpenGL to PostScript printing library
glabels is A program for creating labels and business cards for GNOME
glad is Multi-Language GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL Loader-Generator
glade is User Interface Designer for GTK+
glade2 is User Interface Designer for GTK+ 2, legacy version
glances is CLI curses based monitoring tool
glava is OpenGL audio spectrum visualizer
glaxium is An OpenGL space shooter
GLC_lib is C++ class library for OpenGL application based on Qt 4 C++ class library for OpenGL application based on Qt 4
glcddrivers is GraphLCD shared driver library GraphLCD shared driver library
glcdgraphics is GraphLCD shared graphics library GraphLCD shared graphics library
glcdskin is GraphLCD shared skin library GraphLCD shared skin library
gle is Graphics Layout Engine
GLee is GL Easy Extension library GL Easy Extension library
glew is The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
glfw is A cross-platform multimedia library A cross-platform multimedia library
glglobe is OpenGl Globe - Earth simulation for linux
glib is A library of handy utility functions A library of handy utility functions
glib2 is A library of handy utility functions A library of handy utility functions
glibc is The GNU libc libraries The GNU libc libraries
glibd is D bindings for the GLib C Utility Library D bindings for the GLib C Utility Library
glibmm24 is C++ interface for the GLib library C++ interface for the GLib library
glide is Package Management for Golang
glimmer is System for finding genes in microbial DNA
gliv is Image viewing utility
glmark2 is Benchmark for OpenGL 2.0
glob2 is An innovative RTS game
global is Source code tag system
glog is A C++ application logging library A C++ application logging library
glogg is Smart interactive log explorer
glom is Easy-to-use database designer and user interface
gloox is A rock-solid, full-featured Jabber/XMPP client C++ library A rock-solid, full-featured Jabber/XMPP client C++ library
glpk is GNU Linear Programming Kit GNU Linear Programming Kit
glslang is OpenGL and OpenGL ES shader front end and validator OpenGL and OpenGL ES shader front end and validator
glslc is A command line compiler for GLSL/HLSL to SPIR-V
glue is A simple command line tool to generate CSS sprites
glues is GLU port for OpenGL ES GLU port for OpenGL ES
glui is A GLUT-Based User Interface Library A GLUT-Based User Interface Library
glusterfs is Distributed File System
gmediarender is Resource efficient UPnP/DLNA renderer
gmic is GREYC’s Magic for Image Computing GREYC’s Magic for Image Computing
gmime is Library for creating and parsing MIME messages Library for creating and parsing MIME messages
gmime30 is Library for creating and parsing MIME messages Library for creating and parsing MIME messages
gmock is Google C++ Mocking Framework Google C++ Mocking Framework
gmp is A GNU arbitrary precision library A GNU arbitrary precision library
gmqcc is Improved Quake C Compiler
gmqpak is Standalone Quake PAK file utility
gmsh is A three-dimensional finite element mesh generator
GMT is Generic Mapping Tools Generic Mapping Tools
gn is Meta-build system that generates build files for Ninja
gnatcoll is The GNAT Components Collection
gnet2 is A simple network library built upon glib A simple network library built upon glib
gnofract4d is Gnofract 4D is a Gnome-based program to draw fractals
gnokii is Linux/Unix tool suite for various mobile phones Linux/Unix tool suite for various mobile phones
gnonlin is GStreamer extension library for non-linear editing GStreamer extension library for non-linear editing
gnote is Note-taking application Note-taking application
gnubg is A backgammon game and analyser
gnubik is 3D interactive graphics puzzle
gnucap is The Gnu Circuit Analysis Package
gnucash is Finance management application
gnuchess is The GNU chess program
gnucobol is COBOL compiler
gnudos is The GnuDOS library for GNU/Linux The GnuDOS library for GNU/Linux
gnugo is Text based go program
gnujump is A jumping game which is a clone of xjump
gnumeric is Spreadsheet program for GNOME Spreadsheet program for GNOME
gnupg1 is A GNU utility for secure communication and data storage
gnuplot is A program for plotting mathematical expressions and data
gnuradio is Software defined radio framework Software defined radio framework
gnurobbo is Port of an once famous game named Robbo from 1989
gnurobots is A robot programming game
gnushogi is Shogi, the Japanese version of chess
gnusim8085 is Graphical simulator for 8085 assembly language
gnutls is A TLS protocol implementation A TLS protocol implementation
go2chef is Tool to bootstrap a system from zero so that it’s able to run Chef
go2rpm is Convert Go packages to RPM
goaccess is Real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer
goaltdns is Permutation generation tool
gobi_loader is Firmware loader for Qualcomm Gobi WWAN devices
gobuster is Directory/File, DNS and VHost busting tool written in Go
gocl is GLib/GObject based library for OpenCL GLib/GObject based library for OpenCL
gocomplete is Tool for writing bash completion in Go
gocr is GNU Optical Character Recognition program
gocryptfs is Encrypted overlay filesystem written in Go
goddi is Dumper for Active Directory domain information
godep is Dependency tool for go
godmesg is Simpler parser for the /dev/kmsg format
godoctor is A golang refactoring tool
godot is Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine with a feature-rich editor
godotenv is A Go port of Ruby’s dotenv library
gofer is A lightweight, extensible python agent
goffice is G Office support libraries G Office support libraries
golang is The Go Programming Language
gold is Tracks and manages resource usage on High Performance Computers
GoldenCheetah is Cycling Performance Software
goldendict is A feature-rich dictionary lookup program
golie is A client/server implementation of ROLIE written in GO
golist is A tool to analyse the properties of a Go (Golang) codebase
goloris is Slowloris for NGINX DoS
gom is GObject to SQLite object mapper library GObject to SQLite object mapper library
gomacro is Go interpreter and debugger with REPL, Eval, generics and Lisp-like macros
gomtree is Go CLI tool for mtree support
goobook is Abook-style interface for Google contacts for mutt
goocanvas is A new canvas widget for GTK+ that uses cairo for drawing A new canvas widget for GTK+ that uses cairo for drawing
goocanvas2 is A new canvas widget for GTK+ that uses cairo for drawing A new canvas widget for GTK+ that uses cairo for drawing
goocanvasmm is C++ interface for goocanvas C++ interface for goocanvas
goocanvasmm2 is C++ interface for goocanvas2 C++ interface for goocanvas2
goodvibes is Lightweight Radio Player
googler is Access google search, google site search, google news from the terminal
gosh is Proof of concept shell that uses interp
gosnake is The Console Snake Game
gostsum is GOST file digesting utilities
gotags is ctags-compatible tag generator for Go
gotun is Tool to run tests on OpenStack
gource is Software version control visualization
goverlay is Project that aims to create a Graphical UI to help manage Linux overlays
gpart is A program for recovering corrupt partition tables
gparted is Gnome Partition Editor
gpaste is Clipboard management system
gperf is A perfect hash function generator
gperftools is Very fast malloc and performance analysis tools
gpgme is GnuPG Made Easy - high level crypto API GnuPG Made Easy - high level crypto API
gpgmepp is C++ bindings/wrapper for GPGME C++ bindings/wrapper for GPGME
gphoto2 is Software for accessing digital cameras
gphotoframe is Photo Frame Gadget for the GNOME Desktop
gphotofs is A FUSE filesystem module to mount your camera as a filesystem
gpick is Advanced color picker
gpicview is Simple and fast Image Viewer for X
gplugin is GObject based library that implements a reusable plugin system
gpm is A mouse server for the Linux console
gpodder is Podcast receiver/catcher written in Python
gprbuild is Ada project builder Ada project builder
gpredict is Real-time satellite tracking and orbit prediction program
gprof2dot is Generate dot graphs from the output of several profilers
gprolog is GNU Prolog is a free Prolog compiler GNU Prolog is a free Prolog compiler
gpsbabel is A tool to convert between various formats used by GPS devices
gpscorrelate is A GPS photo correlation / geotagging tool
gpsd is Service daemon for mediating access to a GPS
gpsim is A simulator for Microchip (TM) PIC (TM) microcontrollers A simulator for Microchip (TM) PIC (TM) microcontrollers
gpsman is A GPS manager
gputils is Development utilities for Microchip (TM) PIC (TM) microcontrollers
gpxsee is GPS log file viewer and analyzer
gq is Graphical LDAP directory browser and editor
gqrx is Software defined radio receiver powered by GNU Radio and Qt
grace is Numerical Data Processing and Visualization Tool
gradio is Find and listen to internet radio stations
grads is Tool for easy acces, manipulation, and visualization of data
grafana is Metrics dashboard and graph editor
grafx2 is A bitmap paint program specialized in 256 color drawing
gramps is Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System
granatier is Place bombs to kill enemies and remove obstacles
granite is elementary companion library for GTK+ and GLib elementary companion library for GTK+ and GLib
grantlee is Qt string template engine based on the Django template system Qt string template engine based on the Django template system
graphene is Thin layer of types for graphic libraries Thin layer of types for graphic libraries
GraphicsMagick is An ImageMagick fork, offering faster image generation and better quality An ImageMagick fork, offering faster image generation and better quality
graphite2 is Font rendering capabilities for complex non-Roman writing systems Font rendering capabilities for complex non-Roman writing systems
graphviz is Graph Visualization Tools Graph Visualization Tools
grass is GRASS GIS - Geographic Resources Analysis Support System GRASS GIS - Geographic Resources Analysis Support System
grc is Generic Colorizer
greenboot is Generic Health Check Framework for systemd
grepmail is Search mailboxes for a particular email
gretl is A tool for econometric analysis A tool for econometric analysis
greyhounds is Greyhounds is a greyhounds racing and breeding game
grfcodec is A suite of programs to modify Transport Tycoon Deluxe’s GRF files
grhino is Reversi game for GNOME, supporting the Go/Game Text Protocol
grib_api is WMO FM-92 GRIB (v1,v2) interface accessible from C and FORTRAN programs WMO FM-92 GRIB (v1,v2) interface accessible from C and FORTRAN programs
gridloc is A ncurses console application for the calculation of Maidenhead QRA Locators
gridsite is Grid Security for the Web, Web platforms for Grids Grid Security for the Web, Web platforms for Grids
grilo is Content discovery framework Content discovery framework
grim is Screenshot tool for Sway
grimshot is Helper for screenshots within sway
grin is Grep-like tool for source code
grip is Front-end for CD rippers and Ogg Vorbis encoders
grisbi is Personal finances manager
grive2 is Google Drive client
groff is A document formatting system
gromacs is Fast, Free and Flexible Molecular Dynamics
gron is Make JSON greppable
groonga is An Embeddable Fulltext Search Engine
growlight is Disk manipulation and system setup tool
grpc is RPC library and framework RPC library and framework
grsync is A Gtk+ GUI for rsync
grubby is Command line tool for updating bootloader configs
gscan2pdf is GUI for producing a multipage PDF from a scan
gsequencer is Audio processing engine Audio processing engine
gshutdown is GShutDown is an advanced shut down utility for GNOME
gsignond is GSignOn daemon
gsim85 is An 8085 microprocessor simulator
gsl is The GNU Scientific Library for numerical analysis The GNU Scientific Library for numerical analysis
gsm is Shared libraries for GSM speech compressor Shared libraries for GSM speech compressor
gsmartcontrol is Graphical user interface for smartctl
gsoap is Generator Tools for Coding SOAP/XML Web Services in C and C++ Generator Tools for Coding SOAP/XML Web Services in C and C++
gsound is Small gobject library for playing system sounds Small gobject library for playing system sounds
gspectrum is Spectrum viewer
gspell is Spell-checking library for GTK+ Spell-checking library for GTK+
gssdp is Resource discovery and announcement over SSDP Resource discovery and announcement over SSDP
gssntlmssp is GSSAPI NTLMSSP Mechanism
gssproxy is GSSAPI Proxy
gst is System utility designed to stress and monitoring various hardware components
gst123 is Command line multimedia player based on gstreamer
gstream is Simplified stream output/input for Allegro Simplified stream output/input for Allegro
gstreamer1 is GStreamer streaming media framework runtime GStreamer streaming media framework runtime
gstreamermm is C++ wrapper for GStreamer library C++ wrapper for GStreamer library
gt is Modified Timidity which supportes enhanced gus format patches
gt5 is A diff-capable ‘du-browser’
gtengine is Library for computations in mathematics, graphics, image analysis, and physics Library for computations in mathematics, graphics, image analysis, and physics
gtest is Google C++ testing framework Google C++ testing framework
gthree is Gthree is a GObject/Gtk+ port of three.js
gthumb is Image viewer, editor, organizer Image viewer, editor, organizer
gti is Just a silly gti launcher
gtimelog is Unobtrusively keep track of your time
gtk+ is The GIMP ToolKit The GIMP ToolKit
gtk+extra is A library of gtk+ widgets A library of gtk+ widgets
gtk2 is GTK+ graphical user interface library GTK+ graphical user interface library
gtk3 is GTK+ graphical user interface library GTK+ graphical user interface library
gtk4 is GTK graphical user interface library GTK graphical user interface library
GtkAda is GTKada 2, an Ada binding to GTK+ 2 GTKada 2, an Ada binding to GTK+ 2
GtkAda3 is GTKada 3, an Ada binding to GTK+ 3 GTKada 3, an Ada binding to GTK+ 3
gtkd is D binding and OO wrapper of GTK+ D binding and OO wrapper of GTK+
gtkdatabox is GTK+ widget for fast data display GTK+ widget for fast data display
gtkhash is GTK+ utility for computing message digests or checksums
gtkhtml3 is GtkHTML library GtkHTML library
gtkimageview is Simple image viewer widget Simple image viewer widget
gtkmm24 is C++ interface for GTK2 (a GUI library for X) C++ interface for GTK2 (a GUI library for X)
gtkmm30 is C++ interface for the GTK+ library C++ interface for the GTK+ library
gtkpod is Graphical song management program for Apple’s iPod Graphical song management program for Apple’s iPod
gtksourceview2 is A library for viewing source files A library for viewing source files
gtksourceview3 is Source code editing widget Source code editing widget
gtksourceview4 is Source code editing widget Source code editing widget
gtksourceviewmm is A C++ wrapper for the gtksourceview widget library A C++ wrapper for the gtksourceview widget library
gtksourceviewmm3 is A C++ wrapper for gtksourceview3 A C++ wrapper for gtksourceview3
gtkspell is On-the-fly spell checking for GtkTextView widgets On-the-fly spell checking for GtkTextView widgets
gtkspell3 is On-the-fly spell checking for GtkTextView widgets On-the-fly spell checking for GtkTextView widgets
gtkspellmm30 is On-the-fly spell checking for GtkTextView widgets - C++ bindings On-the-fly spell checking for GtkTextView widgets - C++ bindings
gtkterm is Serial port terminal
gtkwave is Waveform Viewer
gtorrentviewer is A GTK2-based viewer and editor for BitTorrent meta files
gtranslator is Gettext po file editor for GNOME
gtrayicon is Generic tray icon for GNOME
gts is GNU Triangulated Surface Library GNU Triangulated Surface Library
gtts is Create an mp3 file from spoken text via the Google TTS API
gtypist is GNU typing tutor
guacd is Proxy daemon for Guacamole
guake is Drop-down terminal for GNOME
guava is Google Core Libraries for Java
guayadeque is Music player
gucharmap is Unicode character picker and font browser
guichan is Portable C++ GUI library for games using Allegro, SDL and OpenGL Portable C++ GUI library for games using Allegro, SDL and OpenGL
guile is A GNU implementation of Scheme for application extensibility A GNU implementation of Scheme for application extensibility
guile22 is A GNU implementation of Scheme for application extensibility A GNU implementation of Scheme for application extensibility
guilt is Scripts to manage quilt-like patches on top of git
guitarix is A virtual guitar amplifier
guitone is A frontend for Monotone
gummi is A simple LaTeX editor
gupnp is A framework for creating UPnP devices & control points A framework for creating UPnP devices & control points
gutenprint is Printer Drivers Package Printer Drivers Package
gv is A X front-end for the Ghostscript PostScript(TM) interpreter
gvfs is Backends for the gio framework in GLib Backends for the gio framework in GLib
gvnc is A GObject for VNC connections A GObject for VNC connections
gvncpulse is A Pulse Audio bridge for VNC connections A Pulse Audio bridge for VNC connections
gwe is System utility designed to provide information of NVIDIA card
gweled is Swapping gem game
gwenhywfar is A multi-platform helper library for other libraries A multi-platform helper library for other libraries
gwenview is An image viewer
gxemul is Instruction-level machine emulator
gxkb is X11 keyboard indicator and switcher
gxmessage is GTK2 based xmessage clone
gxmms2 is A graphical audio player
gxvattr is GTK1-based GUI for Xv attributes
gyazo is Screen capture (screenshot) tool
gydl is GUI wrapper around youtube-dl program
gyp is Generate Your Projects
hackrf is HackRF Utilities HackRF Utilities
hadolint is Dockerfile linter, validate inline bash
hakrevdns is Tool for performing reverse DNS lookups
halibut is TeX-like software manual tool
hamcrest is Library of matchers for building test expressions
hamcrest2 is Library of matchers for building test expressions
hamlib is Run-time library to control radio transceivers and receivers Run-time library to control radio transceivers and receivers
handlebars is Handlebars templating implemented in Rust
hans is IP over ICMP tunneling solution
happy is Parser Generator for Haskell
haproxy is HAProxy reverse proxy for high availability environments
harfbuzz is Text shaping library Text shaping library
harmonyseq is MIDI sequencer designed for live performances
harvey is The hero that Gotham needs right now
hashcat is Advanced password recovery utility Advanced password recovery utility
hashid is Tool to identify different types of hashes
hatari is An Atari ST/STE/TT/Falcon emulator suitable for playing games
hatch is A modern project, package, and virtual env manager
hatools is Improved shell scripting in High Availability environment
haveged is A Linux entropy source using the HAVEGE algorithm A Linux entropy source using the HAVEGE algorithm
hawknl is Game oriented network library Game oriented network library
hawtjni is Code generator that produces the JNI code
haxe is Multi-target universal programming language
haxima is A full-featured role-playing game for the Nazghul engine
HaXml is Utilities for using XML documents with Haskell
hct is A HDL complexity tool
hddfancontrol is Control system fan speed by monitoring hard drive temperature
hddtemp is Hard disk temperature tool
hdf is A general purpose library and file format for storing scientific data A general purpose library and file format for storing scientific data
hdf5 is A general purpose library and file format for storing scientific data A general purpose library and file format for storing scientific data
hdhomerun is Silicon Dust HDHomeRun configuration utility Silicon Dust HDHomeRun configuration utility
hdparm is A utility for displaying and/or setting hard disk parameters
HdrHistogram is A High Dynamic Range (HDR) Histogram
HdrHistogram_c is C port of the HdrHistogram C port of the HdrHistogram
healpix is Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelization of a sphere Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelization of a sphere
heaptrack is A heap memory profiler for Linux
heatseeker is Fast, robust, and portable fuzzy finder
hedgewars is Funny turn-based artillery game, featuring fighting Hedgehogs! Funny turn-based artillery game, featuring fighting Hedgehogs!
heimdall is Flash firmware on to Samsung Galaxy S devices
hello is Prints a familiar, friendly greeting
help2man is Create simple man pages from –help output
HepMC is C++ Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators C++ Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators
HepMC3 is C++ Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators C++ Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators
herbstluftwm is A manual tiling window manager
hercstudio is GUI front-end to the Hercules mainframe Emulator
hercules is Hercules S/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture emulator
Hermes is Pixel format conversion library Pixel format conversion library
herqq is A software library for building UPnP devices and control points A software library for building UPnP devices and control points
hevea is LaTeX to HTML translator
hexchat is A popular and easy to use graphical IRC (chat) client A popular and easy to use graphical IRC (chat) client
hexedit is A hexadecimal file viewer and editor
hexer is Interactive binary editor
hexglass is Block falling puzzle game based on a hexagonal grid
hexyl is A command-line hex viewer
hfsutils is Tools for reading and writing Macintosh HFS volumes
hgsvn is A set of scripts to work locally on subversion checkouts using mercurial
hgview is Mercurial interactive Qt based history viewer
hid4java is Java wrapper for the hidapi library
hidapi is Library for communicating with USB and Bluetooth HID devices Library for communicating with USB and Bluetooth HID devices
hidrd is HID report descriptor I/O library and conversion tool HID report descriptor I/O library and conversion tool
hidviz is A tool for in-depth analysis of USB HID devices communication
hiera is A simple hierarchical database supporting plugin data sources
highlight is Universal source code to formatted text converter
hikari is Stacking Wayland compositor with tiling capabilities
hiredis is Minimalistic C client library for Redis Minimalistic C client library for Redis
hitch is Network proxy that terminates TLS/SSL connections
hitori is Logic puzzle game for GNOME
hivex is Read and write Windows Registry binary hive files Read and write Windows Registry binary hive files
hledger is Command-line interface for the hledger accounting system
hlint is Haskell source code suggestions
hmmer is Profile HMM software for protein sequence analysis
hnb is Hierarchical Notebook
hokuyoaist is Hokuyo Laser SCIP driver Hokuyo Laser SCIP driver
holland is Pluggable Backup Framework
homebank is Free easy personal accounting for all
honggfuzz is General-purpose, easy-to-use fuzzer General-purpose, easy-to-use fuzzer
hostapd is IEEE 802.11 AP, IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP/RADIUS Authenticator
hostname is Utility to set/show the host name or domain name
hotspot is The Linux perf GUI for performance analysis
howl is Lightweight editor with a keyboard-centric minimalistic UI
hping3 is TCP/IP stack auditing and much more
hplip is HP Linux Imaging and Printing Project
hpx is General Purpose C++ Runtime System General Purpose C++ Runtime System
hsakmt is AMD’s HSA thunk library
hscolour is Colorize Haskell code
hspell is A Hebrew spell checker A Hebrew spell checker
hsqldb is HyperSQL Database Engine
hstr is Suggest box like shell history completion
hsxkpasswd is Secure memorable password generator
ht is File editor/viewer/analyzer for executables
htdig is ht
html2ps is HTML to PostScript converter
html2wiki is Convert HTML to wiki markup
htmlcxx is A simple non-validating CSS1 and HTML parser for C++ A simple non-validating CSS1 and HTML parser for C++
htmldoc is Converter from HTML into indexed HTML, PostScript, or PDF
htmltest is Test generated HTML for problems
htop is Interactive process viewer
htppu is Hessu’s Tampa Ping-Pong conversd URO modified version
htslib is C library for high-throughput sequencing data formats C library for high-throughput sequencing data formats
http_ping is HTTP latency measuring utility
httpd is Apache HTTP Server
httpdump is Capture and parse HTTP traffic
httperf is Tool for measuring web server performance
httpie is A Curl-like tool for humans
httping is Ping alike tool for http requests
httprobe is Probing tool for working HTTP and HTTPS servers
httpry is A specialized packet sniffer designed for displaying and logging HTTP traffic
httptunnel is Tunnels a data stream in HTTP requests
httpunit is Automated web site testing toolkit
httrack is Website copier and offline browser Website copier and offline browser
hub is A command-line tool that makes git easier to use with GitHub
hugin is A panoramic photo stitcher and more
hugo is The world’s fastest framework for building websites
hugs98 is Haskell Interpreter
hulk is DoS tool using unique and obfuscated traffic
hunspell is A spell checker and morphological analyzer library A spell checker and morphological analyzer library
hunt is Tool for demonstrating well known weaknesses in the TCP/IP protocol suite
hwdata is Hardware identification and configuration data
hwinfo is Hardware information tool
hwloc is Portable Hardware Locality - portable abstraction of hierarchical architectures
hxtools is A collection of several tools
hydra is Very fast network log-on cracker
hydrapaper is Set two different backgrounds for each monitor on GNOME
hydrogen is Advanced drum machine for GNU/Linux Advanced drum machine for GNU/Linux
hyena is A library of GUI and non-GUI C sharp code
hylafax+ is An enterprise-strength fax server An enterprise-strength fax server
hyperestraier is A full-text search system A full-text search system
hyperfine is Command-line benchmarking tool
hyperrogue is An SDL roguelike in a non-euclidean world
hyperscan is High-performance regular expression matching library
hypervfcopyd is Hyper-V FCOPY daemon
hypervkvpd is Hyper-V key value pair (KVP) daemon
hypervvssd is Hyper-V VSS daemon
hyphen is A text hyphenation library A text hyphenation library
hypre is High performance matrix preconditioners High performance matrix preconditioners
i3 is Improved tiling window manager
i3blocks is A feed generator for text based status bars
i3lock is Simple X display locker like slock
i3status is Status bar generator for i3bar, dzen2, xmobar or similar programs
iagno is GNOME Reversi game
iaito is GUI for radare2 reverse engineering framework GUI for radare2 reverse engineering framework
iapetal is A 2D space rescue game
iaxclient is Library for creating telephony solutions that interoperate with Asterisk Library for creating telephony solutions that interoperate with Asterisk
ibacm is InfiniBand Communication Manager Assistant InfiniBand Communication Manager Assistant
ibmonitor is Interactive bandwidth monitor
ibp is A tool to show which IBP beacons are transmitting
ibsim is InfiniBand fabric simulator for management
ibus is Intelligent Input Bus for Linux OS
ibutils is OpenIB Mellanox InfiniBand Diagnostic Tools
icaro is Robotic Educational Project
icat is Output images in terminal
iceauth is Display the authorization information used in connecting with ICE
icebreaker is An addictive action-puzzle game involving bouncing penguins
icecast is ShoutCast compatible streaming media server
icecat is GNU version of Firefox browser
icecream is Distributed compiler Distributed compiler
icedax is A utility for sampling/copying .wav files from digital audio CDs
icemon is Icecream GUI monitor
icestorm is Lattice iCE40 FPGA bitstream creation/analysis/programming tools
icewm is Window manager designed for speed, usability, and consistency
icfg is Command line utility to edit network configuration (icfg-*) files
icon is Icon programming language
icoutils is Utility for extracting and converting Microsoft icon and cursor files
icu is International Components for Unicode
icu4j is International Components for Unicode for Java
id3lib is Library for manipulating ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags Library for manipulating ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags
id3v2 is Command line ID3 tag editor
idn2 is IDNA2008 internationalized domain names conversion tool
idris is Functional Programming Language with Dependent Types
idzebra is High performance structured text indexing and retrieval engine
iec16022 is Generate ISO/IEC 16022 2D barcodes
ifm is Interactive Fiction Mapper
ifstat is Interface statistics
iftop is Command line tool that displays bandwidth usage on an interface
ifuse is Mount Apple iPhone and iPod touch devices
ignition is First boot installer and configuration tool
ignuit is Memorization aid based on the Leitner flashcard system
igraph is Library for creating and manipulating graphs Library for creating and manipulating graphs
iguanaIR is Driver for Iguanaworks USB IR transceiver Driver for Iguanaworks USB IR transceiver
ii is IRC IT, simple FIFO based IRC client
ikiwiki is A wiki compiler
ikona is Icon Preview designed for Plasma
ilbc is Internet Low Bitrate Codec Internet Low Bitrate Codec
ilmbase is Abstraction/convenience libraries Abstraction/convenience libraries
ilua is Portable Lua kernel for Jupyter
imagefactory is System image generation tool
imagej is Image Processing and Analysis in Java
ImageMagick is An X application for displaying and manipulating images An X application for displaying and manipulating images
imake is imake source code configuration and build system
imapfilter is A flexible client side mail filtering utility for IMAP servers
imapsync is Tool to migrate email between IMAP servers
imaptest is Generic IMAP server compliancy tester
imgbased is Tools to work with an image based rootfs
imgp is Multi-core batch image resizer and rotator
iml is Finds solutions to systems of linear equations over integers Finds solutions to systems of linear equations over integers
imlib2 is Image loading, saving, rendering, and manipulation library Image loading, saving, rendering, and manipulation library
immix is An image mixer
impressive is A program that displays presentation slides
imsettings is Delivery framework for general Input Method configuration
imv is Image viewer for X11 and Wayland
imvirt is Detects several virtualizations
imwheel is Mouse Event to Key Event Mapper Daemon
inchi is The IUPAC International Chemical Identifier library
incron is Inotify cron system
indent is A GNU program for formatting C code
indistarter is GUI to start, stop and control an INDI server
inews is Sends Usenet articles to a local news server for distribution
infinoted is Server for the infinote protocol Server for the infinote protocol
info is A stand-alone TTY-based reader for GNU texinfo documentation
inih is Simple INI file parser library Simple INI file parser library
iniparser is C library for parsing “INI-style” files
initscripts is Basic support for legacy System V init scripts
inkscape is Vector-based drawing program using SVG
inksmoto is The new xmoto level editor for Inkscape
inn is The InterNetNews system, an Usenet news server
innoextract is Tool to extract installers created by Inno Setup
innotop is A MySQL and InnoDB monitor program
insight is Graphical debugger based on GDB
InsightToolkit is Insight Toolkit library for medical image processing Insight Toolkit library for medical image processing
integritysetup is A utility for setting up dm-integrity volumes
intelhex is Utilities for manipulating Intel HEX file format
intltool is Utility for internationalizing various kinds of data files
Inventor is SGI Open Inventor (TM) SGI Open Inventor (TM)
InventorXt is SGI Open Inventor (TM) Motif bindings SGI Open Inventor (TM) Motif bindings
inxi is A full featured system information script
iodine is Solution to tunnel IPv4 data through a DNS server
ioping is Simple disk I/O latency monitoring tool
ioport is Access I/O ports
iotop is Top like utility for I/O
iowatcher is Utility for visualizing block layer IO patterns and performance
IP2Location is Tools for mapping IP address to geolocation information Tools for mapping IP address to geolocation information
IPAddress is Library for handling IP addresses and subnets, both IPv4 and IPv6
ipcalc is IP network address calculator
ipe is Drawing editor for creating figures in PDF or PostScript formats Drawing editor for creating figures in PDF or PostScript formats
iperf is Measurement tool for TCP/UDP bandwidth performance
iperf3 is Measurement tool for TCP/UDP bandwidth performance Measurement tool for TCP/UDP bandwidth performance
ipgetter2 is Utility to fetch your external IP address
ipmctl is Utility for managing Intel Optane DC persistent memory modules
ipmievd is IPMI event daemon for sending events to syslog
ipmitool is Utility for IPMI control
ipmiutil is Easy-to-use IPMI server management utilities Easy-to-use IPMI server management utilities
iproute is Advanced IP routing and network device configuration tools
iprutils is Utilities for the IBM Power Linux RAID adapters
ipset is Manage Linux IP sets
ipsilon is An Identity Provider Server
iptables is Tools for managing Linux kernel packet filtering capabilities Tools for managing Linux kernel packet filtering capabilities
iptstate is A top-like display of IP Tables state table entries
iputils is Network monitoring tools including ping
ipv6calc is IPv6 address format change and calculation utility IPv6 address format change and calculation utility
ipv6gen is IPv6 prefix generator
ipvsadm is Utility to administer the Linux Virtual Server
ipwatchd is IP conflict detection tool
ipxripd is IPX RIP/SAP daemon - routing for IPX networks
IQmol is A free open-source molecular editor and visualization package
irclog2html is A script to convert IRC logs to HTML and other formats
irqbalance is IRQ balancing daemon
irrlicht is A high performance realtime 3D engine A high performance realtime 3D engine
irrXML is Simple and fast XML parser for C++ Simple and fast XML parser for C++
irsim is Switch-level simulator used even for VLSI
irssi is Modular text mode IRC client with Perl scripting
irstlm is Statistical language model tool Statistical language model tool
isl is Integer point manipulation library Integer point manipulation library
isoimagewriter is KDE ISO Image Writer, a tool to write a .iso file to a USB disk
isomaster is An easy to use GUI CD image editor
isomd5sum is Utilities for working with md5sum implanted in ISO images
isorelax is Public interfaces for RELAX Core
ispc is C-based SPMD programming language compiler
isrcsubmit is Script to submit ISRCs from disc to MusicBrainz
isync is Tool to synchronize IMAP4 and Maildir mailboxes
itcl is Object oriented extensions to Tcl and Tk Object oriented extensions to Tcl and Tk
itk is Object oriented extensions to Tk Object oriented extensions to Tk
itop is Interactive interrupt viewer
itstool is ITS-based XML translation tool
iv is InterViews graphical library InterViews graphical library
iverilog is Icarus Verilog is a verilog compiler and simulator
ivykis is Library for asynchronous I/O readiness notification Library for asynchronous I/O readiness notification
iw is A nl80211 based wireless configuration tool
iwd is Wireless daemon for Linux
iwidgets is A set of useful widgets based on itcl and itk
iwpmd is iWarp Port Mapper userspace daemon
iyfct is Side scrolling endless runner game
jaaa is JACK and ALSA Audio Analyzer
jabberd is OpenSource server implementation of the Jabber protocols
jabrt is ABRT Java bindings
jack_capture is Record sound files with JACK
jackctlmmc is Allows control over JACK transport via Midi
jacktrip is A system for high-quality audio network performance over the Internet
jacoco is Java Code Coverage for Eclipse
jacop is Java Constraint Programming solver
jaero is A SatCom ACARS demodulator and decoder for the Aero standard
jalv is A simple but fully featured LV2 host for Jack
jam is Program construction tool, similar to make
janino is An embedded Java compiler
jansi is Generate and interpret ANSI escape sequences in Java
jansi1 is Generate and interpret ANSI escape sequences in Java
jansson is C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data
japa is Jack and ALSA Perceptual Audio Analyzer
japron is Java interface to APRON
jargs is Java command line option parsing suite
jasper is Implementation of the JPEG-2000 standard, Part 1
java_cup is LALR parser generator for Java
javacc is A parser/scanner generator for java
javadocofflinesearch is Tool for offline searching in your docs via browser
javaewah is A word-aligned compressed variant of the Java bitset class
javahelp2 is JavaHelp is a full-featured, platform-independent, extensible help system
javaparser is Java 1 to 13 Parser and Abstract Syntax Tree for Java
javapoet is A Java API for generating .java source files
javassist is Java Programming Assistant for Java bytecode manipulation
javastroke is Optional java files
jaxen is An XPath engine written in Java
jbig2dec is A decoder implementation of the JBIG2 image compression format
jbigkit is JBIG1 lossless image compression tools
jblas is Java bindings for BLAS
jc is Serialize the output of CLI tools and file-types to structured JSON
jcal is Unix cal-like interface to libjalali
jchardet is Java port of Mozilla’s automatic character set detection algorithm
jcodings is Java-based codings helper classes for Joni and JRuby
jcommon is JFree Java utility classes
jconvolver is Real-time Convolution Engine
jctools is Java Concurrency Tools for the JVM
jcuber is CUBE reader for Java
jd is A 2ch browser
jday is A simple command to convert calendar dates to julian dates A simple command to convert calendar dates to julian dates
jdeparser is Source generator library for Java
jdepend is Java Design Quality Metrics
jdependency is This project provides an API to analyse class dependencies
jdns is A simple DNS queries library A simple DNS queries library
jdom is Java alternative to DOM and SAX
jdom2 is Java manipulation of XML made easy
jed is Fast, compact editor based on the S-Lang screen library
jemalloc is General-purpose scalable concurrent malloc implementation General-purpose scalable concurrent malloc implementation
jetring is GPG keyring maintenance using changesets
jetty is Java Webserver and Servlet Container
jfbterm is Japanese Console for Linux Frame Buffer Device
jffi is Java Foreign Function Interface
jflex is Fast Scanner Generator
jFormatString is Java format string compile-time checker
jfreechart is Java chart library
jfsutils is Utilities for managing the JFS filesystem
jgit is A pure java implementation of git
jgmenu is Simple X11 application menu
jgrapht is A free Java graph library that provides mathematical graph objs and algorithms
jhdf is Java HDF Package
jhdf5 is Java HDF5 Package
jhead is Tool for displaying EXIF data embedded in JPEG images
jid is JSON incremental digger
jigawatts is Java CRIU helper
jimtcl is A small embeddable Tcl interpreter A small embeddable Tcl interpreter
jitterentropy is Library implementing the jitter entropy source Library implementing the jitter entropy source
jkmeter is Horizontal or vertical bar-graph audio levels meter
jlems is Java Interpreter for the Low Entropy Model Specification language
jline is Java library for handling console input
jline2 is Java library for handling console input
jmc is JDK Mission Control is a profiling and diagnostics tool
jmdns is Java implementation of multi-cast DNS
jmeters is Multichannel audio level meter
jmock is Java library for testing code with mock objects
jmol is Java viewer for chemical structures in 3D
jmtpfs is FUSE and libmtp based filesystem for accessing MTP devices
jna is Pure Java access to native libraries
jo is Small utility to create JSON objects
joe is An easy to use, modeless text editor
john is John the Ripper password cracker
joni is Java port of Oniguruma regexp library
jorbis is Pure Java Ogg Vorbis Decoder
jose is Tools for JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE)
jpanoramamaker is Tool for stitching photos to panorama in linear curved space
jpcap is A Java library for capturing and sending network packets
jpeginfo is Error-check and generate informative listings from JPEG files
jpegoptim is Utility to optimize JPEG files
jpgalleg is JPEG library for the Allegro game library JPEG library for the Allegro game library
jpilot is pilot desktop software
jpnevulator is Serial line sniffer including very simple terminal emulator
jq is Command-line JSON processor Command-line JSON processor
jql is JSON query language CLI tool
jreen is Qt4 XMPP Library Qt4 XMPP Library
jrnl is A simple journal application for the command line
js8call is Amateur Radio message passing using FT8 modulation
jsap is A Java-based Simple Argument Parser
jsch is Pure Java implementation of SSH2
JSCookMenu is JavaScript GUI-like web menus
jsemver is A Java implementation of the Semantic Versioning Specification
jsmol is JavaScript-Based Molecular Viewer From Jmol
json_simple is Simple Java toolkit for JSON
json11 is A tiny JSON library for C++11 A tiny JSON library for C++11
jsoncpp is JSON library implemented in C++ JSON library implemented in C++
jsonnet is A data templating language based on JSON
jsoup is Java library for working with real-world HTML
jss is Java Security Services (JSS)
jssc is Java Simple Serial Connector
jtc is JSON processing utility
jtidy is HTML syntax checker and pretty printer
Judy is General purpose dynamic array General purpose dynamic array
juk is Music player
julia is High-level, high-performance dynamic language for technical computing High-level, high-performance dynamic language for technical computing
julius is Large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) decoder software Large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) decoder software
jumpnbump is Cute multiplayer platform game with bunnies
junit is Java regression test package
junit5 is Java regression testing framework
juniversalchardet is Java character encoding detection
jupp is Compact and feature-rich WordStar-compatible editor
just is A command runner
jwhois is Internet whois/nicname client
jwm is Joe’s Window Manager
jxrlib is Open source implementation of jpegxr Open source implementation of jpegxr
jython is A Java implementation of the Python language
jzlib is Re-implementation of zlib in pure Java
k3b is CD/DVD/Blu-ray burning application
k3guitune is Musical instrument tuner
k4dirstat is Graphical Directory Statistics for Used Disk Space
kactivitymanagerd is Plasma service to manage user’s activities Plasma service to manage user’s activities
kaddressbook is Contact Manager Contact Manager
kajongg is Classical Mah Jongg game for four players
kakasi is A Japanese character set conversion filter
kakoune is Code editor heavily inspired by Vim
kalarm is Personal Alarm Scheduler
kalgebra is 2D and 3D Graph Calculator
kalzium is Periodic Table of Elements
kamera is Digital camera support for KDE
kamoso is Application for taking pictures and videos from a webcam Application for taking pictures and videos from a webcam
kanagram is Letter Order Game
kanatest is Hiragana and Katakana drill tool
kanshi is Dynamic display configuration for sway
kanyremote is KDE frontend for anyRemote
kapman is A collecting game
kapptemplate is KDE Template generator
kasumi is An anthy dictionary management tool
kate is Advanced Text Editor
katomic is An educational game built around molecular geometry
kaudiocreator is Program for ripping and encoding Audio-CDs
kawa is Scheme programming language
kbackup is Back up your data in a simple, user friendly way
kbd is Tools for configuring the console (keyboard, virtual terminals, etc.)
