How To Install gap-pkg-json on Fedora 36

In this tutorial we learn how to install gap-pkg-json in Fedora 36. gap-pkg-json is JSON reading and writing for GAP


In this tutorial we learn how to install gap-pkg-json on Fedora 36.

What is gap-pkg-json

This package defines a mapping between the JSON markup language and GAP. The built-in datatypes of GAP provide an easy mapping to and from JSON. This package uses the following mapping between GAP and JSON. - JSON lists are mapped to GAP lists - JSON dictionaries are mapped to GAP records - JSON strings are mapped to GAP strings - Integers are mapped to GAP integers, non-integer numbers are mapped to Floats - true, false and null are mapped to true, false and fail respectively Note that this library will not map any other GAP types, such as groups, permutations, to or from JSON. If you wish to map between more complex types, look at the gap-pkg-openmath package, or IO_Pickle in the gap-pkg-io package.

We can use yum or dnf to install gap-pkg-json on Fedora 36. In this tutorial we discuss both methods but you only need to choose one of method to install gap-pkg-json.

Install gap-pkg-json on Fedora 36 Using dnf

Update yum database with dnf using the following command.

sudo dnf makecache --refresh

After updating yum database, We can install gap-pkg-json using dnf by running the following command:

sudo dnf -y install gap-pkg-json

Install gap-pkg-json on Fedora 36 Using yum

Update yum database with yum using the following command.

sudo yum makecache --refresh

After updating yum database, We can install gap-pkg-json using yum by running the following command:

sudo yum -y install gap-pkg-json

How To Uninstall gap-pkg-json on Fedora 36

To uninstall only the gap-pkg-json package we can use the following command:

sudo dnf remove gap-pkg-json

gap-pkg-json Package Contents on Fedora 36




In this tutorial we learn how to install gap-pkg-json on Fedora 36 using yum and [dnf]((/fedora/36/dnf/).