How To Install texlive-perfectcut on Fedora 36

In this tutorial we learn how to install texlive-perfectcut in Fedora 36. texlive-perfectcut is Nested delimiters that consistently grow regardless of the contents


In this tutorial we learn how to install texlive-perfectcut on Fedora 36.

What is texlive-perfectcut

This package defines the command \perfectcut#1#2 which displays a bracket <#1||#2>. Various other delimiters are similarly defined (parentheses, square brackets …). The effect of these commands is to let the delimiters grow according to the number of nested \perfectcommands (regardless of the size of the contents). The package was originally intended for solving a notational issue for direct-style continuation calculi in proof theory. For general use, the package also defines commands for defining other sorts of delimiters which will behave in the same way (see example in the documentation). The package also offers a robust reimplementation of \big, \bigg, etc.

We can use yum or dnf to install texlive-perfectcut on Fedora 36. In this tutorial we discuss both methods but you only need to choose one of method to install texlive-perfectcut.

Install texlive-perfectcut on Fedora 36 Using dnf

Update yum database with dnf using the following command.

sudo dnf makecache --refresh

After updating yum database, We can install texlive-perfectcut using dnf by running the following command:

sudo dnf -y install texlive-perfectcut

Install texlive-perfectcut on Fedora 36 Using yum

Update yum database with yum using the following command.

sudo yum makecache --refresh

After updating yum database, We can install texlive-perfectcut using yum by running the following command:

sudo yum -y install texlive-perfectcut

How To Uninstall texlive-perfectcut on Fedora 36

To uninstall only the texlive-perfectcut package we can use the following command:

sudo dnf remove texlive-perfectcut

texlive-perfectcut Package Contents on Fedora 36




In this tutorial we learn how to install texlive-perfectcut on Fedora 36 using yum and [dnf]((/fedora/36/dnf/).