kbdd is Per window keyboard layout
kbibtex is A BibTeX editor for KDE
kbilliards is A Fun Billiards Simulator Game
kblackbox is A game of hide and seek played on a grid of boxes
kblocks is A classic falling blocks game
kbounce is Ball bouncing game
kbrickbuster is Destroy bricks with a ball
kbruch is Practice Fractions
kBuild is A cross-platform build environment
kcachegrind is GUI to profilers such as Valgrind
kcalc is Scientific Calculator
kcbench is Benchmark that compiles a Linux kernel
kcc is Kanji Code Converter
kcharselect is Character selector
kcheckers is Checkers board game
kchmviewer is CHM viewer
kclock is Clock app for Plasma Mobile Clock app for Plasma Mobile
kcm_colors is Colors KDE Control Module
kcm_systemd is Systemd control module for KDE
kcm_wacomtablet is KDE Control module for Wacom Graphictablets KDE Control module for Wacom Graphictablets
kcolorchooser is A color chooser
kcoloredit is A color palette Editor
kcolorpicker is QToolButton control with color popup menu QToolButton control with color popup menu
kcov is Code coverage tool without special compilation options
kcron is Cron KDE configuration module
kdb is Database Connectivity and Creation Framework Database Connectivity and Creation Framework
kdbg is A GUI for gdb, the GNU debugger, and KDE
kdebase3 is KDE 3 core files
kdebugsettings is Configure debug output from Qt5 applications Configure debug output from Qt5 applications
kdeconnectd is KDE Connect service
kdecoration is A plugin-based library to create window decorations A plugin-based library to create window decorations
kdegames3 is KDE 3 Games not ported to KDE 4
kdelibs is KDE Libraries KDE Libraries
kdelibs3 is KDE 3 Libraries KDE 3 Libraries
kdepim is KDE Personal Information Metapackage
kdepimlibs is KDE PIM Libraries KDE PIM Libraries
kdesu is Runs a program with elevated privileges
kdesvn is Subversion client for KDE Subversion client for KDE
kdevelop is Integrated Development Environment for C++/C Integrated Development Environment for C++/C
kdewebdev is Web development applications
kdf is View disk usage View disk usage
kdiagram is Powerful libraries (KChart, KGantt) for creating business diagrams Powerful libraries (KChart, KGantt) for creating business diagrams
kdialog is Nice dialog boxes from shell scripts
kdiamond is A three-in-a-row game
kdiff3 is Compare + merge 2 or 3 files or directories Compare + merge 2 or 3 files or directories
kdiskmark is Simple open-source disk benchmark tool for Linux distros
kdissert is Mind-mapping tool
kdm is The KDE login manager
kdnssd is KDE Network Monitor for DNS-SD services (Zeroconf) KDE Network Monitor for DNS-SD services (Zeroconf)
kdocker is Dock any application in the system tray
kdsoap is A Qt-based client-side and server-side SOAP component A Qt-based client-side and server-side SOAP component
kea is DHCPv4, DHCPv6 and DDNS server from ISC
keditbookmarks is Bookmark organizer and editor
keepalived is High Availability monitor built upon LVS, VRRP and service pollers
keepass is Password manager
keepassx is Cross-platform password manager
keepassx0 is Cross-platform password manager
keepassxc is Cross-platform password manager
kelbt is Backtracking LR Parsing
kerberoast is Kerberos security toolkit for Python
kernel is The Linux kernel
kernelshark is GUI analysis for Ftrace data captured by trace-cmd
kexi is An integrated environment for managing data
keybinder is A library for registering global keyboard shortcuts A library for registering global keyboard shortcuts
keybinder3 is A library for registering global keyboard shortcuts A library for registering global keyboard shortcuts
keychain is Agent manager for OpenSSH,, Sun SSH, and GnuPG
keychecker is Generate list of installed packages sorted by GPG key
keylime is Open source TPM software for Bootstrapping and Maintaining Trust
keysmith is Convergent OTP client
keyutils is Linux Key Management Utilities
kfc is Terminal-emulator color palette setter written in POSIX C99
kfilefactory is An application for sharing files on FileFactory
kfind is KDE Find File Utility
kflickr is Standalone Flickr Uploader
kfloppy is Floppy formatting tool
kfourinline is A four-in-a-row game
kgamma is A monitor calibration tool
kgeography is Geography Trainer
kget is Download manager
kgoldrunner is A game of action and puzzle solving
kgpg is Manage GPG encryption keys
kgrab is A screen grabbing utility
kgraphviewer is Graphviz dot graph file viewer
kguitar is Guitar Tabulature Music Editor
khal is CLI calendar application
khangman is Hangman game
khard is An address book for the Linux console
khelpcenter is Show documentation for KDE applications
khotkeys is Application to configure hotkeys in KDE Application to configure hotkeys in KDE
kicad is EDA software suite for creation of schematic diagrams and PCBs EDA software suite for creation of schematic diagrams and PCBs
kiconedit is An icon editor
kid3 is Efficient KDE ID3 tag editor
kig is Interactive Geometry
kigo is Go Board game
kile is (La)TeX source editor and TeX shell
killbots is A simple game of evading killer robots
kiln is Simple static site generator.
kimageannotator is Library and a tool for annotating images Library and a tool for annotating images
kinfocenter is KDE Info Center KDE Info Center
kio_gopher is Gopher KIO slave Gopher KIO slave
kio_mtp is An MTP KIO slave for KDE
kirc is Tiny IRC client written in POSIX C99
kiriki is A dice game
kismet is WLAN detector, sniffer and IDS
kismon is GUI client for kismet
kissat is Keep It Simple SAT solver
kita is 2ch client for KDE
kiten is Japanese Reference/Study Tool
kitty is Cross-platform, fast, feature full, GPU based terminal emulator
kitutuki is Shell script language Shell script language
kjots is KDE Notes application KDE Notes application
kjumpingcube is Territory capture game
klamav is Clam Anti-Virus on the KDE Desktop
klatexformula is Application for easy image creating from a LaTeX equation
klavaro is Typing tutor Typing tutor
kleopatra is KDE certificate manager and unified crypto GUI
klettres is Learn the alphabet and read some syllables in different languages
klickety is Destroy groups of blocks
klines is Color lines game
klog is A Ham radio logging program for KDE
klt is An implementation of the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi feature tracker An implementation of the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi feature tracker
kmag is A screen magnifier
kmahjongg is A tile matching game
kmail is Mail client
kmenuedit is KDE menu editor
kmetronome is A MIDI metronome using the Drumstick library
kmid2 is A MIDI/karaoke player for KDE
kmines is A classic Minesweeper game
kmix is KDE volume control KDE volume control
kmod is Linux kernel module management utilities
kmodtool is Tool for building kmod packages
kmousetool is A program that clicks the mouse for you
kmouth is A program that speaks for you
kmplayer is A simple front-end for MPlayer/FFMpeg/Phonon
kmplot is Mathematical Function Plotter
kmymoney is Personal finance
knavalbattle is A ship sinking game
knemo is A KDE network monitoring tool
knetwalk is Network construction game
knights is A chess board for KDE
knock is A port-knocking server/client
knode is A newsreader application
knot is High-performance authoritative DNS server
knotes is Popup notes
koan is Kickstart over a network
KoboDeluxe is Third person scrolling 2D shooter
koji is Build system tools
kokkos is Kokkos C++ Performance Portability Programming
kolf is A miniature golf game
kollision is A simple ball dodging game
kolourpaint is An easy-to-use paint program
komikku is Online/offline manga reader for GNOME
komparator is Kompare and merge two folders
kompare is Diff tool
kompose is Tool to move from ‘docker-compose’ to Kubernetes
konqueror is KDE File Manager and Browser KDE File Manager and Browser
konquest is Galactic conquest game
konsole5 is KDE Terminal emulator
kontact is Personal Information Manager
konversation is A user friendly IRC client
kopete is Instant messenger
korganizer is Personal Organizer
koules is Action game with multiplayer, network and sound support
kover is WYSIWYG CD cover printer with CDDB support
koverartist is Create CD/DVD covers
kpartloader is KPart loader
kpartsplugin is KParts technology to embed file viewers into non-KDE browsers
kpartx is Partition device manager for device-mapper devices
kpassgen is Random password creator
kpat is A selection of solitaire card games
kpcli is KeePass Command Line Interface (CLI) / interactive shell
kphotoalbum is KDE Photo Album
kpilot is Sync PIM data with PalmOS devices
kpmcore is Library for managing partitions by KDE programs Library for managing partitions by KDE programs
kproperty is Property editing framework with editor widget Property editing framework with editor widget
kqtquickcharts is A QtQuick plugin to render beautiful and interactive charts A QtQuick plugin to render beautiful and interactive charts
kquickimageeditor is QtQuick components providing basic image editing capabilities QtQuick components providing basic image editing capabilities
krazy2 is Krazy is a tool for checking code against the KDE coding guidelines Krazy is a tool for checking code against the KDE coding guidelines
krdc is Remote desktop client
krecipes is Application to manage recipes and shopping-lists
krecorder is Convergent KDE audio recording application
kreetingkard is Japanese greeting card writing software for KDE
kreetingkard_templates is Template files for KreetingKard
kremotecontrol is KDE frontend for your remote controls
krename is Powerful batch file renamer
kreport is Framework for creation and generation of reports Framework for creation and generation of reports
kreversi is Reversi board game
krfb is Desktop sharing
krita is Krita is a sketching and painting program Krita is a sketching and painting program
krop is Tool to crop PDF files with an eye towards eReaders
kruler is A screen ruler and color measurement tool
krusader is An advanced twin-panel (commander-style) file-manager for KDE
ksc is Kernel source code checker
kscd is CD Player
kscope is QT front-end to Cscope QT front-end to Cscope
kscreen is KDE Display Management software KDE Display Management software
kscreenlocker is Library and components for secure lock screen architecture Library and components for secure lock screen architecture
ksensors is KDE frontend to lm_sensors
ksh is The Original ATT Korn Shell
kshisen is Shisen-Sho Mahjongg-like tile game
kshutdown is Graphical shutdown utility for Plasma 5
ksig is A graphical application to manage multiple email signatures
ksirk is Conquer-the-world strategy game
ksmtuned is Kernel Samepage Merging services
ksnakeduel is Snake duel game
ksnip is Qt based cross-platform screenshot tool
kspaceduel is Space arcade game
ksquares is Connect the dots to create squares
ksshaskpass is A ssh-add helper that uses kwallet and kpassworddialog
kst is A data viewing program A data viewing program
kstars is Desktop Planetarium
kstart is Daemon version of kinit for Kerberos v5
ksudoku is A logic-based symbol placement puzzle
ksysguard is KDE Process Management application
ksysguardd is Performance monitor daemon
ksystemlog is System Log Viewer for KDE
ksystemstats is KSystemStats is a daemon that collects statistics about the running system. KSystemStats is a daemon that collects statistics about the running system.
ksystraycmd is Allows any application to be kept in the system tray
kteatime is Handy timer for steeping tea
ktechlab is Development and simulation of micro-controllers and electronic circuits
ktikz is KDE Editor for the TikZ language
ktimer is Task Scheduler
ktimetracker is Time and task management
ktorrent is A BitTorrent program A BitTorrent program
ktouch is Touch Typing Tutor
ktuberling is Picture game for children
kturtle is Educational Programming Environment
kubernetes is Container cluster management
kubrick is Puzzle cube solving game
kuiviewer is Displays designer UI files Displays designer UI files
kup is Uploader
kuserfeedback is Framework for collecting user feedback for apps via telemetry and surveys Framework for collecting user feedback for apps via telemetry and surveys
kvantum is SVG-based theme engine for Qt5, KDE and LXQt SVG-based theme engine for Qt5, KDE and LXQt
kvirc is Free portable IRC client Free portable IRC client
kvkbd is Virtual keyboard for KDE
kwallet is Manage KDE passwords
kwalletcli is CLI for the KDE Wallet
kwalletmanager is Wallet Management Tool for KDE4
kwalletmanager5 is Manage KDE passwords
kwave is Sound Editor for KDE Sound Editor for KDE
kweathercore is Library to facilitate retrieval of weather information Library to facilitate retrieval of weather information
kwebenginepart is A KPart based on QtWebEngine A KPart based on QtWebEngine
kwebkitpart is A KPart based on QtWebKit A KPart based on QtWebKit
kwin is KDE Window manager
kwooty is A friendly nzb usenet binary download application
kwordquiz is Flash Card Trainer
kwrite is Text Editor
kwrited is KDE Write Daemon KDE Write Daemon
kxstitch is Program to create cross stitch patterns
kyua is Testing framework for infrastructure software
l3afpad is Simple text editor forked from Leafpad, supports GTK+ 3.x
LabPlot is Data Analysis and Visualization
labwc is Openbox alternative for Wayland
laby is Learn programming, playing with ants and spider webs
lacewing is Arcade-style shoot-em-up
ladspa is Linux Audio Developer’s Simple Plug-in API, examples and tools
ladvd is CDP/LLDP sender for UNIX
lagan is Local, global, and multiple alignment of DNA sequences
lalrpop is Convenient LR(1) parser generator
lame is Free MP3 audio compressor
lammps is Molecular Dynamics Simulator Molecular Dynamics Simulator
lancer is Probability and statistics classes for Java
langtable is Guessing reasonable defaults for locale, keyboard layout, territory, and language.
