How To Install tcalc on Fedora 34

tcalc is The terminal calculator


In this tutorial we learn how to install tcalc on Fedora 34.

What is tcalc

The terminal calculator is a small and helpful program to help users of the GNU/Linux terminal do calculations simply and quickly. The formula to be calculated can be fed to tcalc through the command line. Alternatively, tcalc can be run with no formula and then the free mode is started, in which the calculator will wait for user input, do the necessary calculations and print out the result, and the cycle will repeat until the user enters ‘q’ or ‘quit’. Support for reading formulas from text files is under way. The calculator works with the decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary number systems. It automatically identifies hex numbers if entered with a preceding “0x” or “0X”, octal by preceding the number with a zero, binaries by preceding the number with ‘b’ and decimals by absence of all of the above. Alternatively, the user can indicate the type of input by setting the ‘format’ argument.

We can use yum or dnf to install tcalc on Fedora 34. In this tutorial we discuss both methods but you only need to choose one of method to install tcalc.

Install tcalc on Fedora 34 Using dnf

Update yum database with dnf using the following command.

sudo dnf makecache --refresh

The output should look something like this:

Fedora 34 - x86_64                               20 kB/s | 6.6 kB     00:00
Fedora 34 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64        1.4 kB/s | 989  B     00:00
Fedora Modular 34 - x86_64                       68 kB/s | 6.5 kB     00:00
Fedora 34 - x86_64 - Updates                    3.5 kB/s | 6.2 kB     00:01
Fedora Modular 34 - x86_64 - Updates             17 kB/s | 5.9 kB     00:00
Metadata cache created.

After updating yum database, We can install tcalc using dnf by running the following command:

sudo dnf -y install tcalc

Install tcalc on Fedora 34 Using yum

Update yum database with yum using the following command.

sudo yum makecache --refresh

The output should look something like this:

Fedora 34 - x86_64                               20 kB/s | 6.6 kB     00:00
Fedora 34 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64        1.4 kB/s | 989  B     00:00
Fedora Modular 34 - x86_64                       68 kB/s | 6.5 kB     00:00
Fedora 34 - x86_64 - Updates                    3.5 kB/s | 6.2 kB     00:01
Fedora Modular 34 - x86_64 - Updates             17 kB/s | 5.9 kB     00:00
Metadata cache created.

After updating yum database, We can install tcalc using yum by running the following command:

sudo yum -y install tcalc

How To Uninstall tcalc on Fedora 34

To uninstall only the tcalc package we can use the following command:

sudo dnf remove tcalc

tcalc Package Contents on Fedora 34




In this tutorial we learn how to install tcalc on Fedora 34 using yum and dnf.