How To Install texlive-xltxtra.noarch on Amazon Linux 2

In this tutorial we learn how to install texlive-xltxtra.noarch in Amazon Linux 2. texlive-xltxtra.noarch is “Extras” for LaTeX users of XeTeX


In this tutorial we learn how to install texlive-xltxtra.noarch on Amazon Linux 2.

What is texlive-xltxtra.noarch

The package loads the fixltx2e package from the LaTeX distribution, and etex.sty from the e-TeX distribution. The package then patches the - (discretionary hyphen command) to use the current hyphen character (which may be different from than the default, which is the character at the ASCII hyphen slot), and loads the realscripts to patch the \textsuperscript command (from the LaTeX kernel) and the \textsubscript command (from the fixltx2e package). The package is loaded by the fontspec package, so that it should not ordinarily be necessary to load it explicitly. The package relies on the metalogo package for typesetting the XeTeX and XeLaTeX logos. date

We can use yum to install texlive-xltxtra.noarch on Amazon Linux 2. In this tutorial we discuss both methods but you only need to choose one of method to install texlive-xltxtra.noarch.

Install texlive-xltxtra.noarch on Amazon Linux 2 Using yum

Update yum database with yum using the following command.

sudo yum makecache --refresh

After updating yum database, We can install texlive-xltxtra.noarch using yum by running the following command:

sudo yum -y install texlive-xltxtra.noarch

How To Uninstall texlive-xltxtra.noarch on Amazon Linux 2

To uninstall only the texlive-xltxtra.noarch package we can use the following command:

sudo yum remove texlive-xltxtra.noarch

texlive-xltxtra.noarch Package Contents on Amazon Linux 2




In this tutorial we learn how to install texlive-xltxtra.noarch on Amazon Linux 2 using yum.