lapack is Numerical linear algebra package libraries Numerical linear algebra package libraries
lapack64 is Numerical linear algebra package libraries
lapack64_ is Numerical linear algebra package libraries
lasem is A library for rendering SVG and Mathml, implementing a DOM like API A library for rendering SVG and Mathml, implementing a DOM like API
lash is LASH Audio Session Handler
lasi is C++ library for creating Postscript documents C++ library for creating Postscript documents
lasso is Liberty Alliance Single Sign On Liberty Alliance Single Sign On
laszip is Quickly turns bulky LAS files into compant LAZ files Quickly turns bulky LAS files into compant LAZ files
latencytop is System latency monitor (with GUI)
latex2html is Converts LaTeX documents to HTML
latex2rtf is LaTeX to RTF converter that handles equations, figures, and cross-references
latexmk is A make-like utility for LaTeX files
LaTeXML is Converts TeX and LaTeX to XML/HTML/ePub/MathML
launchy is Open Source Keystroke Launcher
lavalauncher is lavalauncher is a simple launcher for Wayland
lazarus is Lazarus Component Library and IDE for Freepascal
lazpaint is Simple image editor
lazygal is A static web gallery generator
lbd is A DNS/HTTP load balancing detector
lbdb is Address Database for mutt
lbrickbuster2 is Brickbuster arcade game
lbzip2 is Fast, multi-threaded bzip2 utility
lcd4linux is Display system state on an external LCD display
lcdproc is Display real-time system information on a 20x4 back-lit LCD
lcdtest is Displays monitor test patterns
lcm is Utilities for lightweight communications and marshaling Utilities for lightweight communications and marshaling
lcmaps is Grid (X.509) and VOMS credentials to local account mapping service Grid (X.509) and VOMS credentials to local account mapping service
lcms is Color Management System
lcms2 is Color Management Engine Color Management Engine
lcov is LTP GCOV extension code coverage tool
ldapdiff is Tool for incremental LDAP directory updates based on ldif files
ldapdomaindump is Active Directory information dumper via LDAP
ldapjdk is LDAP SDK
ldapvi is An interactive LDAP client
ldc is LLVM D Compiler
ldeep is LDAP enumeration utility
ldirectord is A Monitoring Daemon for Maintaining High Availability Resources
ldns is Low-level DNS(SEC) library with API Low-level DNS(SEC) library with API
leafpad is GTK+ based simple text editor
leaphash is Utility for computing the leap second hash value
leapsectz is Utility for obtaining leap second information
leatherman is Collection of C++ and CMake utility libraries Collection of C++ and CMake utility libraries
leb128 is DWARF’s LEB128 encoding library and REPL
lecm is Let’s Encrypt Certificate Manager
lector is Ebook reader and collection manager
ledger is A powerful command-line double-entry accounting system A powerful command-line double-entry accounting system
ledmon is Enclosure LED Utilities
legendary is Free and open-source replacement for the Epic Games Launcher
legofy is Takes a image and makes it so that it looks as if it was built out of LEGO
lemon is A parser generator
lemonpos is Point Of Sale Application For KDE4
lensfun is Library to rectify defects introduced by photographic lenses Library to rectify defects introduced by photographic lenses
leptonica is C library for efficient image processing and image analysis operations C library for efficient image processing and image analysis operations
less is A text file browser similar to more, but better
leveldb is A fast and lightweight key/value database library by Google A fast and lightweight key/value database library by Google
levmar is Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear least squares algorithm Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear least squares algorithm
lfsc is SMT proof checker SMT proof checker
lftp is A sophisticated file transfer program A sophisticated file transfer program
lgogdownloader is download client
lhapdf is Les Houches Accord PDF Interface Les Houches Accord PDF Interface
lib3270 is TN3270 Protocol Library TN3270 Protocol Library
lib3ds is 3D Studio file format library 3D Studio file format library
lib3mf is Implementation of the 3D Manufacturing Format file standard Implementation of the 3D Manufacturing Format file standard
lib765 is A library for emulating the uPD765a floppy controller A library for emulating the uPD765a floppy controller
liba52 is A free ATSC A/52 stream decoder, also known as AC-3 or AC3 A free ATSC A/52 stream decoder, also known as AC-3 or AC3
libabigail is Set of ABI analysis tools Set of ABI analysis tools
libabiword is Library for developing applications based on AbiWord’s core
libabw is A library for import of AbiWord files A library for import of AbiWord files
libacars is A library for decoding various ACARS message payloads A library for decoding various ACARS message payloads
libacl is Dynamic library for access control list support Dynamic library for access control list support
libaec is Adaptive Entropy Coding library Adaptive Entropy Coding library
libaesgm is Library implementation of AES (Rijndael) cryptographic methods Library implementation of AES (Rijndael) cryptographic methods
libAfterImage is A generic image manipulation library A generic image manipulation library
libaio is Linux-native asynchronous I/O access library Linux-native asynchronous I/O access library
libalpm is Arch Linux Package Management library Arch Linux Package Management library
libannodex is Library for annotating and indexing networked media Library for annotating and indexing networked media
libao is Cross Platform Audio Output Library Cross Platform Audio Output Library
libaom is Library files for aom Library files for aom
libapogee is Library for Apogee CCD Cameras Library for Apogee CCD Cameras
libappindicator is Application indicators library Application indicators library
libapreq2 is Apache HTTP request library
libarchive is A library for handling streaming archive formats A library for handling streaming archive formats
libarcus is Communication library between internal components for Ultimaker software Communication library between internal components for Ultimaker software
libargon2 is The password-hashing library The password-hashing library
libart_lgpl is Library of graphics routines used by libgnomecanvas Library of graphics routines used by libgnomecanvas
libasan is The Address Sanitizer runtime library The Address Sanitizer runtime library
libASL is Advanced Simulation Library hardware accelerated multiphysics simulation platform Advanced Simulation Library hardware accelerated multiphysics simulation platform
libason is A library for manipulating ASON values A library for manipulating ASON values
libasr is Free, simple and portable asynchronous resolver library Free, simple and portable asynchronous resolver library
libass is Portable library for SSA/ASS subtitles rendering Portable library for SSA/ASS subtitles rendering
libassuan is GnuPG IPC library GnuPG IPC library
libast is Library of Assorted Spiffy Things Library of Assorted Spiffy Things
libasync is Svxlink async libs Svxlink async libs
libasyncns is Asynchronous Name Service Library Asynchronous Name Service Library
libatasmart is ATA S.M.A.R.T. Disk Health Monitoring Library ATA S.M.A.R.T. Disk Health Monitoring Library
libatomic is The GNU Atomic library The GNU Atomic library
libatomic_ops is Atomic memory update operations Atomic memory update operations
libattr is Dynamic library for extended attribute support Dynamic library for extended attribute support
libavc1394 is Audio/Video Control library for IEEE-1394 devices Audio/Video Control library for IEEE-1394 devices
libavif is Library for encoding and decoding .avif files Library for encoding and decoding .avif files
libax25 is AX.25 library for hamradio applications AX.25 library for hamradio applications
libb2 is C library providing BLAKE2b, BLAKE2s, BLAKE2bp, BLAKE2sp C library providing BLAKE2b, BLAKE2s, BLAKE2bp, BLAKE2sp
libbabeltrace is Common Trace Format Babel Tower Common Trace Format Babel Tower
libbabeltrace2 is A trace manipulation library A trace manipulation library
libbase is JFree Base Services
libbasicobjects is Basic object types for C Basic object types for C
libbatch is Generic batch management library Generic batch management library
libbgpdump is C library for analyzing BGP related dump files C library for analyzing BGP related dump files
libbinio is Software library for binary I/O classes in C++ Software library for binary I/O classes in C++
libblkid is Block device ID library Block device ID library
libblockdev is A library for low-level manipulation with block devices A library for low-level manipulation with block devices
libblocksruntime is LLVM’s compiler-rt/BlocksRuntime development files LLVM’s compiler-rt/BlocksRuntime development files
libbluray is Library to access Blu-Ray disks for video playback Library to access Blu-Ray disks for video playback
libbonobo is Bonobo component system Bonobo component system
libbonoboui is Bonobo user interface components Bonobo user interface components
libbpf is Libbpf library Libbpf library
libbpkg is build2 package dependency manager library build2 package dependency manager library
libbraiding is Library for computations on braid groups Library for computations on braid groups
libbrotli is Library for brotli lossless compression algorithm Library for brotli lossless compression algorithm
libbs2b is Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP library Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP library
libbsd is Library providing BSD-compatible functions for portability Library providing BSD-compatible functions for portability
libbson is Building, parsing, and iterating BSON documents Building, parsing, and iterating BSON documents
libbtbb is A Bluetooth baseband decoding library A Bluetooth baseband decoding library
libbtrfs is btrfs filesystem-specific runtime libraries btrfs filesystem-specific runtime libraries
libbtrfsutil is btrfs filesystem-specific runtime utility libraries btrfs filesystem-specific runtime utility libraries
libbuild2 is build2 library build2 library
libburn is Library for reading, mastering and writing optical discs Library for reading, mastering and writing optical discs
libbutl is build2 utility library build2 utility library
libbytesize is A library for working with sizes in bytes A library for working with sizes in bytes
libcaca is Library for Colour AsCii Art, text mode graphics Library for Colour AsCii Art, text mode graphics
libcacard is CAC (Common Access Card) library CAC (Common Access Card) library
libcanberra is Portable Sound Event Library Portable Sound Event Library
libcangjie is Cangjie Input Method Library Cangjie Input Method Library
libcap is Library for getting and setting POSIX.1e capabilities Library for getting and setting POSIX.1e capabilities
libcbor is A CBOR parsing library A CBOR parsing library
libccd is Library for collision detection between convex shapes Library for collision detection between convex shapes
libcdaudio is Control operation of a CD-ROM when playing audio CDs Control operation of a CD-ROM when playing audio CDs
libcddb is Library (C API) for accessing CDDB servers Library (C API) for accessing CDDB servers
libcdio is CD-ROM input and control library CD-ROM input and control library
libcdr is A library for import of CorelDRAW drawings A library for import of CorelDRAW drawings
libcec is Library and utilities for HDMI-CEC device control Library and utilities for HDMI-CEC device control
libcephfs_jni1 is Java Native Interface library for CephFS Java bindings
libcephfs2 is Ceph distributed file system client library
libcephsqlite is SQLite3 VFS for Ceph
libcerf is A library that provides complex error functions A library that provides complex error functions
libcgi is CGI easy as C CGI easy as C
libcgroup is Library to control and monitor control groups Library to control and monitor control groups
libchamplain is Map view for Clutter Map view for Clutter
libchardet is Mozilla’s universal character set detector Mozilla’s universal character set detector
libchewing is Intelligent phonetic input method library for Traditional Chinese Intelligent phonetic input method library for Traditional Chinese
libchromaprint is Library implementing the AcoustID fingerprinting Library implementing the AcoustID fingerprinting
libcint is General Gaussian-type orbitals integrals for quantum chemistry General Gaussian-type orbitals integrals for quantum chemistry
libclastfm is Unofficial C-API for the web service Unofficial C-API for the web service
libclaw is C++ Library of various utility functions C++ Library of various utility functions
libclc is An open source implementation of the OpenCL 1.1 library requirements An open source implementation of the OpenCL 1.1 library requirements
libcli is A shared library for a Cisco-like cli A shared library for a Cisco-like cli
libcloudproviders is Library for integration of cloud storage providers Library for integration of cloud storage providers
libcmis is A C/C++ client library for CM interfaces A C/C++ client library for CM interfaces
libcmml is Library for handling Continuous Media Markup Language Library for handling Continuous Media Markup Language
libcmocka is Lightweight library to simplify and generalize unit tests for C Lightweight library to simplify and generalize unit tests for C
libcmpiCppImpl0 is CMPI C++ wrapper library CMPI C++ wrapper library
libcmpiutil is CMPI Utility Library CMPI Utility Library
libcoap is C library implementation of CoAP C library implementation of CoAP
libcob is GnuCOBOL runtime library GnuCOBOL runtime library
libcollectdclient is Collectd client library Collectd client library
libcollection is Collection data-type for C Collection data-type for C
libcom_err is Common error description library Common error description library
libCombine is C++ library for working with the COMBINE Archive format C++ library for working with the COMBINE Archive format
libcommuni is Cross-platform IRC framework written with Qt Cross-platform IRC framework written with Qt
libcompizconfig is Configuration back end for compiz Configuration back end for compiz
libcomps is Comps XML file manipulation library Comps XML file manipulation library
libconcord is Library to talk to Logitech Harmony universal remote controls Library to talk to Logitech Harmony universal remote controls
libconfig is C/C++ configuration file library C/C++ configuration file library
libconfuse is A configuration file parser library A configuration file parser library
libcorrect is C library for Convolutional codes and Reed-Solomon C library for Convolutional codes and Reed-Solomon
libcouchbase is Client and protocol library for the Couchbase project Client and protocol library for the Couchbase project
libcpuid is Provides CPU identification for x86 Provides CPU identification for x86
libcryptui is Interface components for OpenPGP Interface components for OpenPGP
libcrystalhd is Broadcom Crystal HD device interface library Broadcom Crystal HD device interface library
libcss is A CSS parser and selection engine A CSS parser and selection engine
libcsv is Small, simple and fast CSV library Small, simple and fast CSV library
libcue is Cue sheet parser library Cue sheet parser library
libcurl is A library for getting files from web servers A library for getting files from web servers A library for getting files from web servers
libcutl is C++ utility library from Code Synthesis C++ utility library from Code Synthesis
libcxx is C++ standard library targeting C++11 C++ standard library targeting C++11
libcxxabi is Low level support for a standard C++ library Low level support for a standard C++ library
libdaemon is Library for writing UNIX daemons Library for writing UNIX daemons
libdap is The C++ DAP2 library from OPeNDAP The C++ DAP2 library from OPeNDAP
libdar is Library providing support for the DAR API Library providing support for the DAR API
libdasm is Simple x86 disassembly library Simple x86 disassembly library
libdatovka is Client library for accessing SOAP services of ISDS (Czech Data Boxes) Client library for accessing SOAP services of ISDS (Czech Data Boxes)
libdatrie is Implementation of Double-Array structure for representing trie Implementation of Double-Array structure for representing trie
libdav1d is Library files for dav1d Library files for dav1d
libdazzle is Experimental new features for GTK+ and GLib Experimental new features for GTK+ and GLib
libdb is The Berkeley DB database library for C The Berkeley DB database library for C
libdbi is Database Independent Abstraction Layer for C Database Independent Abstraction Layer for C
libdbusmenu is Library for passing menus over DBus Library for passing menus over DBus
libdc1394 is 1394-based digital camera control library 1394-based digital camera control library
libddcutil is Shared library to query and update monitor settings Shared library to query and update monitor settings
libdecor is Wayland client side decoration library Wayland client side decoration library
libdeltacloud is A library for accessing deltacloud A library for accessing deltacloud
libderiv is A library for computing derivatives of electron repulsion integrals A library for computing derivatives of electron repulsion integrals
libdfp is Decimal Floating Point C Library
libdhash is Dynamic hash table Dynamic hash table
libdigidocpp is Library offers creating, signing and verification of digitally signed documents Library offers creating, signing and verification of digitally signed documents
libdirq is C implementation of the simple directory queue algorithm C implementation of the simple directory queue algorithm
libdiscid is C Library for creating MusicBrainz DiscIDs C Library for creating MusicBrainz DiscIDs
libdisk is A library for converting and manipulating disk images A library for converting and manipulating disk images
libdispatch is Apple’s Grand Central Dispatch library
libdkimpp is Lightweight and portable DKIM (RFC4871) library Lightweight and portable DKIM (RFC4871) library
libdmapsharing is A DMAP client and server library A DMAP client and server library
libdmapsharing4 is A DMAP client and server library A DMAP client and server library
libdmmp is device-mapper-multipath C API library device-mapper-multipath C API library
libdmtx is Library for working with Data Matrix 2D bar-codes Library for working with Data Matrix 2D bar-codes
libdmx is X.Org X11 DMX runtime library X.Org X11 DMX runtime library
libdnet is Simple portable interface to lowlevel networking routines Simple portable interface to lowlevel networking routines
libdnf is Library providing simplified C and Python API to libsolv Library providing simplified C and Python API to libsolv
libdockapp is DockApp Development Standard Library DockApp Development Standard Library
libdrm is Direct Rendering Manager runtime library Direct Rendering Manager runtime library
libdsk is Library for accessing disk images Library for accessing disk images
libdstr is Dave’s String class Dave’s String class
libdv is Software decoder for DV format video Software decoder for DV format video
libdvbpsi is Library for MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables decoding and generation Library for MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables decoding and generation
libdvbv5 is Libraries to control, scan and zap on Digital TV channels Libraries to control, scan and zap on Digital TV channels
libdvdnav is A library for reading DVD video discs based on Ogle code A library for reading DVD video discs based on Ogle code
libdvdread is A library for reading DVD video discs based on Ogle code A library for reading DVD video discs based on Ogle code
libdwarf is Library to access the DWARF Debugging file format Library to access the DWARF Debugging file format
libdwarves1 is Debugging information processing library Debugging information processing library
libdxflib is A C++ library for reading and writing DXF files A C++ library for reading and writing DXF files
libdxfrw is Library to read/write DXF files Library to read/write DXF files
libEAI is FreeWRL EAI C support library FreeWRL EAI C support library
libeasyfc is Easy configuration generator interface for fontconfig Easy configuration generator interface for fontconfig
libebml is Extensible Binary Meta Language library Extensible Binary Meta Language library
libebur128 is A library that implements the EBU R 128 standard for loudness normalization A library that implements the EBU R 128 standard for loudness normalization
libecap is Squid interface for embedded adaptation modules Squid interface for embedded adaptation modules
libechonest is C++ wrapper for the Echo Nest API C++ wrapper for the Echo Nest API
libeconf is Enhanced config file parser library Enhanced config file parser library
libecpg is ECPG - Embedded SQL in C ECPG - Embedded SQL in C
libecpint is Efficient evaluation of integrals over ab initio effective core potentials Efficient evaluation of integrals over ab initio effective core potentials
libedit is The NetBSD Editline library The NetBSD Editline library
libefp is A full implementation of the Effective Fragment Potential (EFP) method A full implementation of the Effective Fragment Potential (EFP) method
libell is Embedded Linux library Embedded Linux library
libEMF is A library for generating Enhanced Metafiles A library for generating Enhanced Metafiles
libemu is The x86 shell-code detection and emulation The x86 shell-code detection and emulation
libeot is A library for parsing Embedded OpenType font files A library for parsing Embedded OpenType font files
libepc is Easy Publish and Consume library Easy Publish and Consume library
libeplplot is A modified version of plplot used by EMBOSS A modified version of plplot used by EMBOSS
libepoxy is epoxy runtime library epoxy runtime library
libepubgen is An EPUB generator library An EPUB generator library
liberasurecode is Erasure Code API library written in C with pluggable backends Erasure Code API library written in C with pluggable backends
libesedb is Library to access the Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) Database File (EDB) format Library to access the Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) Database File (EDB) format
libesmtp is SMTP client library SMTP client library
libestr is String handling essentials library String handling essentials library
libetonyek is A library for import of Apple iWork documents A library for import of Apple iWork documents
libetpan is Portable, efficient middle-ware for different kinds of mail access Portable, efficient middle-ware for different kinds of mail access
libev is High-performance event loop/event model with lots of features High-performance event loop/event model with lots of features
libevdev is Kernel Evdev Device Wrapper Library Kernel Evdev Device Wrapper Library
libevdevPlus is A C++ wrapper around libevdev A C++ wrapper around libevdev
libevent is Abstract asynchronous event notification library Abstract asynchronous event notification library
libewf is Library for the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF) Library for the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF)
libexif is Library for extracting extra information from image files Library for extracting extra information from image files
libeXosip2 is A library that hides the complexity of using the SIP protocol A library that hides the complexity of using the SIP protocol
libextractor is Simple library for keyword extraction Simple library for keyword extraction
libexttextcat is Text categorization library Text categorization library
libfabric is Open Fabric Interfaces Open Fabric Interfaces
libfakekey is Library for converting characters to X key-presses Library for converting characters to X key-presses
libfaketime is Manipulate system time per process for testing purposes
libfap is An APRS parser written in C An APRS parser written in C
libfastjson is A JSON implementation in C A JSON implementation in C
libFAudio is FNA is a reimplementation of the Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0 Refresh libraries FNA is a reimplementation of the Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0 Refresh libraries
libfbclient2 is Firebird SQL server client library Firebird SQL server client library
libfc14audiodecoder is C wrapper library for Future Composer audio decoding C wrapper library for Future Composer audio decoding
libfdisk is Partitioning library for fdisk-like programs. Partitioning library for fdisk-like programs.
libfdt is Device tree library Device tree library
libfeedbackd is Library for feedbackd Library for feedbackd
libfep is Library to implement FEP (front end processor) on ANSI terminals Library to implement FEP (front end processor) on ANSI terminals
libffado is Free firewire audio driver library Free firewire audio driver library
libffi is A portable foreign function interface library A portable foreign function interface library
libfido2 is FIDO2 library FIDO2 library
libfilezilla is C++ Library for FileZilla C++ Library for FileZilla
libfilteraudio is Lightweight audio filtering library made from webrtc code Lightweight audio filtering library made from webrtc code
libfishsound is Simple programming interface for Xiph.Org codecs Simple programming interface for Xiph.Org codecs
libfixposix is Thin wrapper over POSIX syscalls Thin wrapper over POSIX syscalls
libfl2 is Libraries for the flex scanner generator Libraries for the flex scanner generator
libfli is Library for FLI CCD Camera & Filter Wheels Library for FLI CCD Camera & Filter Wheels
libfm is GIO-based library for file manager-like programs GIO-based library for file manager-like programs
libfoma is The foma C library The foma C library
libfontenc is X.Org X11 libfontenc runtime library X.Org X11 libfontenc runtime library
libfonts is TrueType Font Layouting
libformula is Formula Parser
libfplll is LLL-reduces euclidean lattices LLL-reduces euclidean lattices
libfprint is Toolkit for fingerprint scanner Toolkit for fingerprint scanner
libfreehand is A library for import of Macromedia/Adobe FreeHand documents A library for import of Macromedia/Adobe FreeHand documents
libfreenect is Device driver for the Kinect Device driver for the Kinect
libfrobby is Frobby internals as a library Frobby internals as a library
libFS is X.Org X11 libFS runtime library X.Org X11 libFS runtime library
libftdi is Library to program and control the FTDI USB controller Library to program and control the FTDI USB controller
libfullock is Fast User Level LOCK (FULLOCK) library for C/C++ Fast User Level LOCK (FULLOCK) library for C/C++
libg15render is Library for rendering bitmaps for the Logitech G15 keyboard LCD Library for rendering bitmaps for the Logitech G15 keyboard LCD
libgadu is A Gadu-gadu protocol compatible communications library A Gadu-gadu protocol compatible communications library
libgaiagraphics is Graphics canvas for GIS rendering Graphics canvas for GIS rendering
libgamerzilla is Gamerzilla Integration Library Gamerzilla Integration Library
libgap is Library containing core GAP logic Library containing core GAP logic
libgcab1 is Library to create Cabinet archives Library to create Cabinet archives
libgcc is GCC version 11 shared support library GCC version 11 shared support library GCC version 11 shared support library
libgccjit is Library for embedding GCC inside programs and libraries Library for embedding GCC inside programs and libraries
libgcroots is Roots acquisition library for Garbage Collector Roots acquisition library for Garbage Collector
libgcrypt is A general-purpose cryptography library A general-purpose cryptography library
libgda is Library for writing gnome database programs Library for writing gnome database programs
libgdamm is C++ wrappers for libgda C++ wrappers for libgda
libgdata is Library for the GData protocol Library for the GData protocol
libgdiplus is An Open Source implementation of the GDI+ API An Open Source implementation of the GDI+ API
libgdither is Library for applying dithering to PCM audio sources Library for applying dithering to PCM audio sources
libgdl is GNOME docking library GNOME docking library
libgearman is Development libraries for gearman Development libraries for gearman
libgee is GObject collection library GObject collection library
libgee06 is GObject collection library GObject collection library
libgenders is Genders libraries Genders libraries
libgendersplusplus is Genders libraries for C++ Genders libraries for C++
libgenht is Simple generic hash table implementation in C Simple generic hash table implementation in C
libgeotiff is GeoTIFF format library GeoTIFF format library
libgepub is Library for epub documents Library for epub documents
libgexiv2 is Gexiv2 is a GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library Gexiv2 is a GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library
libgfan is Polyhedral computations related to polynomial rings Polyhedral computations related to polynomial rings
libgfapi0 is GlusterFS api library GlusterFS api library
libgfchangelog0 is GlusterFS libchangelog library GlusterFS libchangelog library
libgfortran is Fortran runtime Fortran runtime
libgfrpc0 is GlusterFS libgfrpc0 library GlusterFS libgfrpc0 library
libgfxdr0 is GlusterFS libgfxdr0 library GlusterFS libgfxdr0 library
libghemical is Libraries for the Ghemical chemistry package Libraries for the Ghemical chemistry package
libgit2 is C implementation of the Git core methods as a library with a solid API C implementation of the Git core methods as a library with a solid API
libgit2_0 is
libglade2 is The libglade library for loading user interfaces The libglade library for loading user interfaces
libglademm24 is C++ wrapper for libglade C++ wrapper for libglade
libgle is A Tubing and Extrusion Library for OpenGL A Tubing and Extrusion Library for OpenGL
libGLEW is libGLEW libGLEW
libglpng is Toolkit for loading PNG images as OpenGL textures Toolkit for loading PNG images as OpenGL textures
libglusterd0 is GlusterFS libglusterd library GlusterFS libglusterd library
libglusterfs0 is GlusterFS libglusterfs library GlusterFS libglusterfs library
libglvnd is The GL Vendor-Neutral Dispatch library The GL Vendor-Neutral Dispatch library
libgnat is GNU Ada 83, 95, 2005 and 2012 runtime shared libraries GNU Ada 83, 95, 2005 and 2012 runtime shared libraries
libgnome is GNOME base library GNOME base library
libgnomecanvas is GnomeCanvas widget GnomeCanvas widget
libgnomecanvasmm26 is C++ interface for Gnome libs (a GUI library for X) C++ interface for Gnome libs (a GUI library for X)
libgnomekbd is A keyboard configuration library A keyboard configuration library
libgnomeui is GNOME base GUI library GNOME base GUI library
libgnt is GLib Ncurses Toolkit GLib Ncurses Toolkit
libgo is Go runtime Go runtime
libgomp is GCC OpenMP v4.5 shared support library GCC OpenMP v4.5 shared support library GCC OpenMP v4.5 shared support library
libgovirt is A GObject library for interacting with oVirt REST API A GObject library for interacting with oVirt REST API
libgphobos is D runtime D runtime
libgphoto2 is Library for accessing digital cameras Library for accessing digital cameras
libgpiod is C library and tools for interacting with linux GPIO char device C library and tools for interacting with linux GPIO char device
libgpod is Library to access the contents of an iPod Library to access the contents of an iPod
libgpr is Ada library to handle GPRbuild project files Ada library to handle GPRbuild project files
libgpuarray is Library to manipulate tensors on a GPU Library to manipulate tensors on a GPU
libgringotts is A backend for managing encrypted data files on the disk A backend for managing encrypted data files on the disk
libgrss is Library for easy management of RSS/Atom/Pie feeds Library for easy management of RSS/Atom/Pie feeds
libgs is Library providing Ghostcript’s core functionality Library providing Ghostcript’s core functionality
libgsasl is GNU SASL library GNU SASL library
libgsf is GNOME Structured File library GNOME Structured File library
libgstroke is Optional libgstroke files Optional libgstroke files
libgsystem is GIO-based library with Unix/Linux specific API GIO-based library with Unix/Linux specific API
libgta is Library that implements the Generic Tagged Arrays file format Library that implements the Generic Tagged Arrays file format
libgtextutils is Assaf Gordon text utilities Assaf Gordon text utilities
libgtop2 is LibGTop library (version 2) LibGTop library (version 2)
libguac is The common library used by all C components of Guacamole The common library used by all C components of Guacamole
libgudev is GObject-based wrapper library for libudev GObject-based wrapper library for libudev
libguess is High-speed character set detection library High-speed character set detection library
libguestfs is Access and modify virtual machine disk images
libgusb is GLib wrapper around libusb1 GLib wrapper around libusb1
libgweather is A library for weather information A library for weather information
libgxim is GObject-based XIM protocol library GObject-based XIM protocol library
libgxps is GObject based library for handling and rendering XPS documents GObject based library for handling and rendering XPS documents
libgxw is Guitarix GTK library Guitarix GTK library
libgxwmm is Guitarix GTK C++ library Guitarix GTK C++ library
libhandy is Building blocks for modern adaptive GNOME apps Building blocks for modern adaptive GNOME apps
libhangul is Hangul input library Hangul input library
libharu is C library for generating PDF files C library for generating PDF files
libhbaapi is SNIA HBAAPI library SNIA HBAAPI library
libhbalinux is FC-HBAAPI implementation using scsi_transport_fc interfaces FC-HBAAPI implementation using scsi_transport_fc interfaces
libhid is User space USB HID access library User space USB HID access library
libhomfly is Library to compute the homfly polynomial of a link Library to compute the homfly polynomial of a link
libhubbub is An HTML5 compliant parsing library An HTML5 compliant parsing library
libHX is Useful collection of routines for C and C++ programming Useful collection of routines for C and C++ programming
libi2c is I2C/SMBus bus access library I2C/SMBus bus access library
libibcommon is OpenFabrics Alliance InfiniBand management common library OpenFabrics Alliance InfiniBand management common library
libibumad is OpenFabrics Alliance InfiniBand umad (userspace management datagram) library OpenFabrics Alliance InfiniBand umad (userspace management datagram) library
libibverbs is A library and drivers for direct userspace use of RDMA (InfiniBand/iWARP/RoCE) hardware A library and drivers for direct userspace use of RDMA (InfiniBand/iWARP/RoCE) hardware
libical is Reference implementation of the iCalendar data type and serialization format Reference implementation of the iCalendar data type and serialization format
libICE is X.Org X11 ICE runtime library X.Org X11 ICE runtime library
libicns is Library for manipulating Macintosh icns files Library for manipulating Macintosh icns files
libicu is International Components for Unicode - libraries International Components for Unicode - libraries
libicu65 is Compat package with icu libraries Compat package with icu libraries
libid3tag is ID3 tag manipulation library ID3 tag manipulation library
libIDL is Library for parsing IDL (Interface Definition Language) Library for parsing IDL (Interface Definition Language)
libidn is Internationalized Domain Name support library Internationalized Domain Name support library
libidn1 is
libidn2 is Library to support IDNA2008 internationalized domain names Library to support IDNA2008 internationalized domain names Library to support IDNA2008 internationalized domain names
libidzebra is Zebra libraries Zebra libraries
libiec61883 is Streaming library for IEEE1394 Streaming library for IEEE1394
libieee1284 is A library for interfacing IEEE 1284-compatible devices A library for interfacing IEEE 1284-compatible devices
libifp is A general-purpose library-driver for iRiver’s iFP portable audio players A general-purpose library-driver for iRiver’s iFP portable audio players
libiio is Library for Industrial IO Library for Industrial IO
libijs is IJS Raster Image Transport Protocol Library IJS Raster Image Transport Protocol Library
libimagequant is Palette quantization library Palette quantization library
libime is This is a library to support generic input method implementation This is a library to support generic input method implementation
libimobiledevice is Library for connecting to mobile devices Library for connecting to mobile devices
libindi is Instrument Neutral Distributed Interface
libindicator is Shared functions for Ayatana indicators Shared functions for Ayatana indicators
libinfinity is Library implementing the infinote protocol Library implementing the infinote protocol
libini_config is INI file parser for C INI file parser for C
libinput is Input device library Input device library
libinsane is Cross-platform access to image scanners Cross-platform access to image scanners
libinstpatch is Instrument file software library Instrument file software library
libint is A library for computing electron repulsion integrals efficiently A library for computing electron repulsion integrals efficiently
libint2 is A library for efficient evaluation of electron repulsion integrals A library for efficient evaluation of electron repulsion integrals
libiodbc is iODBC Driver Manager iODBC Driver Manager
libipa_hbac is FreeIPA HBAC Evaluator library FreeIPA HBAC Evaluator library
libipmctl is Library for Intel DCPMM management
libipt is Intel Processor Trace Decoder Library Intel Processor Trace Decoder Library
libiptcdata is IPTC tag library IPTC tag library
libircclient is C library to create IRC clients C library to create IRC clients
libirman is Library for IRMAN hardware Library for IRMAN hardware
libiscsi is iSCSI client library iSCSI client library
libisds is Library for accessing the Czech Data Boxes Library for accessing the Czech Data Boxes
libisoburn is Library to enable creation and expansion of ISO-9660 filesystems Library to enable creation and expansion of ISO-9660 filesystems
libisofs is Library to create ISO 9660 disk images Library to create ISO 9660 disk images
libitl is Libraries for The Islamic Tools and Libraries Project Libraries for The Islamic Tools and Libraries Project
libitm is The GNU Transactional Memory library The GNU Transactional Memory library
libixion is A general purpose formula parser & interpreter library A general purpose formula parser & interpreter library
libjalali is A library providing Jalali calendar functions A library providing Jalali calendar functions
libjaylink is Library for SEGGER J-Link and compatible devices Library for SEGGER J-Link and compatible devices
libjcat is Library for reading Jcat files Library for reading Jcat files
libjoedog is Repack of the common code base of fido and siege as shared library Repack of the common code base of fido and siege as shared library
libjose is Library implementing JSON Object Signing and Encryption Library implementing JSON Object Signing and Encryption
libjwt is A Javascript Web Token library in C A Javascript Web Token library in C
libkadm5 is Kerberos 5 Administrative libraries Kerberos 5 Administrative libraries
libkate is Libraries to handle the Kate bitstream format Libraries to handle the Kate bitstream format
libkcapi is User space interface to the Linux Kernel Crypto API User space interface to the Linux Kernel Crypto API
libkcddb is KDE4 CDDB retrieval library KDE4 CDDB retrieval library
libkcompactdisc is A KDE compact disc library A KDE compact disc library
libkdegames is Common code and data for many KDE games Common code and data for many KDE games
libkdumpfile is Kernel coredump file access Kernel coredump file access
libkeduvocdocument is Library to parse, convert, and manipulate KVTML files Library to parse, convert, and manipulate KVTML files
libkeepalive is Enable TCP keepalive in dynamic binaries
libkgapi is Library to access to Google services Library to access to Google services
libkindrv is Driver for controlling robotic arms by Kinova Driver for controlling robotic arms by Kinova
libkkc is Japanese Kana Kanji conversion library Japanese Kana Kanji conversion library
libklatexformula is Backend and tools libraries provided by KLatexFormula Backend and tools libraries provided by KLatexFormula
libkmahjongg is Common code, backgrounds and tile sets for games using Mahjongg tiles Common code, backgrounds and tile sets for games using Mahjongg tiles
libkml is Reference implementation of OGC KML 2.2 Reference implementation of OGC KML 2.2
libknet1 is Kronosnet core switching implementation Kronosnet core switching implementation
libkni3 is C++ KNI library v3 for the Katana 300 robot arm C++ KNI library v3 for the Katana 300 robot arm
libkolabxml is Kolab XML format collection parser library Kolab XML format collection parser library
libkomparediff2 is Library to compare files and strings Library to compare files and strings
libksba is CMS and X.509 library CMS and X.509 library
libksysguard is Library for managing processes running on the system Library for managing processes running on the system
libkworkspace is Runtime libkworkspace library Runtime libkworkspace library
libkworkspace5 is Runtime libkworkspace5 library Runtime libkworkspace5 library
liblangtag is An interface library to access tags for identifying languages An interface library to access tags for identifying languages
liblas is Library for reading and writing the very common LAS LiDAR format Library for reading and writing the very common LAS LiDAR format
liblastfm is Libraries to integrate services Libraries to integrate services
liblayout is CSS based layouting framework
liblbfgs is Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno library Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno library
liblcf is Library to handle RPG Maker 2000/2003 game data Library to handle RPG Maker 2000/2003 game data
libldac is A lossy audio codec for Bluetooth connections A lossy audio codec for Bluetooth connections
libldb is A schema-less, ldap like, API and database A schema-less, ldap like, API and database
libldm is A tool to manage Windows dynamic disks A tool to manage Windows dynamic disks
libliftoff is Lightweight KMS plane library Lightweight KMS plane library
liblinear is Library for Large Linear Classification Library for Large Linear Classification
liblo is Open Sound Control library Open Sound Control library
libloader is Resource Loading Framework
liblockfile is This implements a number of functions found in -lmail on SysV systems This implements a number of functions found in -lmail on SysV systems
liblognorm is Fast samples-based log normalization library Fast samples-based log normalization library
liblouis is Braille translation and back-translation library Braille translation and back-translation library
liblouisutdml is Braille transcription library for UTDML documents Braille transcription library for UTDML documents
liblove is Library for Love, A free 2D game engine
liblrdf is Library for manipulating RDF files describing LADSPA plugins Library for manipulating RDF files describing LADSPA plugins
liblsan is The Leak Sanitizer runtime library
libltc is Linear/Longitudinal Time Code (LTC) Library Linear/Longitudinal Time Code (LTC) Library
libluksmeta is Library for storing small metadata in the LUKSv1 header Library for storing small metadata in the LUKSv1 header
liblur is Logitech Unifying Receiver library Logitech Unifying Receiver library
liblxi is Library with simple API for communication with LXI devices Library with simple API for communication with LXI devices
liblxqt is Core shared library for LXQt desktop suite Core shared library for LXQt desktop suite
liblzf is Small data compression library Small data compression library
libmacaroons is C library supporting generation and use of macaroons C library supporting generation and use of macaroons
libmad is MPEG audio decoder library MPEG audio decoder library
libmalaga is Library files for malaga Library files for malaga
libmanette is Game controller library Game controller library
libmarkdown is A fast implementation of the Markdown language in C A fast implementation of the Markdown language in C
libmash is A library for using real 3D models within a Clutter scene A library for using real 3D models within a Clutter scene
libmatchbox is Libraries for the Matchbox Desktop Libraries for the Matchbox Desktop
libmatekbd is Libraries for mate kbd Libraries for mate kbd
libmatemixer is Mixer library for MATE desktop Mixer library for MATE desktop
libmateweather is Libraries to allow MATE Desktop to display weather information Libraries to allow MATE Desktop to display weather information
libmatheval is Library for parsing and evaluating symbolic expressions input as text Library for parsing and evaluating symbolic expressions input as text
libmatroska is Open audio/video container format library Open audio/video container format library
libmawk is Embed awk scripting language in any application written in C Embed awk scripting language in any application written in C
libmaxminddb is C library for the MaxMind DB file format C library for the MaxMind DB file format
libmbim is Support library for the Mobile Broadband Interface Model protocol Support library for the Mobile Broadband Interface Model protocol
libmcpp is Alternative C/C++ preprocessor (library build) Alternative C/C++ preprocessor (library build)
libmcrypt is Encryption algorithms library Encryption algorithms library
libmediaart is Library for managing media art caches Library for managing media art caches
libmediainfo is Library for supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file Library for supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file
libmemcached is Client library and command line tools for memcached server Client library and command line tools for memcached server
libmetal is An abstraction layer across user-space Linux, baremetal, and RTOS environments An abstraction layer across user-space Linux, baremetal, and RTOS environments
libmetalink is Metalink library written in C Metalink library written in C
libmicrodns is Minimal mDNS resolver library Minimal mDNS resolver library
libmicrohttpd is Lightweight library for embedding a webserver in applications Lightweight library for embedding a webserver in applications
libmikmod is A MOD music file player library A MOD music file player library
libminc is Core library and API of the MINC toolkit Core library and API of the MINC toolkit
libmirage is A CD-ROM image access library A CD-ROM image access library
libmng is Library for Multiple-image Network Graphics support Library for Multiple-image Network Graphics support
libmnl is A minimalistic Netlink library A minimalistic Netlink library
libmobi is Library for handling Kindle (MOBI) formats of ebook documents Library for handling Kindle (MOBI) formats of ebook documents
libmodbus is A Modbus library A Modbus library
libmodelfile is Library for accessing various model file formats Library for accessing various model file formats
libmodman is A simple library for managing C++ modules (plug-ins) A simple library for managing C++ modules (plug-ins)
libmodplug is Modplug mod music file format library Modplug mod music file format library
libmodsecurity is A library that loads/interprets rules written in the ModSecurity SecRules A library that loads/interprets rules written in the ModSecurity SecRules
libmodulemd is Module metadata manipulation library Module metadata manipulation library
libmodulemd1 is Module metadata manipulation library Module metadata manipulation library
libmongocrypt is The companion C library for client side encryption in drivers The companion C library for client side encryption in drivers
libmount is Device mounting library Device mounting library
libmousepad0 is Mousepad plugin provider Mousepad plugin provider
libmp4v2 is Library for working with files using the mp4 container format Library for working with files using the mp4 container format
libmpc is C library for multiple precision complex arithmetic C library for multiple precision complex arithmetic
libmpcdec is Musepack audio decoding library Musepack audio decoding library
libmpd is Music Player Daemon Library Music Player Daemon Library
libmpdclient is Library for interfacing Music Player Daemon Library for interfacing Music Player Daemon
libmpeg2 is MPEG-2 decoder libraries MPEG-2 decoder libraries
libmseed is A C library framework for manipulating and managing SEED data records A C library framework for manipulating and managing SEED data records
libmsi1 is A library to manipulate Windows .MSI files A library to manipulate Windows .MSI files
libmspack is Library for CAB and related files compression and decompression Library for CAB and related files compression and decompression
libmspub is A library for import of Microsoft Publisher documents A library for import of Microsoft Publisher documents
libmtp is Software library for MTP media players Software library for MTP media players
libmusicbrainz5 is Library for accessing MusicBrainz servers Library for accessing MusicBrainz servers
libmwaw is A library for import of many old Mac document formats A library for import of many old Mac document formats
libmypaint is Library for making brush strokes Library for making brush strokes
libmypaint2 is MyPaint brush engine library MyPaint brush engine library
libmysofa is C functions for reading HRTFs C functions for reading HRTFs
libnatpmp is Library of The NAT Port Mapping Protocol (NAT-PMP) Library of The NAT Port Mapping Protocol (NAT-PMP)
libnatspec is Library for national and language-specific issues Library for national and language-specific issues
libnauty is Library for graph automorphism Library for graph automorphism
libnbd is NBD client library in userspace NBD client library in userspace
libndp is Library for Neighbor Discovery Protocol Library for Neighbor Discovery Protocol
libnet is C library for portable packet creation and injection C library for portable packet creation and injection
libnet10 is High-level API (toolkit) to construct and inject network packets High-level API (toolkit) to construct and inject network packets
libnetfilter_acct is A library providing interface to extended accounting infrastructure A library providing interface to extended accounting infrastructure
libnetfilter_conntrack is Netfilter conntrack userspace library Netfilter conntrack userspace library
libnetfilter_cthelper is User-space infrastructure for connection tracking helpers User-space infrastructure for connection tracking helpers
libnetfilter_cttimeout is Timeout policy tuning for Netfilter/conntrack Timeout policy tuning for Netfilter/conntrack
libnetfilter_log is Netfilter logging userspace library Netfilter logging userspace library
libnetfilter_queue is Netfilter queue userspace library Netfilter queue userspace library
libneurosim is Common interfaces for neuronal simulators Common interfaces for neuronal simulators
libnfc is NFC SDK and Programmers API NFC SDK and Programmers API
libnfnetlink is Netfilter netlink userspace library Netfilter netlink userspace library
libnfs is Client library for accessing NFS shares over a network Client library for accessing NFS shares over a network
libnfsidmap is NFSv4 User and Group ID Mapping Library NFSv4 User and Group ID Mapping Library
libnftnl is Library for low-level interaction with nftables Netlink’s API over libmnl Library for low-level interaction with nftables Netlink’s API over libmnl
libnghttp2 is A library implementing the HTTP/2 protocol A library implementing the HTTP/2 protocol
libngspice is Shared library version of ngspice Shared library version of ngspice
libnice is GLib ICE implementation GLib ICE implementation
libnids is Implementation of an E-component of Network Intrusion Detection System Implementation of an E-component of Network Intrusion Detection System
libnitrokey is Communicate with Nitrokey stick devices in a clean and easy manner Communicate with Nitrokey stick devices in a clean and easy manner
libnjb is A software library for talking to the Creative Nomad Jukeboxes and Dell DJs A software library for talking to the Creative Nomad Jukeboxes and Dell DJs
libnl3 is Convenience library for kernel netlink sockets Convenience library for kernel netlink sockets
libnma is NetworkManager GUI library NetworkManager GUI library
libnodeupdown is A cluster node up/down detection library A cluster node up/down detection library
libnormaliz is Normaliz internals as a library Normaliz internals as a library
libnotify is Desktop notification library Desktop notification library
libnotifymm is C++ interface for libnotify C++ interface for libnotify
libnova is Libnova is a general purpose astronomy & astrodynamics library Libnova is a general purpose astronomy & astrodynamics library
libnozzle1 is Simple userland wrapper around kernel tap devices Simple userland wrapper around kernel tap devices
libnsl is Legacy support library for NIS Legacy support library for NIS
libnsl2 is Public client interface library for NIS(YP) and NIS+ Public client interface library for NIS(YP) and NIS+
libntirpc is New Transport Independent RPC Library New Transport Independent RPC Library
libntlm is NTLMv1 authentication library NTLMv1 authentication library
libnumbertext is Number to number name and money text conversion library Number to number name and money text conversion library
libnuml is Numerical Markup Language Numerical Markup Language
libNX_X11 is Core NX protocol client library Core NX protocol client library
libnxt is Utility for flashing LEGO Mindstorms NXT firmware
liboath is Library for OATH handling Library for OATH handling
liboauth is OAuth library functions OAuth library functions
liboauth2 is Generic library to build OAuth 2.x and OpenID Connect servers and clients in C Generic library to build OAuth 2.x and OpenID Connect servers and clients in C
libobjc is Objective-C runtime Objective-C runtime
libodfgen is An ODF generator library An ODF generator library
libofa is Open Fingerprint Architecture library Open Fingerprint Architecture library
libofx is A library for supporting Open Financial Exchange (OFX) A library for supporting Open Financial Exchange (OFX)
libogg is The Ogg bitstream file format library The Ogg bitstream file format library
liboggz is Simple programming interface for Ogg files and streams Simple programming interface for Ogg files and streams
liboglappth is An OpenGL wrapper library An OpenGL wrapper library
liboil is Library of Optimized Inner Loops, CPU optimized functions Library of Optimized Inner Loops, CPU optimized functions
libolm is Double Ratchet cryptographic library Double Ratchet cryptographic library
libomp is OpenMP runtime for clang
libopenarc is An open source ARC library An open source ARC library
libopendkim is An open source DKIM library An open source DKIM library
libopendmarc is An open source DMARC library An open source DMARC library
libopenmpt is C/C++ library to decode tracker music module (MOD) files C/C++ library to decode tracker music module (MOD) files
libopenraw is Decode camera RAW files Decode camera RAW files
libopenzwave is Library to access Z-Wave interfaces Library to access Z-Wave interfaces
liboping is A C library to generate ICMP echo requests A C library to generate ICMP echo requests
libopkele is C++ implementation of the OpenID decentralized identity system C++ implementation of the OpenID decentralized identity system
libopm is Blitzed open proxy monitor library Blitzed open proxy monitor library
libopusenc is A library that provides an easy way to encode Ogg Opus files A library that provides an easy way to encode Ogg Opus files
liborcus is Standalone file import filter library for spreadsheet documents Standalone file import filter library for spreadsheet documents
liborigin is Library for reading OriginLab OPJ project files Library for reading OriginLab OPJ project files
libosinfo is A library for managing OS information for virtualization A library for managing OS information for virtualization
libosip2 is oSIP is an implementation of SIP oSIP is an implementation of SIP
libosmocore is Utility functions for OsmocomBB, OpenBSC and related projects Utility functions for OsmocomBB, OpenBSC and related projects
libotf is A Library for handling OpenType Font A Library for handling OpenType Font
libotr is Off-The-Record Messaging library and toolkit Off-The-Record Messaging library and toolkit
libpagemaker is A library for import of Adobe PageMaker documents A library for import of Adobe PageMaker documents
libpamtest is A tool to test PAM applications and PAM modules A tool to test PAM applications and PAM modules
libpano13 is Library for manipulating panoramic images Library for manipulating panoramic images
libpaper is Library and tools for handling papersize Library and tools for handling papersize
libpar2 is Library for performing comman tasks related to PAR recovery sets Library for performing comman tasks related to PAR recovery sets
libpari23 is Number Theory-oriented Computer Algebra Library Number Theory-oriented Computer Algebra Library
libparistraceroute is Library files for paris-traceroute Library files for paris-traceroute
libparserutils is A library for building efficient parsers A library for building efficient parsers
libpasastro is Pascal interface for standard astronomy libraries Pascal interface for standard astronomy libraries
libpasraw is Pascal interface to libraw Pascal interface to libraw
libpasswdqc is Passphrase quality checker shared library Passphrase quality checker shared library
libpath_utils is Filesystem Path Utilities Filesystem Path Utilities
libpcap is A system-independent interface for user-level packet capture A system-independent interface for user-level packet capture
libpciaccess is PCI access library PCI access library
libpeas is Plug-ins implementation convenience library Plug-ins implementation convenience library
libperf is The perf library from kernel source The perf library from kernel source
libpfm is Library to encode performance events for use by perf tool Library to encode performance events for use by perf tool
libpgf is PGF (Progressive Graphics File) library PGF (Progressive Graphics File) library
libpgtypes is Map PostgreSQL database types to C equivalents Map PostgreSQL database types to C equivalents
libphidget is Drivers and API for Phidget devices Drivers and API for Phidget devices
libphodav is A library to serve files with WebDAV A library to serve files with WebDAV
libphonenumber is Library to handle international phone numbers Library to handle international phone numbers
libpinyin is Library to deal with pinyin Library to deal with pinyin
libpipeline is A pipeline manipulation library A pipeline manipulation library
libpkgconf is Backend library for pkgconf Backend library for pkgconf
libplacebo is Reusable library for GPU-accelerated video/image rendering primitives Reusable library for GPU-accelerated video/image rendering primitives
libplist is Library for manipulating Apple Binary and XML Property Lists Library for manipulating Apple Binary and XML Property Lists
libpmem is Low-level persistent memory support library
libpmem2 is Low-level persistent memory support library
libpmemblk is Persistent Memory Resident Array of Blocks library
libpmemlog is Persistent Memory Resident Log File library
libpmemobj is Persistent Memory Transactional Object Store library
libpmempool is Persistent Memory pool management library
libpng is A library of functions for manipulating PNG image format files A library of functions for manipulating PNG image format files
libpng12 is Old version of libpng, needed to run old binaries Old version of libpng, needed to run old binaries
libpng15 is Old version of libpng, needed to run old binaries Old version of libpng, needed to run old binaries
libpoly is C library for manipulating polynomials C library for manipulating polynomials
libportal is Flatpak portal library Flatpak portal library
libpq is PostgreSQL client library PostgreSQL client library
libpqxx is C++ client API for PostgreSQL C++ client API for PostgreSQL
libprelude is Secure Connections between all Sensors and the Prelude Manager Secure Connections between all Sensors and the Prelude Manager
libpreludedb is Framework for easy access to the IDMEF database Framework for easy access to the IDMEF database
libpri is An implementation of Primary Rate ISDN An implementation of Primary Rate ISDN
libprojectM is The libraries for the projectM music visualization plugin The libraries for the projectM music visualization plugin
libproxy is A library handling all the details of proxy configuration A library handling all the details of proxy configuration
libpskc is Library for PSKC handling Library for PSKC handling
libpsl is C library for the Publix Suffix List C library for the Publix Suffix List
libpsm2 is Intel PSM Libraries
libpst is Utilities to convert Outlook .pst files to other formats
libpurple is libpurple library for IM clients like Pidgin and Finch libpurple library for IM clients like Pidgin and Finch
libpwquality is A library for password generation and password quality checking A library for password generation and password quality checking
libqalculate is Multi-purpose calculator library Multi-purpose calculator library
libqb is Library providing high performance logging, tracing, ipc, and poll Library providing high performance logging, tracing, ipc, and poll
libqcas is Private library of Qcas Private library of Qcas
libQGLViewer is Qt based OpenGL generic 3D viewer library Qt based OpenGL generic 3D viewer library
libqhull is -n libqhull -n libqhull
libqhull_p is libqhull_p libqhull_p
libqhull_r is libqhull_r libqhull_r
libqmi is Support library to use the Qualcomm MSM Interface (QMI) protocol Support library to use the Qualcomm MSM Interface (QMI) protocol
libqrcodegen is High-quality QR Code generator library (plain C version) High-quality QR Code generator library (plain C version)
libqrcodegencpp is High-quality QR Code generator library (C++ version) High-quality QR Code generator library (C++ version)
libqtolm is Qt wrapper for libolm Qt wrapper for libolm
libqtxdg is QtXdg, a Qt5 implementation of XDG standards QtXdg, a Qt5 implementation of XDG standards
libquadmath is GCC __float128 shared support library GCC __float128 shared support library
libquentier is Set of Qt/C++ APIs for feature rich desktop clients for Evernote service Set of Qt/C++ APIs for feature rich desktop clients for Evernote service
libquotient is Qt5 library to write cross-platform clients for Matrix Qt5 library to write cross-platform clients for Matrix
libqxmledit is XML Editor Shared Libraries XML Editor Shared Libraries
libqxp is Library for import of QuarkXPress documents Library for import of QuarkXPress documents
libr12 is A library for computing integrals that arise in Kutzelnigg’s linear R12 theories A library for computing integrals that arise in Kutzelnigg’s linear R12 theories
librabbitmq is Client library for AMQP Client library for AMQP
librados2 is RADOS distributed object store client library
libradosstriper1 is RADOS striping interface
libraqm is Complex Textlayout Library Complex Textlayout Library
librasterlite2 is Stores and retrieves huge raster coverages using a SpatiaLite DBMS Stores and retrieves huge raster coverages using a SpatiaLite DBMS
LibRaw is Library for reading RAW files obtained from digital photo cameras Library for reading RAW files obtained from digital photo cameras
libraw1394 is Library providing low-level IEEE-1394 access - 2.1.2- Library providing low-level IEEE-1394 access - 2.1.2-
librawstudio is Rawstudio backend library Rawstudio backend library
librbd1 is RADOS block device client library
librcc is RusXMMS Charset Conversion Library RusXMMS Charset Conversion Library
librcd is Library for autodetection charset of Russian and Ukrainian text Library for autodetection charset of Russian and Ukrainian text
librdkafka is The Apache Kafka C library The Apache Kafka C library
librdmacm is Userspace RDMA Connection Manager Userspace RDMA Connection Manager
libre is Library for real-time communications and SIP stack Library for real-time communications and SIP stack
librealsense is Cross-platform camera capture for Intel RealSense Cross-platform camera capture for Intel RealSense
librealsense1 is Cross-platform camera capture for Intel RealSense Cross-platform camera capture for Intel RealSense
librecad is Computer Assisted Design (CAD) Application Computer Assisted Design (CAD) Application
libref_array is A refcounted array for C A refcounted array for C
librelp is The Reliable Event Logging Protocol library The Reliable Event Logging Protocol library
librem is Library for real-time audio and video processing Library for real-time audio and video processing
libreoffice is Free Software Productivity Suite
libreofficekit is A library providing access to LibreOffice functionality A library providing access to LibreOffice functionality
librep is A lightweight Lisp environment A lightweight Lisp environment
libreplaygain is Gain analysis library from Musepack Gain analysis library from Musepack
librepo is Repodata downloading library Repodata downloading library
libreport is Generic library for reporting various problems Generic library for reporting various problems
librepository is Hierarchical repository abstraction layer
libresample is A real-time library for audio sampling rate conversion A real-time library for audio sampling rate conversion
libreswan is Internet Key Exchange (IKEv1 and IKEv2) implementation for IPsec
libretls is Port of libtls from LibreSSL to OpenSSL Port of libtls from LibreSSL to OpenSSL
librevenge is A base library for writing document import filters A base library for writing document import filters
librfid is The librfid is a Free Software RFID library The librfid is a Free Software RFID library
librgw2 is RADOS gateway client library
librhsm is Red Hat Subscription Manager library Red Hat Subscription Manager library
librichacl is Dynamic library for Rich Access Control List support Dynamic library for Rich Access Control List support
librime is Rime Input Method Engine Library Rime Input Method Engine Library
libRmath is Standalone math library from the R project Standalone math library from the R project
librnd is pcb-rnd library, binaries pcb-rnd library, binaries
librpmem is Remote Access to Persistent Memory library
librpminspect is Library providing RPM test API and functionality Library providing RPM test API and functionality
librs232 is Library for serial communications over RS-232 with Lua bindings Library for serial communications over RS-232 with Lua bindings
librsvg2 is An SVG library based on cairo An SVG library based on cairo
librsync is Rsync remote-delta algorithm library Rsync remote-delta algorithm library
librtprocess is RawTherapee’s processing algorithms RawTherapee’s processing algorithms
librttopo is Create and manage SQL/MM topologies Create and manage SQL/MM topologies
librttr is Run Time Type Reflection for C++ Run Time Type Reflection for C++
librvngabw is An AbiWord document generator library An AbiWord document generator library
librx is POSIX regexp functions POSIX regexp functions
libs3 is C Library and Tools for Amazon S3 Access C Library and Tools for Amazon S3 Access
libsafec is Safec fork with all C11 Annex K functions Safec fork with all C11 Annex K functions
libsamplerate is Sample rate conversion library for audio data Sample rate conversion library for audio data
libsass is C/C++ port of the Sass CSS precompiler C/C++ port of the Sass CSS precompiler
libsavitar is C++ implementation of 3mf loading with SIP Python bindings C++ implementation of 3mf loading with SIP Python bindings
libsbc is Library for the SBC (Sub Band Codec) Library for the SBC (Sub Band Codec)
libsbml is Systems Biology Markup Language library Systems Biology Markup Language library
libsbw is C++ Broker library C++ Broker library
libscn is Library for replacing scanf and std Library for replacing scanf and std
libscrypt is Library that implements the secure password hashing function “scrypt”
libsearpc is A simple and easy-to-use C language RPC framework A simple and easy-to-use C language RPC framework
libseat is Universal seat management library Universal seat management library
libseccomp is Enhanced seccomp library Enhanced seccomp library
libsecp256k1 is Optimized C library for EC operations on curve secp256k1 Optimized C library for EC operations on curve secp256k1
libsecret is Library for storing and retrieving passwords and other secrets Library for storing and retrieving passwords and other secrets
libsedml is Library that fully supports SED-ML for SBML Library that fully supports SED-ML for SBML
libselinux is SELinux library and simple utilities SELinux library and simple utilities
libsemanage is SELinux binary policy manipulation library SELinux binary policy manipulation library
libsemigroups is C++ library for semigroups and monoids C++ library for semigroups and monoids
libsepol is SELinux binary policy manipulation library SELinux binary policy manipulation library
libserf is High-Performance Asynchronous HTTP Client Library High-Performance Asynchronous HTTP Client Library
libserializer is JFreeReport General Serialization Framework
libserialport is Library for accessing serial ports Library for accessing serial ports
libsexy is Funky fresh graphical widgets for GTK+ 2 Funky fresh graphical widgets for GTK+ 2
libsexymm is C++ wrapper for libsexy C++ wrapper for libsexy
libshaderc is A library for compiling shader strings into SPIR-V A library for compiling shader strings into SPIR-V
libshout is Icecast source streaming library Icecast source streaming library
libsidplayfp is SID chip music module playing library SID chip music module playing library
libsigc++ is Typesafe signal framework for C++ Typesafe signal framework for C++
libsigc++20 is Typesafe signal framework for C++ Typesafe signal framework for C++
libsigc++30 is Typesafe signal framework for C++ Typesafe signal framework for C++
libsigrok is Basic hardware access drivers for logic analyzers Basic hardware access drivers for logic analyzers
libsigrokdecode is Basic API for running protocol decoders Basic API for running protocol decoders
libsigsegv is Library for handling page faults in user mode Library for handling page faults in user mode
libskk is Library to deal with Japanese kana-to-kanji conversion method Library to deal with Japanese kana-to-kanji conversion method
libslirp is A general purpose TCP-IP emulator A general purpose TCP-IP emulator
libslopy is Library to perform region SeLect OPeration with mouse Library to perform region SeLect OPeration with mouse
libslz is StateLess Zip StateLess Zip
libSM is X.Org X11 SM runtime library X.Org X11 SM runtime library
libsmartcols is Formatting library for ls-like programs. Formatting library for ls-like programs.
libsmbclient is The SMB client library The SMB client library
libsmbios is Libsmbios C/C++ shared libraries Libsmbios C/C++ shared libraries
libsmi is A library to access SMI MIB information A library to access SMI MIB information
libsndfile is Library for reading and writing sound files Library for reading and writing sound files
libsoc is Interface with common SoC peripherals through generic kernel interfaces Interface with common SoC peripherals through generic kernel interfaces
libsocket_wrapper_noop is A library providing dummies for socket_wrapper A library providing dummies for socket_wrapper
libsodium is The Sodium crypto library The Sodium crypto library
libsolv is Package dependency solver Package dependency solver
libsoundio is C library for cross-platform real-time audio input and output C library for cross-platform real-time audio input and output
libsoup is Soup, an HTTP library implementation Soup, an HTTP library implementation
libspatialaudio is Ambisonic encoding / decoding and binauralization library Ambisonic encoding / decoding and binauralization library
libspatialite is Enables SQLite to support spatial data Enables SQLite to support spatial data
libspectre is A library for rendering PostScript(TM) documents A library for rendering PostScript(TM) documents
libspectrum is A library for reading spectrum emulator file formats A library for reading spectrum emulator file formats
libspf2 is An implementation of the SPF specification An implementation of the SPF specification
libsphinxclient is Pure C search-d client API library
libspiro is Library to simplify the drawing of beautiful curves Library to simplify the drawing of beautiful curves
libspnav is Open source alternative to 3DConnextion drivers Open source alternative to 3DConnextion drivers
libspng is Simple, modern libpng alternative Simple, modern libpng alternative
libsq3 is A C++ Wrapper for the SQLite3 embeddable SQL database engine A C++ Wrapper for the SQLite3 embeddable SQL database engine
libsqlite3x is A C++ Wrapper for the SQLite3 embeddable SQL database engine A C++ Wrapper for the SQLite3 embeddable SQL database engine
libsquish is Open source DXT compression library Open source DXT compression library
libsrtp is An implementation of the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) An implementation of the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP)
libss is Command line interface parsing library Command line interface parsing library
libss7 is SS7 protocol services to applications SS7 protocol services to applications
libssh is A library implementing the SSH protocol A library implementing the SSH protocol
libssh2 is A library implementing the SSH2 protocol A library implementing the SSH2 protocol
libssrfmarblewidget is A modified version of libmarblewidget for Subsurface A modified version of libmarblewidget for Subsurface
libsss_autofs is A library to allow communication between Autofs and SSSD
libsss_certmap is SSSD Certificate Mapping Library SSSD Certificate Mapping Library
libsss_idmap is FreeIPA Idmap library FreeIPA Idmap library FreeIPA Idmap library
libsss_nss_idmap is Library for SID and certificate based lookups Library for SID and certificate based lookups Library for SID and certificate based lookups
libsss_simpleifp is The SSSD D-Bus responder helper library The SSSD D-Bus responder helper library
libsss_sudo is A library to allow communication between SUDO and SSSD
libst2205 is Library for accessing the display of hacked st2205 photo frames Library for accessing the display of hacked st2205 photo frames
libstaroffice is A library for import of binary StarOffice documents A library for import of binary StarOffice documents
libstatgrab is A library that provides cross platform access to statistics of the system A library that provides cross platform access to statistics of the system
libstdc++ is GNU Standard C++ Library GNU Standard C++ Library GNU Standard C++ Library
libstemmer is C stemming algorithm library C stemming algorithm library
libstoragemgmt is Storage array management library Storage array management library
libstorj is Client library and CLI for encrypted file transfer on the Storj network Client library and CLI for encrypted file transfer on the Storj network
libstroke is A stroke interface library A stroke interface library
libsvm is A Library for Support Vector Machines A Library for Support Vector Machines
libsysfs is Shared library for interfacing with sysfs Shared library for interfacing with sysfs
libsysprof is Sysprof libraries Sysprof libraries
libsysstat is Library used to query system info and statistics Library used to query system info and statistics
libtalloc is The talloc library The talloc library
libtar is Tar file manipulation API Tar file manipulation API
libtasn1 is The ASN.1 library used in GNUTLS The ASN.1 library used in GNUTLS
libtcd is Tide Constituent Database Library Tide Constituent Database Library
libtcmu is A library to ease supporting LIO userspace processing
libtdb is The tdb library The tdb library
libteam is Library for controlling team network device Library for controlling team network device
libtelnet is TELNET protocol parsing framework TELNET protocol parsing framework
libtermkey is Library for easy processing of keyboard entry from terminal-based programs Library for easy processing of keyboard entry from terminal-based programs
libtevent is The tevent library The tevent library
libtextstyle is Text styling library Text styling library
libthai is Thai language support routines Thai language support routines
libtheora is Theora Video Compression Codec Theora Video Compression Codec
libticables2 is Texas Instruments link cables library Texas Instruments link cables library
libticalcs2 is Texas Instruments calculator communication library Texas Instruments calculator communication library
libtickit is Terminal Interface Construction Kit Terminal Interface Construction Kit
libticonv is Texas Instruments calculators charsets library Texas Instruments calculators charsets library
libtidy is Runtime library for tidy Runtime library for tidy
libtidyp is Shared libraries for tidyp Shared libraries for tidyp
libtiff is Library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files Library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files
libtifiles2 is Texas Instruments calculator files library Texas Instruments calculator files library
libtiger is Rendering library for Kate streams using Pango and Cairo Rendering library for Kate streams using Pango and Cairo
libtimezonemap is Time zone map widget for Gtk+ Time zone map widget for Gtk+
libtimidity is MIDI to WAVE converter library MIDI to WAVE converter library
libtirpc is Transport Independent RPC Library Transport Independent RPC Library
libtnc is Library implementation of the Trusted Network Connect (TNC) specification Library implementation of the Trusted Network Connect (TNC) specification
libtomcrypt is A comprehensive, portable cryptographic toolkit A comprehensive, portable cryptographic toolkit
libtoml is Fast C parser using Ragel to generate the state machine. Fast C parser using Ragel to generate the state machine.
libtommath is A portable number theoretic multiple-precision integer library A portable number theoretic multiple-precision integer library
libtool is The GNU Portable Library Tool
libtorrent is BitTorrent library with a focus on high performance & good code BitTorrent library with a focus on high performance & good code
libtpcimgio is Turku PET Centre for image file input and output procedures Turku PET Centre for image file input and output procedures
libtpcmisc is Miscellaneous PET functions Miscellaneous PET functions
libtpms is Library providing Trusted Platform Module (TPM) functionality Library providing Trusted Platform Module (TPM) functionality
libtracecmd is Libraries of trace-cmd Libraries of trace-cmd
libtraceevent is Library to parse raw trace event formats Library to parse raw trace event formats
libtracefs is Library for access kernel tracefs Library for access kernel tracefs
libtranslate is Natural language translation library Natural language translation library
libtranslit is ASCII to Unicode transliteration library with multiple backends ASCII to Unicode transliteration library with multiple backends
libtrash is Libraries to move files to a trash-folder on delete Libraries to move files to a trash-folder on delete
libtsan is The Thread Sanitizer runtime library
libtvdb is A library to fetch TV series information from the web service A library to fetch TV series information from the web service
libtwin is Tiny Window System Tiny Window System
libubertooth is Shared library for Bluetooth experimentation Shared library for Bluetooth experimentation
libubsan is The Undefined Behavior Sanitizer runtime library The Undefined Behavior Sanitizer runtime library
libucil is Library to render text and graphic overlays onto video images Library to render text and graphic overlays onto video images
libucl is Universal configuration library parser Universal configuration library parser
libudfread is UDF reader library UDF reader library
libudisks2 is Dynamic library to access the udisksd daemon Dynamic library to access the udisksd daemon
libuecc is Very small Elliptic Curve Cryptography library Very small Elliptic Curve Cryptography library
libuev is Simple event loop for Linux Simple event loop for Linux
libuInputPlus is A C++ wrapper around libuinput A C++ wrapper around libuinput
libunarr is Decompression library for rar, tar and zip archives Decompression library for rar, tar and zip archives
libunibreak is A Unicode line-breaking library A Unicode line-breaking library
libunicap is Library to access different kinds of (video) capture devices Library to access different kinds of (video) capture devices
libunicapgtk is Library to build graphical widgets for the unicap library Library to build graphical widgets for the unicap library
libuninameslist is A library providing Unicode character names and annotations A library providing Unicode character names and annotations
libuninum is Library for converting unicode strings to numbers Library for converting unicode strings to numbers
libunistring is GNU Unicode string library GNU Unicode string library
libunity is Library for integrating with Unity and Plasma Library for integrating with Unity and Plasma
libunwind is An unwinding library An unwinding library
libupnp is Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
liburing is Linux-native io_uring I/O access library Linux-native io_uring I/O access library
libusal is Library to communicate with SCSI devices Library to communicate with SCSI devices
libusb is Compatibility shim around libusb-1.0 offering the old 0.1 API Compatibility shim around libusb-1.0 offering the old 0.1 API
libusbg is Library for USB gadget-configfs userspace functionality Library for USB gadget-configfs userspace functionality
libusbmuxd is Client library USB multiplex daemon for Apple’s iOS devices Client library USB multiplex daemon for Apple’s iOS devices
libusbx is Library for accessing USB devices Library for accessing USB devices
libuser is A user and group account administration library A user and group account administration library
libut is Library-implementation of utvector Library-implementation of utvector
libutempter is A privileged helper for utmp/wtmp updates A privileged helper for utmp/wtmp updates
libuuid is Universally unique ID library Universally unique ID library
libuv is Platform layer for node.js Platform layer for node.js
libv3270 is 3270 Virtual Terminal for GTK+3 3270 Virtual Terminal for GTK+3
libv4l is Collection of video4linux support libraries Collection of video4linux support libraries
libva is Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux
libvala is Vala compiler library Vala compiler library
libvarlink is Varlink C Library Varlink C Library
libvdpau is Wrapper library for the Video Decode and Presentation API Wrapper library for the Video Decode and Presentation API
libverto is Main loop abstraction library Main loop abstraction library
libvidcap is Cross-platform video capture library Cross-platform video capture library
libvirt is Library providing a simple virtualization API
libvisio is A library for import of Microsoft Visio diagrams A library for import of Microsoft Visio diagrams
libvisual is Abstraction library for audio visualisation plugins Abstraction library for audio visualisation plugins
libvkd3d is D3D12 to Vulkan translation library D3D12 to Vulkan translation library
libvma is A library for boosting TCP and UDP traffic (over RDMA hardware)
libvmaf is Library for vmaf
libvmem is Volatile Memory allocation library
libvmi is A library for performing virtual-machine introspection
libvmmalloc is Dynamic to Persistent Memory allocation translation library
libvncserver is Library to make writing a VNC server easy Library to make writing a VNC server easy
libvoikko is Voikko is a library for spellcheckers and hyphenators Voikko is a library for spellcheckers and hyphenators
libvorbis is The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
libvpx is VP8/VP9 Video Codec SDK VP8/VP9 Video Codec SDK
libvterm is An abstract library implementation of a VT220/xterm/ECMA-48 terminal emulator An abstract library implementation of a VT220/xterm/ECMA-48 terminal emulator
libwacom is Tablet Information Client Library Tablet Information Client Library
libwapcaplet is A string internment library A string internment library
libwbclient is The winbind client library The winbind client library
libwbxml is Library and tools to parse, encode and handle WBXML documents Library and tools to parse, encode and handle WBXML documents
libwebcam is A library for user-space configuration of the uvcvideo driver A library for user-space configuration of the uvcvideo driver
libwebp is Library and tools for the WebP graphics format Library and tools for the WebP graphics format
libwebsockets is Lightweight C library for Websockets Lightweight C library for Websockets
libwfut is Software updater tool for WorldForge applications Software updater tool for WorldForge applications
libwhirlpool is Whirlpool cryptographic hash function library Whirlpool cryptographic hash function library
libwicked is Network configuration infrastructure - Shared library Network configuration infrastructure - Shared library
libwiimote is Simple Wiimote Library for Linux Simple Wiimote Library for Linux
libwinpr is Windows Portable Runtime Windows Portable Runtime
libwmf is Windows MetaFile Library Windows MetaFile Library
libwnck is Window Navigator Construction Kit Window Navigator Construction Kit
libwnck3 is Window Navigator Construction Kit Window Navigator Construction Kit
libwpd is A library for import of WordPerfect documents A library for import of WordPerfect documents
libwpe is General-purpose library for the WPE-flavored port of WebKit General-purpose library for the WPE-flavored port of WebKit
libwpg is A library for import of WordPerfect Graphics images A library for import of WordPerfect Graphics images
libwps is A library for import of Microsoft Works documents A library for import of Microsoft Works documents
libwsman1 is Open source Implementation of WS-Management Open source Implementation of WS-Management
libwvstreams is WvStreams is a network programming library written in C++ WvStreams is a network programming library written in C++
libX11 is Core X11 protocol client library Core X11 protocol client library
libx86 is Library for making real-mode x86 calls Library for making real-mode x86 calls
libx86emu is x86 emulation library x86 emulation library
libXau is Sample Authorization Protocol for X Sample Authorization Protocol for X
libXaw is X Athena Widget Set X Athena Widget Set
libxc is Library of exchange and correlation functionals for density-functional theory Library of exchange and correlation functionals for density-functional theory
libxcb is A C binding to the X11 protocol A C binding to the X11 protocol
libXcm is X Color Management Library X Color Management Library
libXcomp is NX differential compression library NX differential compression library
libXcomposite is X Composite Extension library X Composite Extension library
libXcompshad is NX session shadowing Library NX session shadowing Library
libxcrypt is Extended crypt library for descrypt, md5crypt, bcrypt, and others Extended crypt library for descrypt, md5crypt, bcrypt, and others
libXcursor is Cursor management library Cursor management library
libXdamage is X Damage extension library X Damage extension library
libxdiff is Basic functionality to create difference/patches in binary and text Basic functionality to create difference/patches in binary and text
libXdmcp is X Display Manager Control Protocol library X Display Manager Control Protocol library
libxdo is Keyboard input simulation library Keyboard input simulation library
libxdp is XDP helper library XDP helper library
libXext is X.Org X11 libXext runtime library X.Org X11 libXext runtime library
libxfce4ui is Commonly used Xfce widgets Commonly used Xfce widgets
libxfce4util is Utility library for the Xfce4 desktop environment Utility library for the Xfce4 desktop environment
libXfixes is X Fixes library X Fixes library
libXfont is X.Org X11 libXfont runtime library X.Org X11 libXfont runtime library
libXfont2 is X.Org X11 libXfont2 runtime library X.Org X11 libXfont2 runtime library
libXft is X.Org X11 libXft runtime library X.Org X11 libXft runtime library
libXi is X.Org X11 libXi runtime library X.Org X11 libXi runtime library
libXinerama is X.Org X11 libXinerama runtime library X.Org X11 libXinerama runtime library
libxkbcommon is X.Org X11 XKB parsing library X.Org X11 XKB parsing library
libxkbfile is X.Org X11 libxkbfile runtime library X.Org X11 libxkbfile runtime library
libxklavier is High-level API for X Keyboard Extension High-level API for X Keyboard Extension
libxls is Read binary Excel files from C/C++ Read binary Excel files from C/C++
libxlsxwriter is A C library for creating Excel XLSX files A C library for creating Excel XLSX files
libxml++ is C++ wrapper for the libxml2 XML parser library C++ wrapper for the libxml2 XML parser library
libxml++30 is C++ wrapper for the libxml2 XML parser library C++ wrapper for the libxml2 XML parser library
libxml2 is Library providing XML and HTML support Library providing XML and HTML support
libxmlb is Library for querying compressed XML metadata Library for querying compressed XML metadata
libxmp is A multi-format module playback library A multi-format module playback library
libXmu is X.Org X11 libXmu/libXmuu runtime libraries X.Org X11 libXmu/libXmuu runtime libraries
libxnm is A library for parsing the XNM format A library for parsing the XNM format
libXNVCtrl is Library providing the NV-CONTROL API Library providing the NV-CONTROL API
libXp is X.Org X11 libXp runtime library X.Org X11 libXp runtime library
libXpm is X.Org X11 libXpm runtime library X.Org X11 libXpm runtime library
libXpresent is A Xlib-compatible API for the Present extension A Xlib-compatible API for the Present extension
libXrandr is X.Org X11 libXrandr runtime library X.Org X11 libXrandr runtime library
libXrender is X.Org X11 libXrender runtime library X.Org X11 libXrender runtime library
libXres is X-Resource extension client library X-Resource extension client library
libXScrnSaver is X.Org X11 libXss runtime library X.Org X11 libXss runtime library
libxshmfence is X11 shared memory fences X11 shared memory fences
libxslt is Library providing the Gnome XSLT engine Library providing the Gnome XSLT engine
libxsmm is Small dense or sparse matrix multiplications and convolutions for x86_64
libXt is X.Org X11 libXt runtime library X.Org X11 libXt runtime library
libxtide is XTide library XTide library
libXtst is X.Org X11 libXtst runtime library X.Org X11 libXtst runtime library
libXv is X.Org X11 libXv runtime library X.Org X11 libXv runtime library
libXvMC is X.Org X11 libXvMC runtime library X.Org X11 libXvMC runtime library
libXxf86dga is X.Org X11 libXxf86dga runtime library X.Org X11 libXxf86dga runtime library
libXxf86misc is X.Org X11 libXxf86misc runtime library X.Org X11 libXxf86misc runtime library
libXxf86vm is X.Org X11 libXxf86vm runtime library X.Org X11 libXxf86vm runtime library
libyami is Yet Another Media Infrastructure Yet Another Media Infrastructure
libyaml is YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C
libyang is YANG data modeling language library YANG data modeling language library
libyaz is Shared libraries for yaz Shared libraries for yaz
libykneomgr is YubiKey NEO CCID Manager C Library YubiKey NEO CCID Manager C Library
libytnef is TNEF Stream Reader Library TNEF Stream Reader Library
libyubikey is C library for decrypting and parsing Yubikey One-time passwords C library for decrypting and parsing Yubikey One-time passwords
libyui is GUI-abstraction library GUI-abstraction library
libyuv is YUV conversion and scaling functionality library YUV conversion and scaling functionality library
libzapojit is GLib/GObject wrapper for the OneDrive and Hotmail REST APIs GLib/GObject wrapper for the OneDrive and Hotmail REST APIs
libzdb is Small, easy to use Database Connection Pool Library Small, easy to use Database Connection Pool Library
libzeitgeist is Client library for applications that want to interact with the Zeitgeist daemon Client library for applications that want to interact with the Zeitgeist daemon
libzen is Shared library for libmediainfo and medianfo* Shared library for libmediainfo and medianfo*
libzhuyin is Library to deal with zhuyin Library to deal with zhuyin
libzia is Platform abstraction layer for the tucnak package Platform abstraction layer for the tucnak package
libzip is C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives
libzmf is A library for import of Zoner document formats A library for import of Zoner document formats
libzrtpcpp is ZRTP support library for the GNU ccRTP stack ZRTP support library for the GNU ccRTP stack
libzstd is Zstd shared library Zstd shared library
libzwerg is Library for querying Dwarf (debuginfo) graphs Library for querying Dwarf (debuginfo) graphs
libzypp is A package management library A package management library
licensecheck is Simple license checker for source files
lifeograph is A diary program
liferea is An RSS/RDF feed reader
light is Control backlight controllers
lightdm is A cross-desktop Display Manager A cross-desktop Display Manager
lightly is A modern style for qt applications A modern style for qt applications
lightning is Library for generating assembly code on run time Library for generating assembly code on run time
lightsoff is GNOME Lightsoff game
lightsquid is Light, small, and fast log analyzer for squid proxy
lighttpd is Lightning fast webserver with light system requirements
lilv is An LV2 Resource Description Framework Library An LV2 Resource Description Framework Library
lilypond is A typesetting system for music notation
lilyterm is Light and easy to use X Terminal Emulator
limnoria is A modified version of Supybot (an IRC bot) with enhancements and bug fixes
linbox is C++ Library for High-Performance Exact Linear Algebra C++ Library for High-Performance Exact Linear Algebra
linenoise is Minimal replacement for readline Minimal replacement for readline
lingot is A musical instruments tuner A musical instruments tuner
linkchecker is Check HTML documents for broken links
links is Web browser running in both graphics and text mode
LinLog is A ham radio logbook for Linux
linphone is Phone anywhere in the whole world by using the Internet Phone anywhere in the whole world by using the Internet
linpsk is Psk31 and RTTY program for Linux
linsim is Tool for Amateur Radio Digital Mode evaluation
linsmith is A Smith charting program
linuxconsoletools is Tools for connecting joysticks & legacy devices to the kernel’s input subsystem
linuxptp is PTP implementation for Linux
liquidctl is Tool for controlling liquid coolers, case fans and RGB LED strips
liquidwar is Multiplayer wargame with liquid armies
lis is A library for solving linear equations and eigenvalue problems A library for solving linear equations and eigenvalue problems
listres is X11 utility to list application resources
litecli is CLI for SQLite databases
litmus is WebDAV server compliance test suite
livereload is Command-Line tool for python-livereload
llconf is Loss-less configuration file parser
lld is The LLVM Linker The LLVM Linker
lldb is Next generation high-performance debugger Next generation high-performance debugger
lldpad is Intel LLDP Agent Intel LLDP Agent
lldpd is ISC-licensed implementation of LLDP ISC-licensed implementation of LLDP
llmnrd is Link-Local Multicast Resolution Daemon
llvm is The Low Level Virtual Machine The Low Level Virtual Machine
llvm10 is The Low Level Virtual Machine The Low Level Virtual Machine
llvm11 is The Low Level Virtual Machine The Low Level Virtual Machine
lm_sensors is Hardware monitoring tools
lmdb is Memory-mapped key-value database Memory-mapped key-value database
lmfit is Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares minimization and curve fitting Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares minimization and curve fitting
lmms is Linux MultiMedia Studio
Lmod is Environmental Modules System in Lua
lnav is Curses-based tool for viewing and analyzing log files
lnst is Common code for lnst-ctl and lnst-slave
lockdev is A library for locking devices A library for locking devices
log4c is Library for logging application messages Library for logging application messages
log4cplus is Logging Framework for C++ Logging Framework for C++
log4cpp is C++ logging library C++ logging library
log4cxx is A port to C++ of the Log4j project A port to C++ of the Log4j project
log4j is Java logging package
log4net is A .NET framework for logging
logcheck is Analyzes log files and sends noticeable events as email
logiops is Unofficial driver for Logitech mice and keyboard
logiweb is A system for electronic distribution of mathematics
logjam is GTK2 client for LiveJournal
logrotate is Rotates, compresses, removes and mails system log files
logserial is Package for logging incoming bytes on asynchronous serial ports
logstalgia is Web server access log visualizer
logwatch is Analyzes and Reports on system logs
lokalize is Computer-aided translation system
lolcat is High-performance implementation of a colorful cat
lollypop is Music player for GNOME
lookup is A graphical tool to search DNS for answers
loook is document search tool
lorax is Tool for creating the anaconda install images
lordsawar is Turn-based strategy game in a fantasy setting
loudmouth is XMPP/Jabber C programming library XMPP/Jabber C programming library
lout is A document formatting system
love is A free 2D game engine which enables easy game creation in Lua
lpairs is Classical memory game with cards
lpcnetfreedv is LPCNet for FreeDV LPCNet for FreeDV
lpf is Local package factory - build non-redistributable rpms
lprint is A Label Printer Application
lpsk31 is A ncurses application for ham radio communications using PSK31 digital mode
lpsolve is A Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver A Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver
lrcalc is Littlewood-Richardson Calculator Littlewood-Richardson Calculator
lrmi is Library for calling real mode BIOS routines
lrslib is Reverse search for vertex enumeration/convex hull problems Reverse search for vertex enumeration/convex hull problems
lrzsz is The lrz and lsz modem communications programs
lscolors is Colorize paths using the LS_COLORS environment variable
lsd is Ls command with a lot of pretty colors and some other stuff
lsdvd is Small application for listing the contents of DVDs
lsfrom is List directory files starting from a specific name
lshw is Hardware lister
lskat is A fun and engaging card game
lsnipes is A text-mode maze game
lsof is A utility which lists open files on a Linux/UNIX system
lsscsi is List SCSI devices (or hosts) and associated information
lsw is Prints all window titles of DISPLAY to standard output
lsyncd is File change monitoring and synchronization daemon
lterm is Terminal and multi protocol client
ltl2ba is Fast translation from LTL formulas to Buchi automata
ltrace is Tracks runtime library calls from dynamically linked executables
lttv is Linux Trace Toolkit Viewer Linux Trace Toolkit Viewer
ltunify is Command line utility for Logitech Unifying Receiver
lua is Powerful light-weight programming language Powerful light-weight programming language
luabind is A library that helps create bindings between C++ and Lua A library that helps create bindings between C++ and Lua
luajit is Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua
luarocks is A deployment and management system for Lua modules
lucene is High-performance, full-featured text search engine
lucene++ is A high-performance, full-featured text search engine written in C++ A high-performance, full-featured text search engine written in C++
lucidlife is A Conway’s Life simulator
luckybackup is A powerful, fast and reliable backup and sync tool
lugaru is Ninja rabbit fighting game
luit is Locale to UTF-8 encoding filter
luksmeta is Utility for storing small metadata in the LUKSv1 header
lumail is Modern console-based e-mail client
lure is Lure of the Temptress - Adventure Game
lutok is Lightweight C++ API library for Lua Lightweight C++ API library for Lua
lutris is Install and play any video game easily
luxcorerender is LuxCore Renderer, an unbiased rendering system
lv is A Powerful Multilingual File Viewer
lv2 is Audio Plugin Standard Audio Plugin Standard
lv2dynparam is LV2 dynamic parameters extension LV2 dynamic parameters extension
lvm2 is Userland logical volume management tools
lwp is C library for user-mode threading C library for user-mode threading
lwtools is Cross-development tool chain for Motorola 6809 and Hitachi 6309
lxappearance is Feature-rich GTK+ theme switcher for LXDE
lxc is Linux Resource Containers
lxcfs is FUSE based filesystem for LXC
lxdm is Lightweight X11 Display Manager
lxhotkey is Hotkeys management utility Hotkeys management utility
lxinput is Keyboard and mouse settings dialog for LXDE
lxlauncher is Open source replacement for Launcher on the EeePC
lxmusic is Lightweight XMMS2 client with simple user interface
lxpanel is A lightweight X11 desktop panel A lightweight X11 desktop panel
lxpolkit is Simple PolicyKit authentication agent
lxrandr is Simple monitor configuration tool
lxsession is Lightweight X11 session manager
lxshortcut is Small utility to edit application shortcuts
lxsplit is File split / merge utility
lxtask is Lightweight and desktop independent task manager
lxterminal is Desktop-independent VTE-based terminal emulator
lynis is Security and system auditing tool
lynx is A text-based Web browser
lyx is WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean) document processor
lz4 is Extremely fast compression algorithm
lzip is LZMA compressor with integrity checking
lziprecover is Data recovery tool and decompressor for files in the lzip compressed format
lzo is Data compression library with very fast (de)compression Data compression library with very fast (de)compression
lzop is Real-time file compressor
m4 is GNU macro processor
m4ri is Linear Algebra over F_2 Linear Algebra over F_2
m4rie is Linear Algebra over F_2^e Linear Algebra over F_2^e
maatkit is Essential command-line utilities for MySQL
Macaulay2 is System for algebraic geometry and commutative algebra
macchanger is An utility for viewing/manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces
machineball is A futuristic ball game with simple rules
mackup is Keep your application settings in sync
macromilter is Milter to check mails for suspicious Microsoft VBA macro code
Maelstrom is A space combat game
magic is A very capable VLSI layout tool
magicmaze is Board game featuring a maze which the players change each turn
MagicPoint is X based presentation software
mailcap is Helper application and MIME type associations for file types
maildirproc is Sort mail from mail boxes in the maildir format
maildrop is Mail delivery agent with filtering abilities
mailman is Mailing list manager with built in Web access
mailman3 is The GNU mailing list manager
mailnag is Mail notification daemon
mailx is Enhanced implementation of the mailx command
maim is Command-line screen capture tool
mairix is A program for indexing and searching email messages
make is A GNU tool which simplifies the build process for users
makebootfat is Utility for creation bootable FAT disk
makepasswd is Generates (pseudo-)random passwords of a desired length
makeself is Make self-extractable archives on Unix
mako is Lightweight Wayland notification daemon
malaga is A programming language for automatic language analysis
malcontent is Parental controls implementation
maloc is Minimal Abstraction Layer for Object-oriented C Minimal Abstraction Layer for Object-oriented C
mame is Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
man2html is Convert man pages to HTML - CGI scripts
manafirewall is ManaTools FirewallD configuration tool
mandoc is A suite of tools for compiling mdoc and man
manedit is UNIX Manual Page Editor
mangohud is Vulkan overlay layer for monitoring FPS, temperatures, CPU/GPU load and more Vulkan overlay layer for monitoring FPS, temperatures, CPU/GPU load and more
mantis is Web-based issue tracking system
mantle is Collection of tools for managing cloud images
mapnik is Free Toolkit for developing mapping applications Free Toolkit for developing mapping applications
mapserver is Environment for building spatially-enabled internet applications
maradns is Authoritative and recursive DNS server made with security in mind
marble is Virtual globe and world atlas
marco is MATE Desktop window manager MATE Desktop window manager
mariadb is A very fast and robust SQL database server
marisa is Static and spece-efficient trie data structure library Static and spece-efficient trie data structure library
marked is A markdown parser for Node.js built for speed
marker is GTK 3 markdown editor
Mars is An interactive development environment for programming in MIPS assembly language
marshalparser is Parser for Python internal Marshal format
marsshooter is M.A.R.S. - A Ridiculous Shooter
mass3 is Buckets enumerator
masscan is This is an Internet-scale port scanner
massdns is High-performance DNS stub resolver for bulk lookups and reconnaissance
mathex is C++ library to parse/evaluate mathematical expressions C++ library to parse/evaluate mathematical expressions
mathgl is Cross-platform library for making high-quality scientific graphics Cross-platform library for making high-quality scientific graphics
mathic is Data structures for Groebner basis computations Data structures for Groebner basis computations
mathicgb is Groebner basis computations
mathjax is JavaScript library to render math in the browser
mathomatic is Small, portable symbolic math program
matio is Library for reading/writing Matlab MAT files Library for reading/writing Matlab MAT files
matreshka is Set of Ada libraries to help to develop information systems Set of Ada libraries to help to develop information systems
maven is Java project management and project comprehension tool
mawk is Interpreter for the AWK programming language
maxima is Symbolic Computation Program
Mayavi is Scientific data 3-dimensional visualizer
mb2md is Mailbox to maildir converter
mbedtls is Light-weight cryptographic and SSL/TLS library Light-weight cryptographic and SSL/TLS library
mbpfan is A simple daemon to control fan speed on all MacBook/MacBook Pros
mbuffer is Measuring Buffer is an enhanced version of buffer
mc is User-friendly text console file manager and visual shell
mcabber is Console Jabber instant messaging client
mcelog is Tool to translate x86-64 CPU Machine Check Exception data
mcomix3 is User-friendly, customizable image viewer for comic books
mcpanel is Library that provides a scope interface for displaying multichannel signal Library that provides a scope interface for displaying multichannel signal
mcpp is Alternative C/C++ preprocessor
mcqd is Maximum clique in an undirected graph Maximum clique in an undirected graph
mcrcon is Console based rcon client for minecraft servers
mcrouter is Memcached protocol router for scaling memcached deployments
mcrypt is Replacement for crypt()
mcstrans is SELinux Translation Daemon
md5deep is A set of cross-platform tools to compute hashes
mdadm is The mdadm program controls Linux md devices (software RAID arrays)
mdbtools is Access data stored in Microsoft Access databases
mdevctl is Mediated device management and persistence utility A mediated device management utility for Linux
mdk is GNU MIX Development Kit
meanwhile is Lotus Sametime Community Client library Lotus Sametime Community Client library
mecab is Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
med is Library to exchange meshed data Library to exchange meshed data
mediaconch is Most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files (CLI)
mediainfo is Supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file (CLI)
mediawiki is A wiki engine
mediawriter is Fedora Media Writer Fedora Media Writer
mednafen is A multi-system emulator utilizing OpenGL and SDL
medusa is Parallel brute forcing password cracker
meg is Fetch many paths for many hosts
megaglest is Open Source 3d real time strategy game
megatools is Command line client for MEGA
meld is Visual diff and merge tool
mellowplayer is Cloud music integration for your desktop
memavaild is Improve responsiveness during heavy swapping
memcached is High Performance, Distributed Memory Object Cache
memchan is In-memory channels for Tcl In-memory channels for Tcl
memkind is User Extensible Heap Manager
memstomp is Warns of memory argument overlaps to various functions
memstrack is A memory allocation tracer, like a hot spot analyzer for memory allocation
memtailor is C++ library of special-purpose memory allocators C++ library of special-purpose memory allocators
memtest86+ is Stand-alone memory tester for x86 and x86-64 computers
memtester is Utility to test for faulty memory subsystem
menulibre is compliant menu editor
mercurial is Mercurial – a distributed SCM
merkaartor is Qt-Based OpenStreetMap editor
mesaflash is Configuration and diagnostic tool for Mesa Electronics boards
meshbird is Distributed private networking
meshlab is A system for processing and editing unstructured 3D triangular meshes
meson is High productivity build system
messiggy is Messiggy is a database of celestial objects
metacity is Unobtrusive window manager Unobtrusive window manager
metamath is Construct mathematics from basic axioms
metapixel is Photomosaic Generator
meteo is Forecast application using OpenWeatherMap API
meterbridge is Meter Bridge for JACK
methane is Super Methane Brothers
metis is Serial Graph Partitioning and Fill-reducing Matrix Ordering Serial Graph Partitioning and Fill-reducing Matrix Ordering
metis64 is Serial Graph Partitioning and Fill-reducing Matrix Ordering (64bit INTEGER)
metrics2mqtt is Publish system performance metrics to a MQTT broker
mfiler3 is Two pane file manager under UNIX console
mfiler4 is 2 pane file manager with a embedded shell
mftrace is Utility for converting TeX bitmap fonts to Type 1 or TrueType fonts
mg is Tiny Emacs-like editor
mgarepo is Tools for Mageia repository access and management
mgetty is A getty replacement for use with data and fax modems
mhash is Thread-safe hash algorithms library Thread-safe hash algorithms library
mhonarc is Perl mail-to-HTML converter
micro is A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor
microcode_ctl is Tool to transform and deploy CPU microcode update for x86
microdnf is Lightweight implementation of DNF in C
micronucleus is Flashing tool for USB devices with Micronucleus bootloader
micropipenv is A simple wrapper around pip to support Pipenv and Poetry files
micropython is Implementation of Python 3 with very low memory footprint
midori is a lightweight, fast and free web browser a lightweight, fast and free web browser
migemo is Japanese incremental search tool
miglayout is Versatile and flexible Swing layout manager
migrationtools is Migration scripts for LDAP
mikmod is Console music module player
milia is C++ cosmology library C++ cosmology library
milkytracker is Module tracker software for creating music
miller is Name-indexed data processing tool
mimedefang is E-Mail filtering framework using Sendmail’s Milter interface
mimetex is Easily embed LaTeX math in web pages
mimetic is A full featured C++ MIME library A full featured C++ MIME library
mimic is Mycroft’s TTS engine Mycroft’s TTS engine
minder is Mind-mapping application
mindless is Find the secret code
mine_detector is Mine Detector, a mine-finding game
minetest is Multiplayer infinite-world block sandbox with survival mode
minetestmapper is Generates a overview image of a minetest map
ming is A library for generating Macromedia Flash files A library for generating Macromedia Flash files
mingetty is A compact getty program for virtual consoles only
minicom is A text-based modem control and terminal emulation program
minicomputer is Software Synthesizer
minicondor is Configuration for a single-node HTCondor
minidump is A Python library to parse and read Microsoft minidump file format
minigalaxy is GOG client for Linux that lets you download and play your GOG Linux games
minikerberos is Kerberos manipulation library in Python
minimodem is General-purpose software audio FSK modem
minipro is Utility for MiniPro TL866A/TL866/CS programmer
minisat2 is Minimalistic SAT solver
minisign is A dead simple tool to sign files and verify digital signatures
miniupnpc is Library and tool to control NAT in UPnP-enabled routers Library and tool to control NAT in UPnP-enabled routers
miniupnpd is Daemon to offer UPnP-IGD and NAT-PMP support
miniz is Compression library implementing the zlib and Deflate Compression library implementing the zlib and Deflate
minizip is Minizip contrib in zlib with the latest bug fixes and advanced features Minizip contrib in zlib with the latest bug fixes and advanced features
mintlocale is Language selection tool
minuet is A KDE Software for Music Education A KDE Software for Music Education
mirage is A fast and simple image viewer
mirmon is Monitor the status of mirrors
mirrormagic is Puzzle game where you steer a beam of light using mirrors
mirrormanager2 is Mirror management application
mISDN is Userspace part of Modular ISDN stack Userspace part of Modular ISDN stack
mkbootdisk is Creates a boot floppy disk for booting a system
mkdocs is Python tool to create HTML documentation from markdown sources
mkfontscale is Tool to generate legacy X11 font system index files
mkosi is Create legacy-free OS images
mkpasswd is Encrypt a password with crypt(3) function using a salt
mkproject is Make project skeletons
mkrdns is Automatic reverse DNS zone generator
mksh is MirBSD enhanced version of the Korn Shell
mktorrent is Command line utility to create BitTorrent metainfo files
mkvtoolnix is Matroska container manipulation utilities
mlir is Multi-Level Intermediate Representation Overview Multi-Level Intermediate Representation Overview
mlmmj is A simple and slim mailing list manager inspired by ezmlm
mlocate is An utility for finding files by name
mlpack is Scalable, fast C++ machine learning library Scalable, fast C++ machine learning library
mlt is Toolkit for broadcasters, video editors, media players, transcoders Toolkit for broadcasters, video editors, media players, transcoders
mlton is Optimizing compiler for Standard ML
mm is Shared memory allocation library Shared memory allocation library
mm3d is 3D model editor
mmapper is Graphical MUME mapper
mmc is A GPU-based mesh-based Monte Carlo (MMC) photon simulator
mmdb2 is Macromolecular coordinate library Macromolecular coordinate library
mmg is Surface and volume remeshers Surface and volume remeshers
mmg2d is Surface remesher Surface remesher
mmg3d is Volume remesher Volume remesher
mmgs is Surface remesher Surface remesher
mmseq is Haplotype and isoform specific expression estimation for RNA-seq
mmv is Move/copy/append/link multiple files
moarvm is Meta-model On A Runtime Virtual Machine Meta-model On A Runtime Virtual Machine
mock is Builds packages inside chroots
mockito is Tasty mocking framework for unit tests in Java
moconti is Web Application Server for Sleep
mod_annodex is Apache module for server-side support of annodex media
mod_auth_gssapi is A GSSAPI Authentication module for Apache
mod_auth_mellon is A SAML 2.0 authentication module for the Apache Httpd Server
mod_auth_ntlm_winbind is NTLM authentication for the Apache web server using winbind daemon
mod_auth_openid is OpenID authentication for apache
mod_auth_openidc is OpenID Connect auth module for Apache HTTP Server
mod_auth_token is Token based URI access module for Apache
mod_authnz_external is An Apache module used for authentication
mod_authnz_pam is PAM authorization checker and PAM Basic Authentication provider
mod_bw is Bandwidth Limiter For Apache
mod_cluster is Apache HTTP Server dynamic load balancer with Wildfly and Tomcat libraries
mod_dav_svn is Apache httpd module for Subversion server
mod_dnssd is An Apache HTTPD module which adds Zeroconf support
mod_evasive is Denial of Service evasion module for Apache
mod_fcgid is FastCGI interface module for Apache 2
mod_flvx is FLV progressive download streaming for the Apache HTTP Server
mod_form is Apache module that decodes data submitted from Web forms
mod_geoip is GeoIP module for the Apache HTTP Server
mod_gnutls is GnuTLS module for the Apache HTTP server
mod_http2 is module implementing HTTP/2 for Apache 2
mod_intercept_form_submit is Apache module to intercept login form submission and run PAM authentication
mod_ldap is LDAP authentication modules for the Apache HTTP Server
mod_limitipconn is Simultaneous connection limiting module for Apache
mod_log_post is Module for the Apache web server to log all HTTP POST messages
mod_lookup_identity is Apache module to retrieve additional information about the authenticated user
mod_lua is Lua scripting support for the Apache HTTP Server
mod_md is Certificate provisioning using ACME for the Apache HTTP Server
mod_mono is A module to deploy an ASP.NET application on Apache with Mono
mod_nss is SSL/TLS module for the Apache HTTP server
mod_passenger is Apache Module for Phusion Passenger
mod_perl is An embedded Perl interpreter for the Apache HTTP Server
mod_proxy_html is HTML and XML content filters for the Apache HTTP Server
mod_psgi is Apache httpd plugin for handling PSGI applications
mod_qos is Quality of service module for Apache
mod_ruid2 is A suexec module for Apache
mod_security is Security module for the Apache HTTP Server
mod_security_crs is ModSecurity Rules
mod_selinux is Apache/SELinux plus module
mod_session is Session interface for the Apache HTTP Server
mod_speedycgi is SpeedyCGI module for the Apache HTTP Server
mod_ssl is SSL/TLS module for the Apache HTTP Server
mod_suphp is An apache2 module for executing PHP scripts with the permissions of their owners
mod_xsendfile is Apache module to send files efficiently
mod2c is NMODL to C adapted for CoreNEURON simulator
modello is Modello Data Model toolkit
ModemManager is Mobile broadband modem management service Mobile broadband modem management service
moe is A powerful clean text editor
mogilefsd is MogileFS tracker daemon
mogstored is MogileFS storage daemon
mokutil is Tool to manage UEFI Secure Boot MoK Keys
molequeue is Desktop integration of high performance computing resources
molsketch is Molecular Structures Editor Molecular Structures Editor
mom is Dynamically manage system resources on virtualization hosts
mon is General-purpose resource monitoring system
mona is A decision procedure for the WS1S and WS2S logics
mongoose is An easy-to-use self-sufficient web server
monit is Manages and monitors processes, files, directories and devices
monitorix is A free, open source, lightweight system monitoring tool
monobristol is GUI launcher for Bristol in Mono
monodevelop is A full-featured IDE for Mono and Gtk#
monodoc is The mono documentation system
monosim is Manage your SIM Card contacts
monotone is A free, distributed version control system
monsterz is Puzzle game, similar to Bejeweled or Zookeeper
moodle is A Course Management System
moolticute is Companion GUI application for Mooltipass password manager devices
moose is Multiscale Neuroscience and Systems Biology Simulator
mopac7 is Semi-empirical quantum mechanics suite
mopidy is An extensible music server written in Python
moreutils is Additional unix utilities
morphio is A python and C++ library for reading and writing neuronal morphologies
morse2txt is A Morse Code Reader
moserial is Serial terminal for the gnome desktop
mosh is Mobile shell that supports roaming and intelligent local echo
mosquitto is Open Source MQTT v5/v3.1.x Broker Open Source MQTT v5/v3.1.x Broker
most is more, less, most
motif is Run-time libraries and programs Run-time libraries and programs
mousepad is Simple text editor for Xfce desktop environment
mousetweaks is Mouse accessibility support for the GNOME desktop
movit is GPU video filter library GPU video filter library
mozc is A Japanese Input Method Editor (IME) designed for multi-platform
mozjs68 is SpiderMonkey JavaScript library SpiderMonkey JavaScript library
mozjs78 is SpiderMonkey JavaScript library SpiderMonkey JavaScript library
mozo is MATE Desktop menu editor
mozplugger is A generic mozilla plug-in
mp is An open-source library for mathematical programming
mp3fs is FUSE filesystem to transcode FLAC to MP3 on the fly
mp3gain is Lossless MP3 volume adjustment tool
mpage is A tool for printing multiple pages of text on each printed page
mpc is Command-line client for MPD
mpdas is An MPD audioscrobbling client
mpdecimal is Library for general decimal arithmetic Library for general decimal arithmetic
mpdris2 is Provide MPRIS 2 support to mpd
mpdscribble is A mpd client which submits information about tracks being played to
mpeg2dec is MPEG-2 decoder program
mpfi is An interval arithmetic library based on MPFR An interval arithmetic library based on MPFR
mpfr is C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations
mpg123 is Real time MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 audio player/decoder for layers 1, 2 and 3
mpich is A high-performance implementation of MPI A high-performance implementation of MPI
mpir is Highly optimised library for bignum arithmetic Highly optimised library for bignum arithmetic
mpop is Client for receiving mail from POP3 mailboxes
mppenc is Musepack SV7 audio file encoder
mpqc is Ab-inito chemistry program
mpsolve is Multiprecision polynomial solver
mpssh is Parallel ssh tool
mptcpd is Multipath TCP daemon Multipath TCP daemon
mqttcli is Simple MQTT CLI pub/sub client
mraa is A low level skeleton library for Industrial IO Communication A low level skeleton library for Industrial IO Communication
mrbs is Meeting Room Booking System
mrrescue is Arcade-style fire fighting game
mrtg is Multi Router Traffic Grapher
mrxvt is A lightweight multi-tabbed terminal emulator for X
mscgen is Message Sequence Chart rendering program
mscore is Music Composition & Notation Software
msghack is Alter PO files in ways
msgp is Go code generator for MessagePack
msgpack is Binary-based efficient object serialization library Binary-based efficient object serialization library
msitools is Windows Installer tools
msktutil is Program for interoperability with Active Directory
msmtp is SMTP client
msort is Sort files in sophisticated ways
mspdebug is Debugger and gdb proxy for MSP430 MCUs
mstflint is Mellanox firmware burning tool
mtdev is Multitouch Protocol Translation Library Multitouch Protocol Translation Library
mtools is Programs for accessing MS-DOS disks without mounting the disks
mtpaint is Painting program for creating icons and pixel-based artwork
mtr is Network diagnostic tool combining ’traceroute’ and ‘ping’
mtx is SCSI media changer control program
mtxclient is Client API library for Matrix, built on top of Boost.Asio Client API library for Matrix, built on top of Boost.Asio
mu is A simple Python editor not only for micro
mudita24 is ALSA GUI control tool for Envy24 (ice1712) soundcards
muffin is Window and compositing manager based on Clutter Window and compositing manager based on Clutter
mujs is An embeddable Javascript interpreter
multican is Remote control utility for Canon cameras Remote control utility for Canon cameras
multicat is Simple and efficient multicast and transport stream manipulation
multimarkdown is Lightweight markup processor to produce HTML, LaTeX, and more
multipart is Backend-agnostic extension for HTTP libraries
multitail is View one or multiple files like tail but with multiple windows
multiwatch is Forks and watches multiple instances of a program in the same context
mumble is Low-latency and high-quality voice-chat program
MUMPS is A MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver A MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver
munge is Enables uid & gid authentication across a host cluster
munin is Network-wide resource monitoring tool
mup is A music notation program that can also generate MIDI files
muParser is A fast math parser library A fast math parser library
mupdf is A lightweight PDF viewer and toolkit
mupen64plus is Nintendo 64 Emulator Nintendo 64 Emulator
murmur is Mumble voice chat server
musca is A simple dynamic window manager fox X
muse is Midi/Audio Music Sequencer
mussh is Multihost SSH wrapper
mutt is A text mode mail user agent
mutter is Window and compositing manager based on Clutter Window and compositing manager based on Clutter
mutter3 is
mvel is MVFLEX Expression Language
mx5000tools is Tools for the MX5000 series keyboard Tools for the MX5000 series keyboard
mxml is Miniature XML development library Miniature XML development library
mybashburn is Burn data and create songs with interactive dialogs
mycli is Interactive CLI for MySQL Database with auto-completion and syntax highlighting
mydns is A Database based DNS server
myman is Text-mode video-game inspired by Namco’s Pac-Man
mypaint is A fast and easy graphics application for digital painters
MyPasswordSafe is A graphical password management tool
myproxy is Manage X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) security credentials
myrepos is A multiple SCM repository management tool
mysofa is Tools for libmysofa
mysql++ is C++ wrapper for the MySQL C API C++ wrapper for the MySQL C API
mysqlreport is A friendly report of important MySQL status values
mysqltuner is MySQL configuration assistant
mystrom is CLI tool to interact with myStrom devices
mythes is A thesaurus library A thesaurus library
mytop is A top clone for MySQL
n2n is A layer-two peer-to-peer virtual private network
naabu is Fast port scanner
nacl is Networking and Cryptography library Networking and Cryptography library
naev is 2d action, RPG space game
naga is Simplified Java NIO asynchronous sockets
nagi is An interpreter for AGI games
nagios is Host/service/network monitoring program
nailgun is Framework for running Java from the cli without the JVM startup overhead
nall is A simple, non-intrusive, everything notifier in the system tray
nano is A small text editor
nanomsg is Socket library that provides several common communication patterns Socket library that provides several common communication patterns
nant is NAnt is a build tool for Mono and .NET
nas is The Network Audio System (NAS)
nasm is A portable x86 assembler which uses Intel-like syntax
nativejit is Library for high-performance just-in-time compilation
NaturalDocs is Documentation generator for multiple programming languages
naturette is An AGI adventure game
nautilus is File manager for GNOME File manager for GNOME
nauty is Graph canonical labeling and automorphism group computation
navi is Interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
nawk is “The one true awk” descended from UNIX V7
nazghul is A computer role-playing game (CRPG) engine
nbc is Simple language and compiler to program the LEGO NXT brick
nbd is Network Block Device user-space tools (TCP version)
nbdfuse is FUSE support for libnbd
nbdkit is NBD server
nbtscan is Tool to gather NetBIOS info from Windows networks
ncdc is Modern and lightweight direct connect client
ncdu is Text-based disk usage viewer
ncftp is Improved console FTP client
ncid is Network Caller ID server, client and gateways
ncl is NCAR Command Language and NCAR Graphics
ncmpc is A curses client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
ncmpcpp is Featureful ncurses based MPD client inspired by ncmpc
nco is Suite of programs for manipulating NetCDF/HDF4 files
ncompress is Fast compression and decompression utilities
ncrack is A high-speed network auth cracking tool
ncurses is Ncurses support utilities
ncview is A visual browser for netCDF format files
ndctl is Manage “libnvdimm” subsystem devices (Non-volatile Memory)
ndisc6 is IPv6 diagnostic tools
ndtpd is Network Dictionary Transfer Protocol server
ne is ne, the nice editor
neard is Near Field Communication (NFC) manager Near Field Communication (NFC) manager
NearTree is An API for finding nearest neighbors An API for finding nearest neighbors
neatvnc is a liberally licensed VNC server library a liberally licensed VNC server library
nebula is Intrusion signature generator
nec2c is Translation of NEC2 antenna modeling tool from FORTRAN to C
nedit is A GUI text editor for systems with X
needrestart is Restart daemons after library updates
nekohtml is HTML scanner and tag balancer
nekovm is Neko embedded scripting language and virtual machine Neko embedded scripting language and virtual machine
nemiver is A GNOME C/C++ Debugger
nemo is File manager for Cinnamon File manager for Cinnamon
neochat is Client for matrix, the decentralized communication protocol
neofetch is CLI system information tool written in Bash
neon is An HTTP and WebDAV client library An HTTP and WebDAV client library
neovim is Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agility
nes_ntsc is Provides a NES NTSC video filtering library Provides a NES NTSC video filtering library
nest is The neural simulation tool The neural simulation tool
netatalk is Open Source Apple Filing Protocol(AFP) File Server Open Source Apple Filing Protocol(AFP) File Server
netbox is IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM)
netcat is OpenBSD netcat to read and write data across connections using TCP or UDP
netcdf is Libraries for the Unidata network Common Data Form Libraries for the Unidata network Common Data Form
netcf is Cross-platform network configuration library
netdata is Real-time performance monitoring
netgen is LVS netlist comparison tool for VLSI
nethack is A rogue-like single player dungeon exploration game
nethogs is A tool resembling top for network traffic
netlabel_tools is Tools to manage the Linux NetLabel subsystem
netmask is Utility for determining network masks
netpanzer is An Online Multiplayer Tactical Warfare Game
netpbm is A library for handling different graphics file formats A library for handling different graphics file formats
netplug is Daemon that responds to network cables being plugged in and out
netresolve is Generic name resolution library Generic name resolution library
netscanner is TCP/UDP scanner to find open or closed ports
netsed is A tool to modify network packets
netsurf is Compact graphical web browser
nettee is Network “tee” program
nettle is A low-level cryptographic library A low-level cryptographic library
netty is An asynchronous event-driven network application framework and tools for Java
NetworkManager is Network connection manager and user applications
neuron is A flexible and powerful simulator of neurons and networks A flexible and powerful simulator of neurons and networks
neverball is Common files for neverball and neverputt
newlisp is Lisp-like general purpose scripting
newsbeuter is Configurable text-based feed reader
newsboat is RSS/Atom feed reader for the text console
newscache is Free cache server for USENET News
newsflash is Modern feed reader
newsx is NNTP news exchange utility
newt is A library for text mode user interfaces A library for text mode user interfaces
nex is A lexer generator for Go that is similar to Lex/Flex
nexcontrol is Software to control your Celestron NexStar Telescope
neXtaw is Modified version of the Athena Widgets with NXTSTEP appearance Modified version of the Athena Widgets with NXTSTEP appearance
nextcloud is Private file sync and share server
nextpnr is FPGA place and route tool
nexus is Libraries and tools for the NeXus scientific data file format Libraries and tools for the NeXus scientific data file format
nfacct is Command line tool to create/retrieve/delete accounting objects
nfdump is NetFlow collecting and processing tools
nfoview is A viewer for NFO files
nfsometer is NFS Performance Framework Tool
NFStest is NFS Testing Tool
nfswatch is An NFS traffic monitoring tool
nftables is Netfilter Tables userspace utillites Netfilter Tables userspace utillites
nghttp2 is Experimental HTTP/2 client, server and proxy
nginx is A high performance web server and reverse proxy server
ngircd is Next Generation IRC Daemon
ngrep is Network layer grep tool
ngspice is A mixed level/signal circuit simulator
nheko is Desktop client for the Matrix protocol
nickle is A programming language-based prototyping environment
nicotine+ is A graphical client for Soulseek
nicstat is CLI utility that prints out network statistics for all network interface
nifticlib is A set of i/o libraries for reading and writing files in the nifti-1 data format A set of i/o libraries for reading and writing files in the nifti-1 data format
nightview is A general astronomical software package to control of a CCD camera
nik4 is Command-line interface to a Mapnik rendering toolkit
nikola is python-nikola documentation
nikto is Web server scanner
nip2 is Interactive tool for working with large images
nispor is Unified interface for Linux network state querying Unified interface for Linux network state querying
nitrogen is Background browser and setter for X windows
njam is Maze-game, eat all the cookies while avoiding the badguys
nkf is A Kanji code conversion filter
nled is Nifty Little EDitor
nload is A tool can monitor network traffic and bandwidth usage in real time
NLopt is Open-Source library for nonlinear optimization Open-Source library for nonlinear optimization
nmap is Network exploration tool and security scanner
nmbscan is NMB/SMB network scanner
nmh is A capable MIME-email-handling system with a command-line interface
nml is NewGRF Meta Language compiler
nmon is Nigel’s performance Monitor for Linux
nmstate is Declarative network manager API
nng is nanomsg next generation nanomsg next generation
nnn is The missing terminal file browser for X
nodejs is JavaScript runtime JavaScript runtime
nodepool is Nodepool management for a distributed test infrastructure
nodm is A display manager automatically starting an X session
noggin is Self-service user portal for FreeIPA for communities
nogravity is Space shooter in 3D
nohang is Sophisticated low memory handler for Linux
noip is A dynamic DNS update client
nomacs is Lightweight image viewer Lightweight image viewer
nomarch is Free de-archiver for old ARC and ARK archives
nopaste is Access pastebins from the command line
normaliz is A tool for discrete convex geometry
nosync is Preload library for disabling file’s content synchronization Preload library for disabling file’s content synchronization
notcurses is Character graphics and TUI library Character graphics and TUI library
notejot is Jot your ideas
notekit is Hierarchical markdown notetaking application with tablet support
notmuch is System for indexing, searching, and tagging email System for indexing, searching, and tagging email
nototools is Noto fonts support tools and scripts plus web site generation
novacom is Utility to connect to WebOS devices
novnc is VNC client using HTML5 (Web Sockets, Canvas) with encryption support
npm is Node.js Package Manager
npth is The New GNU Portable Threads library The New GNU Portable Threads library
nqc is Not Quite C compiler
nqp is Not Quite Perl (6)
nrg2iso is Convert Nero Burning Rom image files into ISO
nrpe is Host/service/network monitoring agent for Nagios
nsca is Nagios Service Check Acceptor
nscd is A Name Service Caching Daemon (nscd).
NsCDE is Modern and functional CDE desktop based on FVWM
nsd is Fast and lean authoritative DNS Name Server
nsdiff is create an “nsupdate” script from DNS zone file differences
nsnake is The classic snake game with textual interface
nsntrace is Perform network trace of a program by using network namespaces
nspr is Netscape Portable Runtime Netscape Portable Runtime
nss is Network Security Services Network Security Services
nss_db is Name Service Switch (NSS) module using hash-indexed files Name Service Switch (NSS) module using hash-indexed files
nss_hesiod is Name Service Switch (NSS) module using Hesiod Name Service Switch (NSS) module using Hesiod
nss_nis is Name Service Switch (NSS) module using NIS Name Service Switch (NSS) module using NIS
nss_updatedb is Maintains a local cache of network directory user and group information
nss_wrapper is A wrapper for the user, group and hosts NSS API A wrapper for the user, group and hosts NSS API
ntfs2btrfs is Conversion tool from NTFS to Btrfs
ntfsprogs is NTFS filesystem libraries and utilities
ntl is High-performance algorithms for vectors, matrices, and polynomials High-performance algorithms for vectors, matrices, and polynomials
ntpcheck is CLI to perform various NTP-related tasks
ntpsec is NTP daemon and utilities NTP daemon and utilities
ntpstat is Utility to print NTP synchronization status
ntsysv is A tool to set the stop/start of system services in a runlevel
nuclei is Tool for configurable targeted scanning
nudepy is Python module for nudity detection
nudoku is Ncurses based Sudoku game
nuget is Package manager for .Net/Mono development platform Package manager for .Net/Mono development platform
nulib2 is Disk and file archive program for NuFX (.SDK, .BXY) archives
nullmodem is A utility to loopback pseudo-terminals
numactl is Library for tuning for Non Uniform Memory Access machines
numad is NUMA user daemon
numatop is Memory access locality characterization and analysis
numlockx is Turns on NumLock after starting X
numptyphysics is A crayon-drawing based physics puzzle game
nunit is Unit test framework for CLI Unit test framework for CLI
nunit2 is Unit test framework for CLI Unit test framework for CLI
nuntius is Get notifications from the phone or tablet
nuspell is Fast and safe spellchecking C++ library and command-line tool Fast and safe spellchecking C++ library and command-line tool
nut is Network UPS Tools Network UPS Tools
nuttcp is Tool for testing TCP connections
nutty is Simple utility for network information
nvdtools is A collection of tools for working with National Vulnerability Database feeds
nvmetcli is An adminstration shell for NVMe storage targets
nwchem is Delivering High-Performance Computational Chemistry to Science
nwdiag is nwdiag generates network-diagram images from text
nwipe is Securely erase disks using a variety of recognized methods
nxagent is NX Agent
nxdialog is NX Dialog
nxproxy is NX Proxy
nxtrc is Program to interact with LEGO NXT via BlueTooth
nyancat is Nyancat rendered in your terminal
nyx is Command-line monitor for Tor
nyxmms2 is Commandline client for XMMS2
o3read is Standalone converter for documents
oathtool is A command line tool for generating and validating OTPs
obconf is A graphical configuration editor for the Openbox window manager
obfs4 is The obfourscator, a pluggable transport for Tor
objenesis is A library for instantiating Java objects
ocaml is OCaml compiler and programming environment OCaml compiler and programming environment
ocamlify is Include files in OCaml code
ocamlmod is Generate OCaml modules from source files
ochusha is A GTK+ BBS Browser
oclock is A simple analog clock
ocp is Open Cubic Player for MOD/S3M/XM/IT/MIDI music files
ocproxy is OpenConnect Proxy
ocrad is An Optical Character Recognition program
ocrmypdf is Add an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files
ocserv is OpenConnect SSL VPN server
ocspd is OpenCA OCSP Daemon
oct2spec is Python script to generate Octave package spec file
octave is A high-level language for numerical computations A high-level language for numerical computations
octomap is Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping Framework Based on Octrees Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping Framework Based on Octrees
odcs is The On Demand Compose Service
oddjob is A D-Bus service which runs odd jobs on behalf of client applications
ode is High performance library for simulating rigid body dynamics High performance library for simulating rigid body dynamics
odhcp6c is Embedded DHCPv6 and RA client
odt2txt is Converts an OpenDocument to plain text
officeparser is Parse the format of OLE compound documents used by MS Office applications
offlineimap is Powerful IMAP/Maildir synchronization and reader support
ofono is Open Source Telephony Open Source Telephony
ofx is Tools for manipulating OFX data
ogdi is Open Geographic Datastore Interface Open Geographic Datastore Interface
oggvideotools is Toolbox for manipulating Ogg video files
ogmtools is Tools for Ogg media streams
ogr2osm is Convert ogr-readable files like shapefiles into .osm data
ogre is Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
ohmybackup is Scan for backup directories and backup files
oidentd is RFC 1413-compliant identification server with NAT support
oidn is Library of denoising filters for images rendered with ray tracing
ois is Open Input System, OO gaming input library
oksh is Portable OpenBSD ksh, based on the Public Domain Korn Shell
okteta is Binary/hex editor
okular is A document viewer
omniORB is A robust high performance CORBA ORB for C++ and Python A robust high performance CORBA ORB for C++ and Python
omping is Utility to test IP multicast functionality
ompl is The Open Motion Planning Library The Open Motion Planning Library
onboard is On-screen keyboard for TabletPC and mobility impaired users (Xorg only)
onednn is Deep Neural Network Library
onedrive is OneDrive Free Client written in D
oneko is Cat chases the cursor
onesixtyone is An efficient SNMP scanner
oniguruma is Regular expressions library Regular expressions library
onionscan is Tool for investigating the Dark Web
onionshare is Securely and anonymously share files of any size
oomd is Userspace Out-Of-Memory (OOM) killer
ooo2txt is Convert OpenOffice documents to simple text
op1repacker is Tool for unpacking, modding and repacking OP-1 firmware
op1svg is Normalize SVG files so that the OP-1 understands them
opae is Open Programmable Acceleration Engine (OPAE) SDK
opal is Open Phone Abstraction Library Open Phone Abstraction Library
opam is Source-based package manager for OCaml
opari2 is An OpenMP runtime performance measurement instrumenter
open62541 is OPC UA implementation OPC UA implementation
openalchemist is Reflection game
openambit is Open software for the Suunto Ambit(2)
openarc is An open source library and milter for providing ARC service
openarena is Open source first person shooter
openas2 is Java-based implementation of the EDIINT AS2 standard
openbabel is Chemistry software file format converter Chemistry software file format converter
openbgpd is OpenBGPD Routing Daemon
openbios is OpenBIOS implementation of IEEE 1275-1994
openblas is An optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 An optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2
openbox is A highly configurable and standards-compliant X11 window manager
opencc is Libraries for Simplified-Traditional Chinese Conversion Libraries for Simplified-Traditional Chinese Conversion
openchange is Provides access to Microsoft Exchange servers using native protocols Provides access to Microsoft Exchange servers using native protocols
opencity is Full 3D city simulator game project
openclonk is Multiplayer action, tactics and skill game
openCOLLADA is Collada 3D import and export libraries Collada 3D import and export libraries
OpenColorIO is Enables color transforms and image display across graphics apps Enables color transforms and image display across graphics apps
openconnect is Open client for Cisco AnyConnect VPN, Juniper Network Connect/Pulse, PAN GlobalProtect Open client for Cisco AnyConnect VPN, Juniper Network Connect/Pulse, PAN GlobalProtect
opencryptoki is Implementation of the PKCS#11 (Cryptoki) specification v2.11
opencsd is An open source CoreSight(tm) Trace Decode library An open source CoreSight(tm) Trace Decode library
opencsg is Library for Constructive Solid Geometry using OpenGL Library for Constructive Solid Geometry using OpenGL
opencv is Collection of algorithms for computer vision Collection of algorithms for computer vision
opendbx is Lightweight but extensible database access library written in C Lightweight but extensible database access library written in C
opendkim is A DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) milter to sign and/or verify mail
opendmarc is A Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC) milter and library
opendnssec is DNSSEC key and zone management software
opendoas is Portable fork of the OpenBSDs doas command
openelp is Open Source EchoLink Proxy Open Source EchoLink Proxy
openeuclide is A geometry software that is intended for educational or modeling purposes
openexr is A high dynamic-range (HDR) image file format Provides the specification and reference implementation of the EXR file format
OpenEXR_CTL is A simplified OpenEXR interface to CTL
OpenEXR_Viewers is Viewers programs for OpenEXR
openfortivpn is Client for PPP+SSL VPN tunnel services
openfst is Weighted finite-state transducer library Weighted finite-state transducer library
openh264 is H.264 codec library
openhantek is Hantek and compatible USB digital signal oscilloscope
openhpi is Hardware Platform Interface library and tools
openigtlink is Implementation of the OpenIGTLink network communication protocol Implementation of the OpenIGTLink network communication protocol
openiked is A free Internet Key Exchange (IKEv2) implementation
OpenImageIO is Library for reading and writing images Library for reading and writing images
OpenIPMI is IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) library and tools IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) library and tools
openjade is A DSSSL implementation A DSSSL implementation
openjfx is Rich client application platform for Java
openjfx8 is Rich client application platform for Java
openjpeg is JPEG 2000 command line tools
openjpeg2 is C-Library for JPEG 2000 C-Library for JPEG 2000
openldap is LDAP support libraries LDAP support libraries
openlibm is High quality system independent, open source libm High quality system independent, open source libm
openlierox is Addictive realtime multi-player 2D shoot-em-up
OpenLP is Open source Church presentation and lyrics projection application
openmeeg is Low-frequency bio-electromagnetism solving forward problems in the field of EEG and MEG Low-frequency bio-electromagnetism solving forward problems in the field of EEG and MEG
OpenMesh is A generic and efficient polygon mesh data structure A generic and efficient polygon mesh data structure
OpenMolcas is A multiconfigurational quantum chemistry software package
openmpi is Open Message Passing Interface Open Message Passing Interface
openmpt123 is Command-line tracker music player based on libopenmpt
openms is LC/MS data management and analyses LC/MS data management and analyses
openmsx is An emulator for the MSX home computer system
openni is Library for human-machine Natural Interaction Library for human-machine Natural Interaction
OpenNL is A library for solving sparse linear systems A library for solving sparse linear systems
openobex is Library for using OBEX Library for using OBEX
openocd is Debugging, in-system programming and boundary-scan testing for embedded devices
openoffice is
openosc is Open Object Size Check Library Open Object Size Check Library
openpgm is An implementation of the PGM reliable multicast protocol An implementation of the PGM reliable multicast protocol
openqa is OS-level automated testing framework
openrdate is Good-old rdate date and time-setting software
openresolv is DNS management framework
opensc is Smart card library and applications Smart card library and applications
openscad is The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller
openscap is Set of open source libraries enabling integration of the SCAP line of standards Set of open source libraries enabling integration of the SCAP line of standards
OpenSceneGraph is High performance real-time graphics toolkit
openshadinglanguage is Advanced shading language for production GI renderers
opensips is Open Source SIP Server
openslide is C library for reading virtual slides C library for reading virtual slides
openslp is Open implementation of Service Location Protocol V2 Open implementation of Service Location Protocol V2
opensm is OpenIB InfiniBand Subnet Manager and management utilities
opensmtpd is Free implementation of the server-side SMTP protocol as defined by RFC 5321
opensp is SGML and XML parser SGML and XML parser
openspecfun is Library providing a collection of special mathematical functions Library providing a collection of special mathematical functions
openssh is An open source implementation of SSH protocol version 2
openssl is Utilities from the general purpose cryptography library with TLS implementation
openssl1 is
OpenStego is Free Steganography solution
opensubdiv is High performance subdivision surface libraries High performance subdivision surface libraries
opensurge is 2D retro platformer inspired by Sonic games
opentest4j is Open Test Alliance for the JVM
OpenThreads is OpenThreads OpenThreads
opentrep is C++ library providing a clean API for parsing travel-focused requests C++ library providing a clean API for parsing travel-focused requests
openttd is Transport system simulation game
openvdb is C++ library for sparse volumetric data discretized on three-dimensional grids
openvpn is A full-featured TLS VPN solution
openvswitch is Open vSwitch daemon/database/utilities Open vSwitch daemon/database/utilities
openxr is An API for writing VR and AR software
openzwave is Sample Executables for OpenZWave
ophcrack is Free Windows password cracker based on rainbow tables
optimizer is Find out what’s eating up your system resources
options is Library for managing sets of JVM properties to configure an app or library
optipng is PNG optimizer and converter
opus is An audio codec for use in low-delay speech and audio communication An audio codec for use in low-delay speech and audio communication
opusfile is A high-level API for decoding and seeking within .opus files A high-level API for decoding and seeking within .opus files
oraculum is Backend and API for Fedora QA Dashboard
orafce is Implementation of some Oracle functions into PostgreSQL
orangefs is Parallel network file system client Parallel network file system client
ORBit2 is A high-performance CORBA Object Request Broker A high-performance CORBA Object Request Broker
orc is The Oil Run-time Compiler The Oil Run-time Compiler
orca is Assistive technology for people with visual impairments
origin is OpenShift Open Source Container Management by Red Hat
orion is Seek and watch streams on Twitch
ormolu is A formatter for Haskell source code
orsa is Orbit Reconstruction, Simulation and Analysis Orbit Reconstruction, Simulation and Analysis
orthorobot is A perspective based puzzle game
ortp is A C library implementing the RTP protocol (RFC3550) A C library implementing the RTP protocol (RFC3550)
osbuild is A build system for OS images
osc is Open Build Service Commander
oscilloscope is Generic graphical signal plotting tool
osgearth is Dynamic map generation toolkit for OpenSceneGraph Dynamic map generation toolkit for OpenSceneGraph
osm2pgsql is Import map data from OpenStreetMap to a PostgreSQL database
osmctools is Tools to manipulate OpenStreetMap files
osmo is Personal organizer
osmpbf is C library to read and write OpenStreetMap PBF files C library to read and write OpenStreetMap PBF files
osslsigncode is OpenSSL based Authenticode signing for PE/MSI/Java CAB files
ostree is Tool for managing bootable, immutable filesystem trees Tool for managing bootable, immutable filesystem trees
ostrichriders is Knights flying on ostriches compete against other riders
otf2 is Open Trace Format 2 library Open Trace Format 2 library
otf2bdf is Generate BDF bitmap fonts from OpenType outline fonts
ots is A text summarizer
overgod is Another arcade-style shoot-em-up
ovn is Open Virtual Network support
oxipng is Lossless PNG compression optimizer
oz is Library and utilities for automated guest OS installs
p0f is Versatile passive OS fingerprinting tool
p7zip is Very high compression ratio file archiver
pacemaker is Scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager
pachi is Pachi El Marciano - Platform Game
pack is Convert code into runnable images
PackageKit is Package management service
packETH is A GUI packet generator tool
packit is A tool for integrating upstream projects with Fedora operating system
packmol is Packing optimization for molecular dynamics simulations
pacman is Package manager for the Arch distribution
pacmanager is Perl Auto Connector a multi-purpose SSH/terminal connection manager
pacrunner is Proxy configuration dæmon
pads is Passive Asset Detection System
padthv1 is An old-school polyphonic additive synthesizer
pag is Commandline interaction with
pagure is A git-centered forge
pairs is Memory and logic stimulation game for preschool children
pakchois is A wrapper library for PKCS#11 A wrapper library for PKCS#11
pal is Command line calendar that displays holidays and events
palapeli is A jigsaw puzzle game
palp is A Package for Analyzing Lattice Polytopes
pam is An extensible library which provides authentication for applications An extensible library which provides authentication for applications
pam_2fa is Second factor authentication for PAM Second factor authentication for PAM
pam_abl is A Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) for auto blacklisting
pam_afs_session is AFS PAG and AFS tokens on login AFS PAG and AFS tokens on login
pam_cifscreds is PAM module to manage NTLM credentials in kernel keyring
pam_mount is A PAM module that can mount volumes for a user session A PAM module that can mount volumes for a user session
pam_mysql is PAM module for auth UNIX users using MySQL data base PAM module for auth UNIX users using MySQL data base
pam_oath is A PAM module for pluggable login authentication for OATH
pam_passwdqc is Pluggable passphrase quality checker Pluggable passphrase quality checker
pam_radius is PAM Module for RADIUS Authentication PAM Module for RADIUS Authentication
pam_script is PAM module for executing scripts PAM module for executing scripts
pam_shield is Pam Shield - A pam module to counter brute force attacks Pam Shield - A pam module to counter brute force attacks
pam_snapper is PAM module for calling snapper
pam_ssh is PAM module for use with SSH keys and ssh-agent PAM module for use with SSH keys and ssh-agent
pam_ssh_agent_auth is PAM module for authentication with ssh-agent
pam_ssh_user_auth is PAM module to help with SSH_AUTH_INFO_0 PAM module to help with SSH_AUTH_INFO_0
pam_url is PAM module to authenticate with HTTP servers PAM module to authenticate with HTTP servers
pam_wrapper is A tool to test PAM applications and PAM modules A tool to test PAM applications and PAM modules
pam_yubico is A Pluggable Authentication Module for yubikeys A Pluggable Authentication Module for yubikeys
paman is Management tool for PulseAudio
pamix is PulseAudio terminal mixer
pamtester is Utility to test Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)
pamu2fcfg is Configures PAM authentication over U2F
pan is A Usenet newsreader for GNOME/GTK+
pandoc is Conversion between markup formats
pango is System for layout and rendering of internationalized text System for layout and rendering of internationalized text
pangomm is C++ interface for Pango C++ interface for Pango
Panini is A tool for creating perspective views from panoramic and wide angle images
panoglview is Immersive viewer for spherical panoramas
papaki is An annotation scanner and repository
paper is Query paper size database and retrieve the preferred size
paperkey is An OpenPGP key archiver
paperwork is Using scanner and OCR to grep dead trees the easy way
papi is Performance Application Programming Interface
pappl is Printer Application Framework (PAPPL) Printer Application Framework (PAPPL)
paprefs is Management tool for PulseAudio
paps is Plain Text to PostScript converter
par is Paragraph reformatter, vaguely like fmt, but more elaborate
par2cmdline is PAR 2.0 compatible file verification and repair tool
parallel is Shell tool for executing jobs in parallel
paranamer is Java library for accessing non-private method’s parameter names at run-time
paraview is Parallel visualization application Parallel visualization application
parcellite is A lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager
parcimonie is
pari is Number Theory-oriented Computer Algebra System Number Theory-oriented Computer Algebra System
parley is Vocabulary Trainer
parole is Media player for the Xfce desktop
parsec is The PARSEC daemon
parsero is A Python based Robots.txt audit tool
partclone is Utility to clone and restore a partition
parted is The GNU disk partition manipulation program The GNU disk partition manipulation program
partio is Library for reading/writing/manipulating common animation particle
parzip is High performance parallel pkzip implementation
pass is A password manager using standard Unix tools
passenger is Phusion Passenger application server Phusion Passenger application server
passivetex is Macros to process XSL formatting objects
passmenu is A dmenu based interface to pass.
passwd is An utility for setting or changing passwords using PAM
passwdqc is A password/passphrase strength checking and policy enforcement toolset
pastebinit is Send anything you want directly to a pastebin from the command line
pasystray is PulseAudio system tray
patat is Terminal-based presentations using Pandoc
patch is Utility for modifying/upgrading files
patchelf is A utility for patching ELF binaries
patchutils is A collection of programs for manipulating patch files
paternoster is Allows to run ansible playbooks like ordinary python or bash scripts
patool is Portable command line archive file manager
pavucontrol is Volume control for PulseAudio
pavumeter is Volume meter for PulseAudio
pax is POSIX File System Archiver
pbuilder is Personal package builder for Debian packages
pbzip2 is Parallel implementation of bzip2
pcapdiff is Compares packet captures, detects forged, dropped or mangled packets
pcaudiolib is Portable C Audio Library Portable C Audio Library
pcb is An interactive printed circuit board editor
pcb2gcode is Command-line software for the isolation, routing and drilling of PCBs
pcb2gcodeGUI is A GUI for pcb2gcode
pcc is The Portable C Compiler
pcfi is PDF Core Font Information
pcicrawler is Display/filter/export information about PCI or PCI Express devices
pciutils is PCI bus related utilities PCI bus related utilities
pcl is Library for point cloud processing Library for point cloud processing
pcm is Processor Counter Monitor
pcmanfm is Extremly fast and lightweight file manager Extremly fast and lightweight file manager
pcmciautils is PCMCIA utilities and initialization programs
pcodedmp is VBA p-code disassembler
pcp is System-level performance monitoring and performance management
pcp2pdf is Utility to create PDF reports from PCP archives
pcre is Perl-compatible regular expression library Perl-compatible regular expression library
pcre2 is Perl-compatible regular expression library Perl-compatible regular expression library
pcs is Pacemaker Configuration System
pcsxr is A plugin based PlayStation (PSX) emulator with high compatibility
PDAL is Point Data Abstraction Library
pdd is Tiny date, time diff calculator
pdf2djvu is PDF to DjVu converter
pdf2svg is Small tool to convert PDF files into SVG
pdfarranger is PDF file merging, rearranging, and splitting
pdfbox is Apache PDFBox library for working with PDF documents
pdfcrack is A Password Recovery Tool for PDF files
pdfgrep is Tool to search text in PDF files
pdfmerge is Command line utility program for merging PDF files
pdfmod is A simple application for modifying PDF documents
pdfpc is A GTK based presentation viewer application for GNU/Linux
pdfposter is Scale and tile PDF images/pages to print on multiple pages
pdfresurrect is PDF Analysis and Scrubbing Utility
pdns is A modern, advanced and high performance authoritative-only nameserver
pdsh is Parallel remote shell program
peek is Animated GIF screen recorder with an easy to use interface
peg is Procedural macros for rust-peg
pekwm is A small and flexible window manager
pem is Personal Expenses Manager
pen is Load balancer for “simple” tcp based protocols such as http or smtp
Pencil2D is Animation/drawing software
pengupop is Networked Game in the vein of Move/Puzzle Bobble
PerceptualDiff is An image comparison utility
percol is Interactive selection to the traditional pipe concept on UNIX
percolator is Software for postprocessing of shotgun proteomics data
perf is Performance monitoring for the Linux kernel
perftest is IB Performance Tests
perl is Practical Extraction and Report Language
Perlbal is Reverse-proxy load balance and web-server
perlbrew is Manage perl installations in your $HOME
perli11ndoc is GObject Introspection documentation viewer
perltidy is Tool for indenting and re-formatting Perl scripts
permutate is Generic permutator that permutates singular and multiple lists
persepolis is A powerful download manager powered by aria2
pesign is Signing utility for UEFI binaries
petpvc is Tools for partial volume correction (PVC) in positron emission tomography (PET)
petsc is Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation
petsc64 is Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (64bit INTEGER)
pew is Tool to manage multiple virtualenvs written in pure Python
pfscalibration is Scripts and programs for photometric calibration
pfstmo is PFS tone mapping operators
pfstools is Programs for handling high-dynamic range images
pg_activity is Command line tool for PostgreSQL server activity monitoring
pg_repack is Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases without any locks
pg_top is ’top’ for PostgreSQL process
pg_view is Command-line tool to display the state of the PostgreSQL processes
pgadmin3 is Graphical client for PostgreSQL
pgaudit is PostgreSQL Audit Extension
pgbouncer is Lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL
pgcenter is Top-like PostgreSQL statistics viewer
pgcli is CLI for Postgres Database. With auto-completion and syntax highlighting
pgdbf is Convert XBase / FoxPro databases to PostgreSQL
pgiac is Perl script for the computer algebra system Giac
pgmodeler is PostgreSQL Database Modeler
pgpdump is PGP packet visualizer
pgRouting is Provides routing functionality to PostGIS/PostgreSQL
pgsphere is Spherical data types, functions, and operators for PostgreSQL
pgzero is A zero-boilerplate 2D games framework
phan is A static analyzer for PHP
phasex is PHASEX – Phase Harmonic Advanced Synthesis EXperiment
phd2 is Telescope guiding software
phoc is Display compositor designed for phones
phosh is Graphical shell for mobile devices
photocollage is Graphical tool to make photo collage posters
photoqt is A fast Qt image viewer
phototonic is Image viewer and organizer
php is PHP scripting language for creating dynamic web sites
phpcov is CLI frontend for PHP_CodeCoverage
phpcpd is Copy/Paste Detector (CPD) for PHP code
phpdoc is Documentation generator for PHP
phpldapadmin is Web-based tool for managing LDAP servers
phplogcon is A syslog data viewer for the web
phpMyAdmin is A web interface for MySQL and MariaDB
phpunit6 is The PHP Unit Testing framework version 6
phpunit7 is The PHP Unit Testing framework version 7
phpunit8 is The PHP Unit Testing framework version 8
phpunit9 is The PHP Unit Testing framework version 9
phpwapmail is WAP-based e-mail client
physfs is Library to provide abstract access to various archives Library to provide abstract access to various archives
picard is MusicBrainz-based audio tagger
picmi is A nonogram logic game
picocli is Java command line parser with both an annotations API and a programmatic API
picocom is Minimal serial communications program
picom is Lightweight compositor for X11 (previously a compton fork)
picosat is A SAT solver
pidgin is A Gtk+ based multiprotocol instant messaging client
pigz is Parallel implementation of gzip
pimd is The original PIM-SM multicast routing daemon
pinball is Emilia 3D Pinball Game Emilia 3D Pinball Game
pinentry is Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs
pinfo is An info file viewer
pingus is Guide the penguins safely home before they drop of the cliff
pinpoint is A tool for making hackers do excellent presentations
pinta is An easy to use drawing and image editing program
pioneer is A game of lonely space adventure
pioneers is Turnbased board strategy game (colonize an island)
pipebench is Measures the speed of STDIN/STDOUT communication
pipenightdreams is Connect the waterpipes to create a proper pipeline
pipenv is The higher level Python packaging tool
pipepanic is A pipe connecting game
piper is GTK application to configure gaming mice
pipewire is Media Sharing Server Media Sharing Server
pipewire0 is
pipx is Install and run Python applications in isolated environments
pisg is IRC Statistics generator
pitivi is Non-linear video editor
pixiewps is An offline Wi-Fi Protected Setup brute-force utility
pixman is Pixel manipulation library Pixel manipulation library
pjproject is Libraries for building embedded/non-embedded VoIP applications Libraries for building embedded/non-embedded VoIP applications
pjsua is command line SIP user agent
pkgconf is Package compiler and linker metadata toolkit Package compiler and linker metadata toolkit
pkgdiff is A tool for analyzing changes in Linux software packages
pkgtreediff is Package tree diff tool
pl is SWI-Prolog - Edinburgh compatible Prolog compiler SWI-Prolog - Edinburgh compatible Prolog compiler
planarity is Implementations of several planarity-related graph algorithms Implementations of several planarity-related graph algorithms
planets is A celestial simulator
plank is Stupidly simple Dock
plantuml is Program to generate UML diagram from a text description
plantumlqeditor is Simple editor for PlantUML
plater is RepRap STL plater
platform is Platform support library used by libCEC and binary add-ons for Kodi Platform support library used by libCEC and binary add-ons for Kodi
player is Cross-platform robot device interface and server Cross-platform robot device interface and server
playerctl is Command-line MPRIS-compatible Media Player Controller Command-line MPRIS-compatible Media Player Controller
playitagainsam is Record and replay interactive terminal sessions
playonlinux is Graphical front-end for Wine
plib is Set of portable libraries especially useful for games Set of portable libraries especially useful for games
plotdrop is A minimal GNOME front-end to Gnuplot
plotmm is GTKmm plot widget for scientific applications GTKmm plot widget for scientific applications
plotnetcfg is A tool to plot network configuration
plotutils is GNU vector and raster graphics utilities and libraries GNU vector and raster graphics utilities and libraries
plplot is Library of functions for making scientific plots Library of functions for making scientific plots
plug is Linux software for Fender Mustang amplifiers
pluma is Text editor for the MATE desktop Text editor for the MATE desktop
pluto is Small utility library for SHA1, Tiny Encryption Algorithm, and UUID4 Small utility library for SHA1, Tiny Encryption Algorithm, and UUID4
plymouth is Graphical Boot Animation and Logger
pmars is Portable corewar system with ICWS'94 extensions
pmbootstrap is A sophisticated chroot/build/flash tool to develop and install postmarketOS
pmemkv is Key/Value Datastore for Persistent Memory
pmempool is Utilities for Persistent Memory
pmix is Process Management Interface Exascale (PMIx) Process Management Interface Exascale (PMIx)
pmount is Enable normal user mount
pngcheck is Verifies the integrity of PNG, JNG and MNG files
pngcrush is Optimizer for PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files
pnglite is A lightweight C library for loading PNG images A lightweight C library for loading PNG images
pngnq is Pngnq is a tool for quantizing PNG images in RGBA format
pngquant is PNG quantization tool for reducing image file size
pnm2ppa is Drivers for printing to HP PPA printers
po4a is A tool maintaining translations anywhere
pocketsphinx is Real-time speech recognition
pocl is Portable Computing Language - an OpenCL implementation Portable Computing Language - an OpenCL implementation
podman is Manage Pods, Containers and Container Images
podofo is Tools and libraries to work with the PDF file format
poedit is GUI editor for GNU gettext .po files
poetry is Python dependency management and packaging made easy
poezio is IRC-like jabber (XMPP) console client
pogo is Probably the simplest and fastest audio player for Linux
poke is Extensible editor for structured binary data
pokerth is A Texas-Holdem poker game
polari is Internet Relay Chat client for GNOME
policycoreutils is SELinux policy core utilities
polkit is An authorization framework An authorization framework
polly is LLVM Framework for High-Level Loop and Data-Locality Optimizations LLVM Framework for High-Level Loop and Data-Locality Optimizations
poly2tri is A 2D constrained Delaunay triangulation library A 2D constrained Delaunay triangulation library
polybar is Fast and easy-to-use status bar
polyclipping is Polygon clipping library Polygon clipping library
polymake is Algorithms on convex polytopes and polyhedra Algorithms on convex polytopes and polyhedra
polyml is Poly/ML compiler and runtime system
pommes is Project object model model (and parser using serde)
poppler is PDF rendering library PDF rendering library
popt is C library for parsing command line parameters C library for parsing command line parameters
porcupine is Web browser to copy URL to clipboard
portaudio is Free, cross platform, open-source, audio I/O library Free, cross platform, open-source, audio I/O library
portmidi is Real-time Midi I/O Library Real-time Midi I/O Library
portreserve is TCP port reservation utility
poster is Scales PostScript images to span multiple pages
postfix is Postfix Mail Transport Agent
postgis is Geographic Information Systems Extensions to PostgreSQL
postgresql is PostgreSQL client programs PostgreSQL client programs
postgresqltuner is Simple script to analyze PostgreSQL database configuration and tuning
postgrey is Postfix Greylisting Policy Server
postproof is Mail abuse incident tool
postsrsd is Sender Rewriting Scheme (SRS) provider
potrace is Transform bitmaps into vector graphics Transform bitmaps into vector graphics
povray is The Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer
powdertoy is Physics sandbox game
poweradmin is A friendly web-based DNS administration tool for Bert Hubert’s PowerDNS server
powerdevil is Manages the power consumption settings of a Plasma Shell Manages the power consumption settings of a Plasma Shell
powerline is The ultimate status-line/prompt utility
powermanga is Arcade 2D shoot-them-up game
powertop is Power consumption monitor
powwow is A console MUD client A console MUD client
poxml is Text utilities from kdesdk
ppl is The Parma Polyhedra Library The Parma Polyhedra Library
ppp is The Point-to-Point Protocol daemon The Point-to-Point Protocol daemon
pprof is CPU and Heap Profiler tool
pptp is Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Client
pptpd is PoPToP Point to Point Tunneling Server
practrand is Software package for the Randon number generation & testing
pragha is Lightweight GTK+ music manager
PragmARC is PragmAda Reusable Components, a component library for Ada PragmAda Reusable Components, a component library for Ada
prboom is Open source port of the DOOM game engine
preeny is Some helpful preload libraries for pwning stuff
preflight is Apache Preflight
prelockd is Lock binaries and libraries in memory to improve system responsiveness
premake is Cross-platform build configuration tool
prename is Perl script to rename multiple files
preproc is Simple text preprocessor
prestopalette is An artist’s tool for creating harmonious color palettes
prettyping is Compact, colorful ping tool for your terminal
prewikka is Graphical front-end analysis console for IDMEF
primecount is Fast prime counting function implementation
primer3 is PCR primer design tool
primesieve is Fast prime number generator
printrun is RepRap printer interface and tools
prison is A Qt-based barcode abstraction library A Qt-based barcode abstraction library
privoxy is Privacy enhancing proxy
procdump is Sysinternals process dump utility
procenv is Utility to show process environment
procinfo is A tool for gathering and displaying system information
procmail is Mail processing program
procs is Modern replacement for ps
procServ is Process server with telnet console and log access
procyon is procyon java decompiler and other tools
proftpd is Flexible, stable and highly-configurable FTP server
progman is Simple X11 window manager modeled after Program Manager
progress is Coreutils Viewer
proguard is Java class file shrinker, optimizer, obfuscator and preverifier
proj is Cartographic projection software (PROJ) Cartographic projection software (PROJ)
pronsole is CLI interface for RepRap
pronterface is GUI interface for RepRap
prooftree is Proof tree visualization for Proof General
proselint is A linter for English prose
prosody is Flexible communications server for Jabber/XMPP
protobuf is Protocol Buffers - Google’s data interchange format Protocol Buffers - Google’s data interchange format
protontricks is Simple wrapper that does winetricks things for Proton enabled games
proxyfuzz is Man-in-the-middle non-deterministic network fuzzer
proxygen is A collection of C++ HTTP libraries including an easy to use HTTP server.
proxysql is A high-performance MySQL proxy
proxytunnel is Tool to tunnel a connection through an standard HTTP(S) proxy
prunerepo is Remove old packages from rpm-md repository
prwd is A tool to print a reduced working directory
ps_mem is Memory profiling tool
psacct is Utilities for monitoring process activities
psad is Port Scan Attack Detector (psad) watches for suspect traffic
pscan is Limited problem scanner for C source files
pseudo is Advanced tool for simulating superuser privileges
psfex is Model the Point Spread Function from FITS images
psftools is Conversion tools for .PSF fonts
pshark is Simple tool to print PTP packets from pcap/pcapng captures
psi is Jabber client based on Qt
psi4 is An ab initio quantum chemistry package An ab initio quantum chemistry package
psiconv is A conversion utility for Psion files A conversion utility for Psion files
pskctool is A command line tool for manipulating PSKC data
psl is Commandline utility to explore the Public Suffix List
pslib is C-library to create PostScript files C-library to create PostScript files
psmisc is Utilities for managing processes on your system
pspg is A unix pager optimized for psql
pspp is A program for statistical analysis of sampled data
pss is A power-tool for searching inside source code files
pssh is Parallel SSH tools
pstoedit is Translates PostScript and PDF graphics into other vector formats Translates PostScript and PDF graphics into other vector formats
psutils is PostScript utilities
psysh is A runtime developer console, interactive debugger and REPL for PHP
ptex is Per-Face Texture Mapping for Production Rendering
pthsem is The GNU Portable Threads library extended with semaphore support The GNU Portable Threads library extended with semaphore support
ptlib is Portable Tools Library Portable Tools Library
ptp4u is Scalable unicast PTP server
ptpcheck is CLI to perform various PTP-related tasks
ptpd is PTPd implements the Precision Time protocol (PTP) as defined by the IEEE 1588
ptpython3 is Python REPL build on top of prompt_toolkit
ptrash is Move file(s) to $XDG_DATA_HOME/Trash directory
publican is Common files and scripts for publishing with DocBook XML
puddletag is Feature rich, easy to use tag editor
pugixml is A light-weight C++ XML processing library A light-weight C++ XML processing library
pulledpork is Pulled Pork for Snort and Suricata rule management
pulseaudio is Improved Linux Sound Server
pulsecaster is A PulseAudio-based podcast recorder
pulseeffects is Audio equalizer, filters and effects for Pulseaudio applications Audio equalizer, filters and effects for Pulseaudio applications
pulseview is Signal acquisition and analysis GUI for sigrok
pungi is Distribution compose tool
puppet is A network tool for managing many disparate systems
putty is SSH, Telnet and Rlogin client
puzzles is A collection of one-player puzzle games
pv is A tool for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline
pw3270 is IBM 3270 Terminal emulator for GTK
pwauth is External plugin for mod_authnz_external authenticator
pwgen is Automatic password generation
pwhois is Perl written whois client
pwkickstart is Helps to generate kickstart passwords
pwncat is TCP/UDP communication suite
pwsafe is A unix commandline program that manages encrypted password databases
pxz is Parallel LZMA compressor using XZ
py3status is An extensible i3status wrapper written in python
pybugz is Command line interface for Bugzilla written in Python
pychess is Chess game for GNOME
pydeps is Display module dependencies
pydf is Fully colorized df clone written in python
pyflowtools is An interface to OSU FlowTools
pygobject2 is Python 2 bindings for GObject Python 2 bindings for GObject
pygsl is GNU Scientific Library Interface for python
pygtk2 is Python bindings for GTK+
pyjson5 is Tool for working with the JSON5 data format
pykickstart is Python utilities for manipulating kickstart files.
pylibgamerzilla is Python Integration with Gamerzilla Library
pylint is Analyzes Python code looking for bugs and signs of poor quality
PyMca is X-ray Fluorescence Toolkit
pymol is PyMOL Molecular Graphics System
pynac is Manipulation of symbolic expressions Manipulation of symbolic expressions
pynag is Python modules and utilities for Nagios plugins and configuration
pyotherside is Asynchronous Python 3 Bindings for Qt 5 Asynchronous Python 3 Bindings for Qt 5
pyp2rpm is Convert Python packages to RPM SPECFILES
pyppd is PPD file compressor and generator for CUPS
pypy is Python implementation with a Just-In-Time compiler Python implementation with a Just-In-Time compiler
pypy3 is Python 3 implementation with a Just-In-Time compiler Python 3 implementation with a Just-In-Time compiler
pypykatz is Python implementation of Mimikatz
PySolFC is A collection of solitaire card games
pystring is Collection of C++ functions emulating Python’s string class methods Collection of C++ functions emulating Python’s string class methods
pysubnettree is Python Module for CIDR Lookups
pysysbot is A simple python jabber bot for getting system information
pythia8 is Pythia Event Generator for High Energy Physics Pythia Event Generator for High Energy Physics
python2 is
python3 is Python 3.9 interpreter Python 3.9 interpreter
pythran is Ahead of Time Python compiler for numeric kernels
PyX is Python graphics package
pyxtrlock is The X transparent screen lock rewritten in Python
pyzor is Collaborative spam filtering system
pyzy is The Chinese PinYin and Bopomofo conversion library The Chinese PinYin and Bopomofo conversion library
q is Equational programming language Equational programming language
q4wine is Qt GUI for wine
qaccessibilityclient is Accessibility client library for Qt5 Accessibility client library for Qt5
qalculate is Multi-purpose calculator, text mode interface
qascade is Classic puzzle game
qascommon is Common part of QasTools
qasconfig is ALSA configuration browser
qashctl is ALSA complex mixer
qasmixer is ALSA simple mixer
qastools is Collection of desktop applications for ALSA
qatengine is Intel QuickAssist Technology (QAT) OpenSSL Engine
qatlib is Intel QuickAssist user space library
qbittorrent is A Bittorrent Client
qbrew is A Brewing Recipe Calculator
qbs is Cross platform build tool Cross platform build tool
qca is Qt4 Cryptographic Architecture Qt4 Cryptographic Architecture
qcachegrind is QT GUI to profilers such as Valgrind
qcad is Powerful 2D CAD system
qcas is Qt5 GUI application for Giac
qchdman is Qt CHDMAN GUI
qcint is An optimized libcint branch for X86 platform with SSE3 intrinsics
qcomicbook is A viewer for comic book archives
qcommandline is Command line parser for Qt programs Command line parser for Qt programs
qconf is Tool for generating configure script for qmake-based projects
qcustomplot is Qt widget for plotting and data visualization Qt widget for plotting and data visualization
qcvm is Standalone QuakeC VM binary executor
qd is Double-Double and Quad-Double Arithmetic Double-Double and Quad-Double Arithmetic
qdbm is Quick Database Manager Quick Database Manager
qdbm++ is QDBM Database Library for C++ QDBM Database Library for C++
qdigidoc is Estonian digital signature and encryption application
qdirstat is Qt-based directory statistics
qdox is Extract class/interface/method definitions from sources
qelectrotech is An electric diagrams editor
qemu is QEMU is a FAST! processor emulator
qevercloud is Unofficial Evernote Cloud API for Qt5 Unofficial Evernote Cloud API for Qt5
qextserialport is Qt interface class for old fashioned serial ports Qt interface class for old fashioned serial ports
qftp is Simple ftp client application
qgis is A user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System A user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System
qgit is GUI browser for git repositories
qgle is QT frontend to GLE
qgnomeplatform is Qt Platform Theme aimed to accommodate Gnome settings Qt Platform Theme aimed to accommodate Gnome settings
qgpgme is Qt API bindings/wrapper for GPGME Qt API bindings/wrapper for GPGME
qhexedit2 is Binary Editor for Qt
qhull is General dimension convex hull programs
qimageblitz is Graphical effect and filter library Graphical effect and filter library
qimgv is Qt5 image viewer with optional video support
qiv is Quick Image Viewer
qjackctl is Qt based JACK control application
qjackmmc is Qt application that controls JACK transport via Midi
qjson is A qt-based library that maps JSON data to QVariant objects A qt-based library that maps JSON data to QVariant objects
qle is A QSO Logger and log Editor
qlipper is Lightweight clipboard history
qmapshack is GPS mapping and management tool
qmaptool is Create raster maps from paper map scans
qmasterpassword is Stateless graphical Master Password Manager
qmc2 is M.A.M.E. Catalog / Launcher II
qmidiarp is An arpeggiator, sequencer and MIDI LFO for ALSA
qmltermwidget is A port of QTermWidget to QML A port of QTermWidget to QML
qmmp is Qt-based multimedia player Qt-based multimedia player
QMsgBox is Solves a problem that prevents qt message icons from being displayed Solves a problem that prevents qt message icons from being displayed
qoauth is Qt library OAuth authorization scheme Qt library OAuth authorization scheme
qodem is Terminal emulator and communications package
qotd is A simple and lightweight Quote of the Day daemon
qownnotes is Plain-text file markdown note taking with Nextcloud integration
qpdf is Command-line tools and library for transforming PDF files
qperf is Measure socket and RDMA performance
qphotorec is Signature based file carver. Recover lost files
qqwing is Command-line Sudoku solver and generator
qrencode is Generate QR 2D barcodes
qrmumps is A multithreaded multifrontal QR solver A multithreaded multifrontal QR solver
qroneko is A qt front end to crontab
qrq is Morse telegraphy trainer
qrupdate is A Fortran library for fast updates of QR and Cholesky decompositions A Fortran library for fast updates of QR and Cholesky decompositions
qsf is Quick Spam Filter
QsLog is An easy to use logger that is based on Qt’s QDebug class An easy to use logger that is based on Qt’s QDebug class
qsstv is Qt-based slow-scan TV and fax
qstardict is StarDict clone written using Qt
qstars is A screensaver simulating planets and asteroids in space
qstat is Real-time Game Server Status for FPS game servers
qsynth is Qt based Fluidsynth GUI front end
qt is Qt toolkit Qt toolkit
qt3 is The shared library for the Qt 3 GUI toolkit The shared library for the Qt 3 GUI toolkit
qt4pas is Free Pascal Qt4 Binding Free Pascal Qt4 Binding
qt5ct is Qt5 Configuration Tool Qt5 Configuration Tool
qt5pas is Qt5 bindings for Pascal Qt5 bindings for Pascal
qtchooser is Wrapper to select between Qt development binary versions
qtcurve is A set of widget styles for GTK+ and Qt widget toolkits
QtDMM is A digital multimeter readout software
qtel is The Qt EchoLink Client
qterm is BBS client for X Window System written in Qt
qterminal is Advanced Qt5-based terminal emulator
qtermwidget is Qt5 terminal widget Qt5 terminal widget
qtikz is Editor for the TikZ language
qtile is A pure-Python tiling window manager
qtiocompressor is QIODevice that compresses data streams QIODevice that compresses data streams
qtkeychain is A password store library A password store library
qtl866 is GUI driver for the TL866 (MiniPRO) chip programmer
qtlockedfile is QFile extension with advisory locking functions QFile extension with advisory locking functions
qtpass is Cross-platform GUI for pass
qtractor is Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer
qtscriptbindings is Qt bindings for Qt Script Qt bindings for Qt Script
qtscriptgenerator is A tool to generate Qt bindings for Qt Script
qtsingleapplication is Qt library to start applications only once per user Qt library to start applications only once per user
qtsinglecoreapplication is Qt library to start applications only once per user Qt library to start applications only once per user
qtsoap is The Simple Object Access Protocol Qt4-based client side library The Simple Object Access Protocol Qt4-based client side library
qtsoap5 is The Simple Object Access Protocol Qt5-based client side library The Simple Object Access Protocol Qt5-based client side library
qtwaifu2x is Frontend for waifu2x-converter-cpp
qtwebkit is Qt WebKit bindings Qt WebKit bindings
quadrapassel is GNOME Quadrapassel game
quagga is Routing daemon Routing daemon
quake2 is Quake II (Yamagi version)
quake3 is Quake 3 Arena engine (ioquake3 version)
QuantLib is A software framework for quantitative finance A software framework for quantitative finance
quarry is A multi-purpose board game GUI
quarter is Lightweight glue library between Coin and Qt Lightweight glue library between Coin and Qt
quassel is A modern distributed IRC system
quasselgrep is Tool for searching quassel logs from the commandline
quaternion is A Qt5-based IM client for Matrix
quazip is Qt/C++ wrapper for the minizip library Qt/C++ wrapper for the minizip library
qucs is Circuit simulator
quearcode is A tool for creating QR Codes
quentier is Cross-platform desktop Evernote client
quesoglc is The OpenGL Character Renderer The OpenGL Character Renderer
quicksynergy is Share keyboard and mouse between computers
quilt is Scripts for working with series of patches
quilter is Focus on your writing
quisk is Software Defined Radio (SDR) software
quitcount is A tool for people who quit smoking
quiterss is RSS/Atom aggregator
quodlibet is A music management program
quota is System administration tools for monitoring users’ disk usage
quotatool is Command-line utility for filesystem quotas
qutebrowser is A keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on PyQt5 and QtWebEngine
qv4l2 is QT v4l2 test control and streaming test application
qvge is Graph editor
qwt is Qt Widgets for Technical Applications Qt Widgets for Technical Applications
qwtplot3d is Qt/OpenGL-based C++ library providing a bunch of 3D-widgets Qt/OpenGL-based C++ library providing a bunch of 3D-widgets
qwtpolar is Qwt/Qt Polar Plot Library Qwt/Qt Polar Plot Library
qxkb is Qt keyboard layout switcher
qxmledit is Simple XML Editor and XSD Viewer
qxmpp is Qt XMPP Library Qt XMPP Library
qxtglobalshortcut is Cross-platform library for handling system-wide shortcuts in Qt applications Cross-platform library for handling system-wide shortcuts in Qt applications
R is A language for data analysis and graphics
r2cutter is GUI for radare2 reverse engineering framework GUI for radare2 reverse engineering framework
R2spec is Python script to generate R spec file
raceintospace is Race into Space game
rachota is Straightforward timetracking
racket is General purpose programming language
racoon2 is An implementation of key management system for IPsec
radamsa is Test case generator for robustness testing
radare2 is The reverse engineering framework The reverse engineering framework
radcli is RADIUS protocol client library RADIUS protocol client library
raddump is RADIUS packets interpreter
radeontool is Backlight and video output configuration tool for radeon cards
radeontop is AMD Radeon video cards monitoring utility
radial is A simple program for calculating radial velocities of stars in a binary system
radicale3 is A simple CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server
radsecproxy is Generic RADIUS proxy with RadSec support
radvd is A Router Advertisement daemon
ragel is Finite state machine compiler Finite state machine compiler
raidem is 2d top-down shoot’em up
rakarrack is Audio effects processing rack for guitar
rakudo is Perl 6 compiler implementation that runs on MoarVM
ramond is Router advertisement monitoring daemon
rancid is Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ
ranger is A vim-like file manager
rapidsvn is Graphical interface for the Subversion revision control system Graphical interface for the Subversion revision control system
raptor is Raptor RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland Raptor RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland
raptor2 is RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland
rarian is Documentation meta-data library Documentation meta-data library
rarpd is The RARP daemon
rasdaemon is Utility to receive RAS error tracings
rasqal is RDF Query Library RDF Query Library
rasterview is CUPS raster file viewer
ratools is Framework for IPv6 Router Advertisements
ratpoints is Find rational points on hyperelliptic curves Find rational points on hyperelliptic curves
ratpoison is Minimalistic window manager
rats is Rough Auditing Tool for Security
rav1e is Fastest and safest AV1 encoder
ravada is Remote Virtual Desktops Manager
rawstudio is Read, manipulate and convert digital camera raw images
rawtherapee is Raw image processing software
raysession is Session manager for audio software
rb_libtorrent is A C++ BitTorrent library aiming to be the best alternative A C++ BitTorrent library aiming to be the best alternative
rblcheck is Command-line interface to RBL-style listings
rbldnsd is Small, fast daemon to serve DNSBLs
rbm is Reproducible Build Manager
RBTools is Tools for use with ReviewBoard
rc is Re-implementation for Unix of the Plan 9 shell
rclone is Rsync for cloud storage
rcm is Management suite for dotfiles
rcrpanel is Lay out front panel for electronics project
rcs is Revision Control System (RCS) file version management tools
rcssmonitor is RoboCup 2D Soccer Simulator Monitor
rcssserver is Robocup 2D Soccer Simulation Server Robocup 2D Soccer Simulation Server
rcssserver3d is Robocup 3D Soccer Simulation Server
rdesktop is X client for remote desktop into Windows Terminal Server
rdfind is Program that finds duplicate files
rdist is Maintains identical copies of files on multiple machines
rdkit is Chemical informatics and machine learning toolkit Chemical informatics and machine learning toolkit
rdopkg is RPM packaging automation tool CLI
RdRand is Library for generating random numbers using the RdRand instruction on Intel CPUs Library for generating random numbers using the RdRand instruction on Intel CPUs
re2 is C++ fast alternative to backtracking RE engines C++ fast alternative to backtracking RE engines
re2c is Tool for generating C, C++, and go recognizers from regular expressions
readline is A library for editing typed command lines A library for editing typed command lines
readosm is Library to extract data from Open Streetmap input files Library to extract data from Open Streetmap input files
realmd is Kerberos realm enrollment service
realTimeConfigQuickScan is Inspect realtime system settings
rear is Relax-and-Recover is a Linux disaster recovery and system migration tool
reaver is Brute force attack against Wifi Protected Setup
rebloom is Bloom Filter Module for Redis
recap is Generates reports of various system information
recapp is User friendly Open Source screencaster for Linux written in GTK
recode is Conversion between character sets and surfaces Conversion between character sets and surfaces
recoll is Desktop full text search tool with Qt GUI Desktop full text search tool with Qt GUI
recorder is Lock-free, real-time flight recorder for C or C++ programs Lock-free, real-time flight recorder for C or C++ programs
recutils is A set of tools to access GNU recfile databases A set of tools to access GNU recfile databases
redeclipse is A Free, Casual Arena Shooter
redir is Redirect TCP connections
redis is A persistent key-value database
RediSearch is Full-text search over Redis
redland is RDF Application Framework RDF Application Framework
rednotebook is Daily journal with calendar, templates and keyword searching
redshift is Adjusts the color temperature of your screen according to time of day
reflections is Java run-time meta-data analysis
reflow is A utility for reflowing text files using Knuth’s paragraphing algorithm
reg is Docker registry v2 command line client
regexp is Simple regular expressions API
regexxer is A nifty GUI search/replace tool
regionset is Reads/sets the region code of DVD drives
rejson is JSON data type for Redis
rekollect is A note taking and note management application
rekonq is KDE browser based on QtWebkit
relval is Tool for interacting with Fedora QA wiki pages
remake is Build system that bridges the gap between make and redo
remctl is Client/server for Kerberos-authenticated command execution Client/server for Kerberos-authenticated command execution
remmina is Remote Desktop Client
remoot is Pseudo-universal remote control wrapper
RemoteBox is Open Source VirtualBox Client with Remote Management
remotely is Simple VNC viewer for the GNOME desktop environment
ren is Rename multiple files
renameutils is A set of programs to make renaming and copying of files easier
renderdoc is A stand-alone graphics debugging tool
renrot is A program to rename and rotate files according to EXIF tags
replacer is Replacer Maven Mojo
reportd is Service reporting org.freedesktop.Problems2 entries
reposurgeon is SCM Repository Manipulation Tool
reprepro is Tool to handle local repositories of Debian packages
reprotest is Build packages and check them for reproducibility
reptyr is Attach a running process to a new terminal
resalloc is Resource allocator for expensive resources - client tooling
rescene is Extracts RAR metadata and recreates RAR files
resolv_wrapper is A wrapper for dns name resolving or dns faking A wrapper for dns name resolving or dns faking
responder is Simple NTP server implementation with kernel timestamps support
rest is A library for access to RESTful web services A library for access to RESTful web services
resteasy is Framework for RESTful Web services and Java applications
restic is Fast, secure, efficient backup program
restmbmaster is Rest API gateway to Modbus slaves
restsharp is Simple REST and HTTP API Client Simple REST and HTTP API Client
restview is ReStructuredText viewer
resultsdb is Results store for automated tasks
resultsdb_frontend is Frontend for the ResultsDB
retext is Simple editor for Markdown and reStructuredText
retroarch is Cross-platform, sophisticated frontend for the libretro API.
reuse is A tool for compliance with the REUSE recommendations
revelation is A password manager for the GNOME desktop
Rex is The friendly automation framework on basis of Perl
rf is Read feeds from any source
rfcdiff is Compares two internet draft files and outputs the difference
rgb is X color name database
rgbds is A development package for the Game Boy, including an assembler
rhash is Great utility for computing hash sums Great utility for computing hash sums
rhbzquery is Bugzilla query tool
rhino is JavaScript for Java
rhythmbox is Music Management Application Music Management Application
richacl is Rich Access Control List utilities
ricochet is Anonymous peer-to-peer instant messaging
rifiuti2 is A Windows Recycle Bin analyser
rig is Monitor a system for events and trigger specific actions
ripgrep is Line oriented search tool
ripmime is Extract attachments out of a MIME encoded email packages
ristretto is Image-viewer for the Xfce desktop environment
rizin is UNIX-like reverse engineering framework and command-line tool-set UNIX-like reverse engineering framework and command-line tool-set
rkdeveloptool is A simple way to read/write Rock Chips rockusb devices
rkhunter is A host-based tool to scan for rootkits, backdoors and local exploits
rktime is Multi-zone time display utility
rkward is Graphical frontend for R language
rlog is Runtime Logging for C++ Runtime Logging for C++
rlottie is Platform independent standalone library that plays Lottie Animation Platform independent standalone library that plays Lottie Animation
rls is Rust Language Server for IDE integration
rlwrap is Wrapper for GNU readline
rmd is Resource Management Daemon-RMD
rmlint is Finds space waste and other broken things on your filesystem
rmol is C++ library of Revenue Management and Optimisation classes and functions C++ library of Revenue Management and Optimisation classes and functions
rmt is Provides certain programs with access to remote tape devices
rnetclient is Submit the Brazilian Income Tax Report to the Brazilian Tax Authority
rnnoise is Recurrent neural network for audio noise reduction Recurrent neural network for audio noise reduction
rnv is Implementation of Relax NG Compact Syntax validator in ANSI C
robodoc is Extract documentation from source code
robotfindskitten is A game/zen simulation. You are robot. Your job is to find kitten.
rocksdb is A Persistent Key-Value Store for Flash and RAM Storage
rocksndiamonds is Underground digging game
rocminfo is ROCm system info utility
rocs is Graph Theory IDE Graph Theory IDE
rofi is A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
rofimoji is A character picker for rofi 😀
rogue is The original graphical adventure game
root is Numerical data analysis framework
rootsh is Shell wrapper for auditing
rosegarden4 is MIDI, audio and notation editor
roundcubemail is Round Cube Webmail is a browser-based multilingual IMAP client
route3270 is A simple 3270 application/connection router
routino is Router for OpenStreetMap Data
rows is A common, beautiful interface to tabular data, no matter the format
roxterm is Terminal emulator
rpc2 is C library for remote procedure calls over UDP C library for remote procedure calls over UDP
rpcbind is Universal Addresses to RPC Program Number Mapper
rpcgen is RPC protocol compiler
rpick is Helps you pick items from a list by various algorithms
rpkg is RPM packaging utility
rpl is Intelligent recursive search/replace utility
rpld is RPL/RIPL remote boot daemon
rply is A library to read and write PLY files A library to read and write PLY files
rpmautospec is CLI tool for generating RPM releases and changelogs
rpmconf is Tool to handle rpmnew and rpmsave files
rpmdeplint is Tool to find errors in RPM packages in the context of their dependency graph
rpmdevtools is RPM Development Tools
rpmemd is Target node process executed by librpmem
rpmgrill is A utility for catching problems in koji builds
rpminspect is Build deviation compliance tool
rpmlint is Tool for checking common errors in RPM packages
rpmorphan is List packages that have no dependencies (like deborphan)
rpmreaper is A tool for removing packages from system
rpmrebuild is A tool to build rpm file from rpm database
rpmspectool is Utility for handling RPM spec files
rpy is Python interface to the R language
rr is Tool to record and replay execution of applications
rrdtool is Round Robin Database Tool to store and display time-series data Round Robin Database Tool to store and display time-series data
rsh is Clients for remote access commands (rsh, rlogin, rcp)
rshim is User-space driver for Mellanox BlueField SoC
rsibreak is A small utility which bothers you at certain intervals
rsnapshot is Local and remote filesystem snapshot utility
rss2email is Deliver news from RSS feeds to your SMTP server as text or HTML mail
rssguard is Simple yet powerful feed reader
rssh is Restricted shell for use with OpenSSH, allowing only scp and/or sftp
rst2pdf is Tool for transforming reStructuredText to PDF
rst2txt is Convert reStructuredText to plain text
rstp is Rapid Spanning Tree User Space Daemon
rstudio is RStudio base package
rsvndump is Remote Subversion repository dumping tool
rsync is A program for synchronizing files over a network
rsyntaxtextarea is A syntax highlighting, code folding text editor for Java Swing applications
rsyslog is Enhanced system logging and kernel message trapping daemon
rt is Request tracker
rtags is A indexer for the c language family with Emacs integration
rtaudio is Real-time Audio I/O Library Real-time Audio I/O Library
rteval is Utility to evaluate system suitability for RT Linux
rtfilter is Realtime digital filtering functions for multichannel signals Realtime digital filtering functions for multichannel signals
rtirq is Realtime IRQ thread system tuning
rtkit is Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon
rtklib is Program Package for GNSS Positioning
rtmidi is Library for realtime MIDI input/output (ALSA support) Library for realtime MIDI input/output (ALSA support)
rtorrent is BitTorrent client based on libtorrent
rtpproxy is A symmetric RTP proxy
rubber is An automated system for building LaTeX documents
rubberband is Audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting library Audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting library
rubiks is Rubiks cube solvers
ruby is An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language
rubygems is The Ruby standard for packaging ruby libraries
rubypick is Stub to allow choosing Ruby runtime
rudeconfig is Library (C++ API) for reading and writing configuration/.ini files Library (C++ API) for reading and writing configuration/.ini files
rudesocket is Library (C++ API) for creating client sockets Library (C++ API) for creating client sockets
rudiments is C++ class library for developing systems and applications C++ class library for developing systems and applications
rumor is Really Unintelligent Music transcriptOR
runc is CLI for running Open Containers
rundoc is An Ant task designed to help with the single-sourcing of program documentation
rusers is Displays the users logged into machines on the local network
rust is The Rust Programming Language
rustfilt is Demangle Rust symbol names
rustfmt is Tool to find and fix Rust formatting issues
rvm is C library for unstructured recoverable virtual memory C library for unstructured recoverable virtual memory
rw is Program that calculates rank-width and rank-decompositions Program that calculates rank-width and rank-decompositions
rwall is Client for sending messages to a host’s logged in users
rwho is Displays who is logged in to local network machines
rwhoisd is ARIN’s Referral WHOIS server
rygel is A collection of UPnP/DLNA services A collection of UPnP/DLNA services
rzip is A large-file compression program
s3cmd is Tool for accessing Amazon Simple Storage Service
Saaghar is A Cross-Platform Persian Poetry Software
SAASound is Phillips SAA 1099 sound chip emulator library Phillips SAA 1099 sound chip emulator library
sac is Java standard interface for CSS parser
saclib is Computer algebra library Computer algebra library
safecopy is Safe copying of files and partitions
safelease is Legacy locking utility for VDSM
safetyblanket is Creepy blanket simulator
saga is Geographic information system with an API for processing geodata Geographic information system with an API for processing geodata
sagator is Antivirus/anti-spam gateway for smtp server
sage is OpenGL extensions library using SDL OpenGL extensions library using SDL
sagemath is A free open-source mathematics software system
saidar is System information real-time monitor
sailcut is A sail design and plotting software
sakura is Terminal emulator based on GTK and VTE
salt is A parallel remote execution system
samba is Server and Client software to interoperate with Windows machines
samdump2 is Retrieves syskey and extracts hashes from Windows 2k/NT/XP/Vista SAM
sameboy is Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator written in C
samefile is Command-line utility to find identical files on the file system
samplv1 is A polyphonic sampler synthesizer with stereo fx
samtools is Tools for nucleotide sequence alignments in the SAM format
samurai is ninja-compatible build tool written in C
sanlock is A shared storage lock manager
saphire is Yet another shell Yet another shell
sar2 is An open source helicopter simulator
sassc is Wrapper around libsass to compile CSS stylesheet
sassist is Dell SupportAssist log collector
sasutils is Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) utilities
sat4j is A library of SAT solvers written in Java
satyr is Tools to create anonymous, machine-friendly problem reports Tools to create anonymous, machine-friendly problem reports
sawfish is An extensible window manager for the X Window System
saxpath is Simple API for XPath
sayonara is A lightweight Qt Audio player
sbc is Sub Band Codec used by bluetooth A2DP Sub Band Codec used by bluetooth A2DP
sbcl is Steel Bank Common Lisp
sbd is Storage-based death
sbsigntools is Signing utility for UEFI secure boot
sc is Spreadsheet Calculator
scala is Hybrid functional/object-oriented language for the JVM
scalacheck is Property-based testing for Scala
scalasca is Toolset for performance analysis of large-scale parallel applications Toolset for performance analysis of large-scale parallel applications
scalpel is Fast file carver working on disk images Fast file carver working on disk images
scamp is compute astrometric and photometric solutions from sextractor catalogs
scanless is An online port scan scraper
scanmem is Memory scanner
scannotation is A Java annotation scanner
scanssh is Fast SSH server and open proxy scanner
scantailor is An interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages
scdoc is Tool for generating roff manual pages
schedtool is Tool to query or alter process scheduling policy
schismtracker is Sound module composer/player
schroedinger is Portable libraries for the high quality Dirac video codec Portable libraries for the high quality Dirac video codec
schroot is Execute commands in a chroot environment
scidavis is Application for Scientific Data Analysis and Visualization
scim is Smart Common Input Method platform
scmxx is Exchange data with Siemens mobile phones
scorched3d is Game based loosely on the classic DOS game Scorched Earth
scorchwentbonkers is Realtime remake of Scorched Earth
scorep is Scalable Performance Measurement Infrastructure for Parallel Codes
scotch is Graph, mesh and hypergraph partitioning library Graph, mesh and hypergraph partitioning library
scottfree is Interpreter for Scott Adams format text adventure games
scout is Lightweight URL fuzzer and spider
scpio is Copy file archives in and out (LEGACY)
scponly is Restricted shell for ssh based file services
scram is Probabilistic Risk Analysis Tool
scratch is Programming language learning environment for stories, games, music and art
screen is A screen manager that supports multiple logins on one terminal
screenfetch is A Bash Screenshot Information Tool
screenie is A small and lightweight screen wrapper
screenkey is A screencast tool to display your keys
screenruler is GNOME screen ruler
scribus is Desktop Publishing application written in Qt
scrub is Disk scrubbing program
scudcloud is Non official desktop client for Slack
scummvm is Interpreter for several adventure games
scythia is Just a small ftp client
sd is Intuitive find & replace CLI
sdcc is Small Device C Compiler
sdcv is Console version of StarDict program
sddm is QML based X11 desktop manager QML based X11 desktop manager
sdformat is The Simulation Description Format The Simulation Description Format
SDL is A cross-platform multimedia library A cross-platform multimedia library
SDL_gfx is SDL graphics drawing primitives and other support functions SDL graphics drawing primitives and other support functions
SDL_image is Image loading library for SDL Image loading library for SDL
SDL_mixer is Simple DirectMedia Layer - Sample Mixer Library Simple DirectMedia Layer - Sample Mixer Library
SDL_mng is Simple DirectMedia Layer - MNG Loading Library Simple DirectMedia Layer - MNG Loading Library
SDL_net is SDL portable network library SDL portable network library
SDL_Pango is Rendering of internationalized text for SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) Rendering of internationalized text for SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer)
SDL_sound is Library handling decoding of several popular sound file formats Library handling decoding of several popular sound file formats
SDL_ttf is Simple DirectMedia Layer TrueType Font library Simple DirectMedia Layer TrueType Font library
SDL2 is Cross-platform multimedia library Cross-platform multimedia library
SDL2_gfx is SDL2 graphics drawing primitives and other support functions SDL2 graphics drawing primitives and other support functions
SDL2_image is Image loading library for SDL Image loading library for SDL
SDL2_mixer is Simple DirectMedia Layer - Sample Mixer Library Simple DirectMedia Layer - Sample Mixer Library
SDL2_net is SDL portable network library SDL portable network library
SDL2_ttf is TrueType font rendering library for SDL2 TrueType font rendering library for SDL2
sdlhack is Force full-screen games to minimize
sdljava is Java binding to the SDL API
sdorfehs is A tiling window manager
sdparm is List or change SCSI/SATA disk parameters
seabios is Open-source legacy BIOS implementation
seafile is Cloud storage cli client Cloud storage cli client
seahorse is A GNOME application for managing encryption keys
seamonkey is Web browser, e-mail, news, IRC client, HTML editor
seaview is Graphical multiple sequence alignment editor
sec is Simple Event Correlator script to filter log file entries
secilc is The SELinux CIL Compiler
secvarctl is A command line tool for managing Secure Boot Variables on POWER
sediment is A function reordering tool set
sedutil is Tools to manage the activation and use of self encrypting drives
seeker is Random access disk benchmark utility
sems is SIP Express Media Server, an extensible SIP media server
sen is Terminal User Interface for docker engine
sendemail is Lightweight command line SMTP e-mail client
sendKindle is CLI tool for sending files via email to your Amazon Kindle device
sendmail is A widely used Mail Transport Agent (MTA)
sendxmpp is A Perl script to send XMPP messages
sepolicy_analysis is SELinux policy analysis tool
seqan is Open source C++ library of efficient algorithms and data structures
seqdiag is seqdiag generates sequence-diagram images from text
sequeler is Friendly SQL Client
ser2net is Proxy that allows tcp connections to serial ports
serd is A lightweight C library for RDF syntax A lightweight C library for RDF syntax
serdisplib is Library to drive serial displays with built-in controllers Library to drive serial displays with built-in controllers
seren is Simple VoIP program to create conferences from the terminal
serp is Byte-code manipulation framework
ServiceReport is A tool to validate and repair First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) configuration
sessreg is Utility to manage utmp/wtmp entries for X sessions
setBfree is A DSP Tonewheel Organ emulator
setconf is Utility for changing settings in configuration text files
setools is Policy analysis tools for SELinux
setroubleshoot is Helps troubleshoot SELinux problems
setserial is A utility for configuring serial ports
setuptool is A text mode system configuration tool
setxkbmap is X11 keymap client
setzer is LaTeX editor written in Python with Gtk
sevctl is Administrative utility for AMD SEV
sevmgr is C++ Simulation-Oriented Discrete Event Management Library C++ Simulation-Oriented Discrete Event Management Library
sextractor is Extract catalogs of sources from astronomical images
SFCGAL is C++ wrapper library around CGAL for PostGIS C++ wrapper library around CGAL for PostGIS
SFML is Simple and Fast Multimedia Library Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
sfxr is Sound effect generator
sg3_utils is Utilities for devices that use SCSI command sets
sgabios is Serial graphics BIOS option rom
sgmanager is OpenStack Security Groups Management Tool
sgpio is SGPIO captive backplane tool
sha is File hashing utility File hashing utility
sha1collisiondetection is SHA-1 hash function with collision detection and mitigation
sha2 is SHA Implementation Library SHA Implementation Library
sha3sum is Compute and check SHA3 message digest
shairplay is Apple AirPlay and RAOP protocol server
shake is Build system library, like Make, but more accurate dependencies
shaman is Man pages viewer
shapelib is C library for handling ESRI Shapefiles C library for handling ESRI Shapefiles
sharedmeataxe is Matrix representations over finite fields
sharpfont is Cross-platform FreeType bindings for .NET
sharpziplib is Zip, GZip, Tar and BZip2 library Zip, GZip, Tar and BZip2 library
sharutils is The GNU shar utilities for packaging and unpackaging shell archives
shc is Shell script compiler
sheepdog is The Sheepdog distributed storage system for KVM/QEMU
ShellCheck is Shell script analysis tool
shelldap is A shell-like interface for browsing LDAP servers
shellinabox is Web based AJAX terminal emulator
shellz is Utility to tracking and controlling shells and tunnels
shfmt is Shell formatter
shhgit is GitHub secrets search tool
shiboken2 is Python / C++ bindings generator for PySide2
shigofumi is Command line client for accessing the Czech Data Boxes
shiny is Shader and material management library for OGRE Shader and material management library for OGRE
shippy is Space invaders / Galaxians like game with power-ups
shntool is A multi-purpose WAVE data processing and reporting utility
shodan is CLI tool to access
shorewall is An iptables front end for firewall configuration
shorewall6 is Files for the IPV6 Shorewall Firewall
shotwell is A photo organizer for the GNOME desktop A photo organizer for the GNOME desktop
shrinkpdf is Simple wrapper around Ghostscript to shrink PDFs
shrinkwrap is Java API for Archive Manipulation
shtool is A portable shell tool
shuffledns is Wrapper around massdns
shunit2 is A xUnit based unit testing for Unix shell scripts
shyaml is YAML for command line
SIBsim4 is Align expressed RNA sequences on a DNA template
sicktoolbox is The SICK LIDAR Toolbox The SICK LIDAR Toolbox
sid is Storage Instantiation Daemon (SID)
sidc is A VLF signal monitor for recording sudden ionospheric disturbances
sidplayfp is SID chip music module player
siege is HTTP regression testing and benchmarking utility
sigil is WYSIWYG ebook editor
signon is Accounts framework for Linux and POSIX based platforms Accounts framework for Linux and POSIX based platforms
sigscheme is R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
sigul is A signing server and related software client
SILLY is Simple and easy to use library for image loading Simple and easy to use library for image loading
silver is Cross-shell customizable powerline-like prompt with icons
simarrange is STL 2D plate packer with collision simulation
simcoupe is SAM Coupe emulator (spectrum compatible)
simcrs is C++ Simulated Travel-Oriented Distribution System library C++ Simulated Travel-Oriented Distribution System library
simdock is Fast and customizable dockbar
simfqt is C++ Simulated Fare Quote System Library C++ Simulated Fare Quote System Library
SimGear is Simulation library components Simulation library components
simh is A highly portable, multi-system emulator
simspark is Spark physical simulation system Spark physical simulation system
SIMVoleon is Volume rendering library for Coin Volume rendering library for Coin
since is Stateful tail replacement
sing is Sends fully customized ICMP packets from command line
Singular is Computer Algebra System for polynomial computations
singularity is Application and environment virtualization
sip is SIP - Python/C++ Bindings Generator
sip5 is SIP - Python/C++ Bindings Generator
sipcalc is An “advanced” console based ip subnet calculator
sipp is SIP test tool / traffic generator
sipsak is SIP swiss army knife
sipvicious is Set of tools to audit SIP based VoIP systems
sipwitch is A secure peer-to-peer VoIP server for the SIP protocol
sirikali is GUI front end to encfs,cryfs,gocryptfs and securefs
siril is Astronomical image processing software
sirius is Reversi game for Gnome
sirocco is ROot Certified COntinuator ROot Certified COntinuator
sispmctl is Control Gembird SIS-PM programmable power outlet strips
six is Hex playing program
sjasm is A z80 cross assembler
sjinn is Simple tool for sending & receiving data from RS-232 devices
skanlite is Lightweight scanning program
skf is Utility binary files in Simple Kanji Filter
ski is IA-64 user and system mode simulator
skim is Fuzzy Finder in Rust
skkdic is Dictionaries for SKK (Simple Kana-Kanji conversion program)
skopeo is Inspect container images and repositories on registries
skrooge is Personal finances manager
skychart is Planetarium software for the advanced amateur astronomer
skydns is DNS service discovery for etcd
skyviewer is Program to display HEALPix-based skymaps in FITS files
SkyX is Photo-realistic sky simulator Photo-realistic sky simulator
sl is Joke command for when you type ‘sl’ instead of ’ls’
slang is Shared library for the S-Lang extension language Shared library for the S-Lang extension language
slashem is Super Lotsa Added Stuff Hack - Extended Magic
sleef is Vectorized math library Vectorized math library
sleuthkit is The Sleuth Kit (TSK)
slf4j is Simple Logging Facade for Java
slib is Platform independent library for scheme
slibtool is A skinny libtool implementation, written in C
slic3r is G-code generator for 3D printers (RepRap, Makerbot, Ultimaker etc.)
slim is Simple Login Manager Simple Login Manager
slimdata is Tools and library for reading and writing slim compressed data Tools and library for reading and writing slim compressed data
slingshot is A Newtonian strategy game
slirp4netns is slirp for network namespaces
sloccount is Measures source lines of code (SLOC) in programs
slock is Simple X display locker
SLOF is Slimline Open Firmware
slop is Command line tool to perform region SeLect OPeration with mouse Command line tool to perform region SeLect OPeration with mouse
slowhttptest is An Application Layer DoS attack simulator
slowloris is Low bandwidth DoS tool
slrn is A threaded Internet news reader
slurm is Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management
slurp is Select a region in Sway
slv2 is LV2 host library LV2 host library
smaclient is Provides access to z/VM System Management functions
smartmontools is Tools for monitoring SMART capable hard disks
smartsim is Digital logic circuit design and simulation package
smb4k is The SMB/CIFS Share Browser for KDE The SMB/CIFS Share Browser for KDE
smbcmp is Small curses utility to diff, compare and debug SMB network traces
smcalc is Matrix Calculator
smem is Report application memory usage in a meaningful way
smesh is OpenCascade based MESH framework OpenCascade based MESH framework
smokegen is Smoke Generator Smoke Generator
smokeping is Latency Logging and Graphing System
smoldyn is A particle-based spatial stochastic simulator
smp_utils is Utilities for SAS management protocol (SMP)
sms_ntsc is Provides an SMS NTSC video filtering library Provides an SMS NTSC video filtering library
smtpping is Small tool for measuring SMTP parameters
snakemake is Workflow management system to create reproducible and scalable data analyses
snakeyaml is YAML parser and emitter for Java
snallygaster is Tool to scan for secret files on HTTP servers
snapd is A transactional software package manager
snapper is Tool for filesystem snapshot management
snappy is Fast compression and decompression library Fast compression and decompression library
snes_ntsc is Provides a SNES NTSC video filtering library Provides a SNES NTSC video filtering library
sng is Lossless editing of PNGs via a textual representation
snip is An Ant task designed to help with the single-sourcing of program documentation
snmpcheck is An utility to get information via SNMP protocols
snotes is A flexible and easy to use notes system
snowcrash is Polyglot payload generator
snownews is A text mode RSS/RDF newsreader
SoapySDR is A Vendor Neutral and Platform Independent SDR Support Library A Vendor Neutral and Platform Independent SDR Support Library
socat is Bidirectional data relay between two data channels (’netcat++')
soci is The database access library for C++ programmers The database access library for C++ programmers
socialscan is CLI and library for usage checking of user names and email addresses
socket_wrapper is A library passing all socket communications through Unix sockets A library passing all socket communications through Unix sockets
sockperf is Network benchmarking utility for testing latency and throughput
socnetv is A Social Networks Analyser and Visualiser
softhsm is Software version of a PKCS#11 Hardware Security Module
SOIL is Simple OpenGL Image Library Simple OpenGL Image Library
solaar is Device manager for a wide range of Logitech devices
SolarModel is Real-time 3D Solar System simulation
solarwolf is A Python port of SolarFox
sombok is Unicode Text Segmentation Package Unicode Text Segmentation Package
sooperlooper is Realtime software looping sampler
soprano is Qt wrapper API to different RDF storage solutions Qt wrapper API to different RDF storage solutions
sopwith is SDL port of the sopwith game
SoQt is High-level 3D visualization library High-level 3D visualization library
sord is A lightweight Resource Description Framework (RDF) C library A lightweight Resource Description Framework (RDF) C library
sos is A set of tools to gather troubleshooting information from a system
soundconverter is Simple sound converter application for GNOME
soundkonverter is Audio file converter, CD ripper and Replay Gain tool
soundmodem is Soundcard Packet Radio Modem
soundtouch is Audio Processing library for changing Tempo, Pitch and Playback Rates Audio Processing library for changing Tempo, Pitch and Playback Rates
soundtracker is Sound module composer/player
sourcetrail is a free and open-source interactive source explorer
sourcextractor++ is A program that extracts a catalog of sources from astronomical images, and the successor of SExtractor A program that extracts a catal